. Of 'Diuine or ReligiousWorjhip. 71~ and the comfort of Scriptures. God bath A requires, that men labour for this end, tha madepromifc: ofhls prefc:nce, fauour, aide, they"'"Ye•uthnrownbrtad,andthat(as muc 1 and protec.'lion oflife anddeath, to them that as po!Sibly fi\ay be) noth;ng bee wan~;ng vnto ,.Thcrr: 3 rrufl in his word: in this mu!t we e!tablilh our them.The fecond is,that vaine and fuperflncu "· hearts in all ourforrowes and troubles, and a- <xpences,in fea!Hng,co!tly apparel!, and gagaintl the fearesofdeathand damnation. mmg,be cut off. For by thcfe things, mendifThusmuchofthdir!t parrofthe publike ablethemfelues, to doe the good theyought worlhip of God in the hearing and frcquento do. The third is,rharinextreame necefsity, ting offermons,the fecond followes,namely, whe there is no other wayofreliefe,menmu!\ Fel!owlhip. - · fell theirgoods, that the poore may bee relieFcllowlhipisaworkeofmercy.!tandiog in ued.Thus mu!t the commandemet of Chri!t the rcliefeofthem that be inneed.And itis an bcvnder!tood,SeOthat 1vhichyouhaue, andgiue Luk."• excellent part·ofthC'WOrtbip ofGod: as bee almes, And tbe'Pfalme; ThuighttoJUhathdij 3'· Hcb,r;•. ~imfe!fe tdl:ificth; To doegoodandtodif/ribH~e prrfedandgiuen to the poore. And in this cafe ;:aL '"· 16. iT•rga not:forwJth fNChjn<rifoe Godu wellpie~~ d~dtheyofHterufalemft/1 the.rpoffiffi•ns, and Act ,, 45 • fod. The almes of C•rneliou did afccnd vpm, B gmetoeHtry manaccordmg.u theyhadneede, ' All.•o+ the prefenc.e·ofGod intohe.aueo, as inccnfe. Touching the third point, there bee three .. Forrhe better vnder!tanding·ofthis F.elwaies ofrdieuing. The firfi is,the giuing and lowlhip,I will confiderliue things.Who mu!t be!lowing ofany parr ofourowne goed6,and rcfeeue? howreliefemufibe g'iuen?andhow this is commonly called.A/mes: anditisro many waies? Jowhat order? aod with what be giuen for the rcleefe of fuch as want both minde? pofiefsions and ability to helpe themfclues by Forthe firfi,theScripturemakestwokinde labour. Thefecond is, Free lending of goods, ofmen,one that haue poifefsions, and are gi· or mony,tofuch ascan liue ofthemfelues by uers: theother,fucll as beinneed, andarcrep2rt,tfthey be thus helped.This duty bath the ceiuers. And there is nG third fort mentioned Lord firaightly commanded,in refpea of the in tbe word: for all mufi either begiuers or poore, that theyborrowfredy, and borrow Dcnr.xp receiuers. The man thatgets his lining with fuflicient.But alas,this worke ofmercy,is litruk.6 35. Bph 4 ' 8 ~~d; 1tb:1h~ ':!.~it.~a~~iue~:t::h:; !;;d::t. ~;~h~~t~~n~~~~~~~e,t;::~~r~~:f~~l:; ({.:~ Lubr.;. Thepoore widow ca!t Jmm#emtothetreAfo· C vp.on it, with their intere!t: foas there is no lob.rp? ,;,, Chri!t was poore, andyet he gaue ahnes. place forthe rcque!t of the poore. The third Suchascould not bringve!fels of gold to the wayofreleefeis,to forgiue dues and debts to building of the Tabernacle; yet, if they them that are fallen to decay, without their brought goates haire, and rams skins, itwas owne defaulr.Rea&eand confiderthe pratlife accepted. And tbey which arcofany abilityat <If Nehemia.,cbap·J.verfe9· aU,be it neuer (o fmal,lhould giuc fomething, . The fourth pointis,what order is robe vfed be it11euer fo little,io regard tharreliefe is the mreleeuing. The anfwer is, that the poore honouring and worlhippingofGod. may notbeftttfcred to gather their almes fr6 For the fccond; howmuch? .I anii.ver,two doore to doore by begging. Forrhisis aprothings: Firfi, thateuery parricularmanmufi clamation to the world of mens hardne!Te giue according to his abilit)', and, if nude reofheart, and want of charity, when relcfe is qu;re,~eyondhi4 abilitie. Paulcommendeth the ~ettobe had,but bycrying& calling. Againe, ,.Cor.B. Vlf<.edonians forrheir liberalitie. For(faith tn the almcs that is obtained by begging, no 3 . het) to thrirpower ( Ibearere<erd) yea beyond proportionisobferued 1 forth< bold and intheir power, theywere w;Oing. And where bee fiant beggergets al, & the refi haue nothing. faith; beyondtheirabil;ty,he fets downe acaue- D La!tly, to fuifer wandering& beggi•g for reVcne , 3,. at afterward: 'l(fitheri4 itth<tothermenjhou/J leefe,istofet vp afchooleofidlenes.For whe bee•ftd, andyougrieued, The fc:cond point is, it is known,thatthe poere may be futfered to that euery Bodyor Church, yeeld fufficiency begge, all thought of taking paines for aHofrcleefetotheir owne poore, and that from uing, by many is laid alide, and begging is themfelues, ifit be pofsible: ifnot, by helpe made an occupation, and beggers lhall haue from others. And this Paulteacheth,when he their apprentices, a• men of trade; as ithath t.Tim.f. requires, that Churches bee nQtcharged; to the , bin heretofore. Whatthen is the right order r6. endth•ttherem•y befofficitnt forthemthat are ofdifpeolingreleefe? I anfwcr, thatconueni. widdowes;nJeede, And that therealwaiesbeea entreleefe mu!t be colletted,and accordingly fofficiencie, three caueats mu!t bee obferued. deuided to thepoore,by fit and able men. As.Thcff.3 The lir!l, that they which canlabour, mu!t be mong the I ewes, tithes and offerings to the '•· forced to labour,and ifthey wilnot,they mu!t poore,were brought into !tore·houfes,and in- Deuc.r 4 . not be releeoed. This is the order that God , to the treafuryoftheTemple:thatthey might '•· hatltfet downe. Abilitieto labourinhiskind, afterward be dioided according to enerym as Nch<:.ro. is asgood as land and reuenewes; and thereneed. Po!fefsions fold toroleeue the poore in 3\ fore the negleaoflabcur, is as much to the the Pritnitioe Church, wcrelaid down at the Lu .u.r. hurt ofChurchand common-wealth, as the Apo!tles feete, And the Apoflles mooued by contemptofgold,filuer,land.Again,thc Lord the fpirit ofGod, tee downe this order; that wife