OJ'Diuine or 1?..,.eligious !Vorfhip. alfo praCI:ife ofour knowledge• & in this lat-1A 1 word. SubicCI:ion ro rhc word i~d terrefpeti all men mufl be he.rers. Fourthly, when'Pa•lfairh, Co/.3.16. Let thewordofG.d fome alleadge, that fermons be fometrme erdr>eflmyou plcnteoujly.Nowit dwels in vs,when romans, & co!~fequently o~cafion of errours; ~ ~ekeepe~memory, and withall giue vnto l and that there ts no foch thmg, that.come• by 1~a fouerargnty, and fuperiority ouer vs, fuffercadmg: therefore fay~hey, they':' 111 content nng our feluesto be rul<d by it. SubieCI:ion is lthem[dues wtth rcadmg, To thrs 'Paul anyeeldedby faid1,feare,humility. fwers, I· Theff.5 . 20. Dcjp~fc notprophejie. And Fatth,tstogme credence to the whole word whereas fome mtght obte<l , that Prophets ofGod when we lceare ir,whethtr that which reach falfehood oftentrmes, he addes. further we heare be promife, commawndemenr , or mway ofaAfwer,Vuf._21 .Traouealthmgs,bold threat. For this Paulcommends the Thcf!alothat whs<h ugood. Aga111e, rf by rcafon ofthe ""'"', that they receiued the word lllith much r.Tbtf.•. def«'ls ofteachers, preaching lhould be abo· ~ffi<ran<e, Without this faith the word is but a J. lilhed, then re~ding both publikely and pridead letter. When the old Hebrell!es had u>.tely, though it bee an ordinanc~ of God, the'word, it was not profitable vnto thein Orould much more bee abolifhed: _For in rea- B He~•.,.••bteaMftit Wa<not mixedll!ithfaith. ' dmg there ts fometlmes mrf.readtng, fomeFearelikewifeinrefpetiofthe word which times n~ vndcr£landing, f'?merime_s mlf.vnwe heare, is required. Itisrheright fcareof derflandrng, fometrmes mtf..applymg of the God,to feare God in his word, and to auoide word read; and all thefedcfeCI:s arc helped by thebre:~chofit. The Prophet [foi faith the preaching.Fifthly,fome fay,thatiftheylhould Lord bath refpctt ro them rhar are ofa'confuquent f"mons, rhey lhould bee accounted trite hearr,lfoi.66.2.and trembleat hi< ll!ord. precife,and be mockedforrheir labour.Bur we Humility in heariug is nec.effary, that wee rnufl know'. that whofoeuer is alhamed ':'f may bumble our feluos before God,by meanes Chnfl & of!us word, the heauenly Father Will of the word we heare. In this regard Saint b• afhamed ofhim in theday ofiudgement. It lames bids vs teceiue the word of God with wasNicodcmm fault, not that heecame to meek!nes. Whcnlo.fi.uheardthelawread,hu Chrifl, butthat he came to him by night, be· heartmeltedwithin him, and he humbled himiug aibamed openly to profe{fe himfelfe to be felfe. The Iewesat the fermon ofPetercrycd a Difciple. Againe others fay, that there is no out,pricked intheir hearrs.,AIJ.2·l7· Mendgood tllatcomes by fermos; becaufe theyfay, brethren, ll!hatjhaOw•d"tob•jit11ed! there is noneworfc tlrenthcythata~ecommon c To come to the fecond point. Our hearts hearers of fermos. I anfwer;rhisbadnes is not are fixed on the word ofGod rwowaies.Firil lam.r.n z.,Ki~~ou ~~- thefault eitherof preaching or',hearing: it is when we make it our rreafure by louing it aenely the fault of the perfons that. heare. boue all things, and by placing our principal! : There are none wor(e then firch asbecomdelight in ir. Corlfiderthcexamploof Dauid: mon frequenters ofrauerns: and yetthe buyTh~t.ll!ojthy moNth (faith he) u hetttr vntom• ing,felling,and drinkingof wine is notvnlawrhm thaujitnJsofgoldorfiloer: andOhholl!1J,, Pfal. "'· full. Such as were hearers of the fermons of loHethJ l•ll! ! it u my meditation <amin••UJ· And 7'· our Sauiour Chrifl, wereoffoureforts; three he that will be a good hearer, and make any Vctf.~7ofthem bad,and one onely good. Lafiry,fome procoeding inthe fchoole of Chrill, mu{l in fay, they will pronide for their bodies, and rhetrneatli:ttionofhisheart preferrethclaw lcaue their foules to God. Bur the commandeofGod aboue all earthly thmgs. ment of Chrifl is, M•th.6. 33. Seck!firj/of•R Againe, we fixe ourhearts vpon theword, thekj_ogdomeofGod, and hu righteoufneffi. By whenwe make it our £lay or foundation; to tbis which hath bin faid, it appearcs, that wee build our felues vpon it, Thus l11de bi<\s Vs Iti41.••· arc all bound in confcience to frequent fer· b•ildourftluesonourmoj/holyfaith. That.is,vpmonsfooftasliberry,ability,andopportunitie D onthcwordo! God bel<eued. The world in ferues: and that they greatly offend Gad, that which we liue, i• like a troubled fea: in it feldome or neuer frequent the congregation, we find no£layer footing forour felues:therobut giue rhemfelu=s liberrie for hearingrodo fore we mull liftvpour hands rorhe word of as they lifl:and fuchoughtto bee reformed by God, and Jl!ake 1t our flay or_foundatroA. It the authority ofthe Magrflrare. ts a foundatiOn two wate>. Fufl, ofour a~hTbus ·much of the necefsiry of hearing: ons- Thus D••id(aid that thellatute.• ofGod now foilowes the manner ofhearing : In the are the men of his counccll. When Rebrrc• right hearing ofthe word, two things are r~- felt twor~innestollriue in her W<?mbe, thee Pfa. "'· quircd. The firll, that we yceld our fduesm went flratghtto4sl[e the Lord, thaus, the Pro- ••· fobieCI:ion to the word we heare: rhe fecond phet ofthe Lord. ;\ad the hkcmull we do for rhatwelixeour hcartsvponit. For God dea• all our attions. Furthermore, the ~ordand leth with vs in and by his word. And there- . dotlrine of faluauon IS the foundatron of~ur fore the honour wedoe to God, mufl be done comfort both in life& death. Rtmember(fatth with rencronce and refpe{l to his word.Subie- 'DaMid) thepromife m•detoti?J.[erHAnt, ll!hemn Pf.J. n•· ~l:ion to God mull be yeelded in giuing fobthoHh.ji c.uftdme 11 ~rMj}: •t".mycomfwr mmy 49.1o, iechon to his word: and our cleauing \'nro troNb/e: ForrbypromifthAthq~ukt.neJme•.P••I Rom. If. God mufl be by fixing our hearts vf>On his faith,thatthehopcweconcetuc,tsbypaucnce 4 • and