1711. Of 'Diu!neor 'R.eligious Tf/orjhip. \ wife a_nd godly men, mufi be chofen to gather A ~'t fqHe in word~ neither i11 tongue cne?J, bNt and d1fpenfe the relcefeofthe poore.By Gods •n deed •nd trNth. Saint lames notes It was prouidence , like order is e!l:ablilhcd in this a vaine thing to fay to the hungry and naked, ] Iatn.l..I6 our Church and land: & becaufe1t IS the ord1Warmeyou~ftlues andfill.JOI<r b,//ies, when as nance ofGod, all men mull: feeke to further things needfull are not giuen rhem. ~t: ••~d they that fhaH negletl their dude here· Thus much of relecfe. Nowwe are tobe tn 1 wmmgly& willingly, arc not in this point, exhorted,to praiTife this dutie beforefaid and frtends ofGod and their country. that in the manner before prcfcribed. Ind~ce- . Thelall:pointis, wirhwhatmindmull: wee menrs hereto are many. Firll:, It is the g1~e rehefe? I anfwer; F~tll:, with athankfull commandement of God , to giue ·releefe: mmdtoGod. forwemull:confider,thatGcd , and for the better mforcing hereof he hath bath giuen Chrill: to vs: an~ hereupon in way ' .added his promife ; 'JJ/effid "" rh< ;,trcifnO, ofthankfulnc!fe, we mull: glUe our felues, our fw they /bAD obwne mtrcie : and his threat. Mor. 5·7. bodies_, fo~les, and go<>ds, andall we haue,.to There foal/ be iudgemmt merciltffo, to himtha; lam, ' ·'J God for Ius honour and glory. And haumg ewes n• wmcie. Hereupon the fenrence of thus dedicated and giue~ our felues to God; B condemnation !hallproceed, according to the then fhaU we be able to glUe partofour goods negleiT of workesof mercie: lw111 naf.:!d and 'in wayofreliefe rothe poore. P••lco'?mends ect.thed me n•t, 1 Will hHngry, andJt fidme the Ma<edonwrs forthcii.nch hberality. But not, &c. Gotyecurftdi•to hell ftre,preparedfor M•u; •f· what was the.ground of 1t? They gaue thm the Dsuel .mdhu angels. The fecond induce- ''' ''· z.Cor.s. ''""'jikm (fmhhe)ftrfl tothe Lord, ~tndAfter ment to giue relcefe, is from the excellencie f· vwtovsbythe wiNofGod. Afrerthe conuerfion of the worke, and that in fixe refpec'h. Firll lfa.•J·IS ofTyrw, themerchandifeaNdtheg•intthemf,i4 of all relecfe isrhe bell kind ofthrift or hufan[/ifiedtothe Lord. And what is this? marke bandry that is: He th<t fov;es plentif•lly,foa/l what the Prophet addeth; hermerchandiftfoa/J reape pl<ntif•I!J, faith the Lord. Where the 'Cor.9.6 not belaid vp and /etpt inflore, bunl]hall befor poore are compared to ground,ready dre!fed them that dweUbeforethe Lord,toeMefofficiently, and tilled to our hands, without any coll or and to bane dNrablec/oathing. Srcondly;'telitfc labour on our parrs: and our rcleefe, is feed r.Cor.IJ mufl: be ginen inloue; bccauferhe poore bee call: vpon this ground: and for our paines in 3 . our Acfh. lfA mangiutaRhiJgoods tothe poore, fowing ofir, we arc promifed by God, to and haue no loue,it u nothing, laith Saint 'l'au/. C reapc the whole crop our felues. Secondly, Thirdly, in reliefC:, tllere mull be the pitie and Giuing ofalmes, is not giuing,butl<nding,and compafsion. The Prophet Ef4J faith, W• mufl that to tht Lord, who in hi• good time,will re- Prou. "• Ifa.JS.ro pluc/.:!outour hearts to the h••gry. And wee are turne the giftwithincreafe. Thirdly, Releefe t7. commanded, torememlm them that bein bonds; is the hell: exchange that can be 1 for thereby, Heh.rJ-3 t.UthOughwewercboundwith them; ~tndthemthat_ we c,hange an earthly treaf'Ure,intohcauenJy, beinaj]Mlion; "'ifwewere4jjli[fedwiththem, as our Sauiour Chrill: laith: Giue almes-: ruk.U.JJ Fourthly, reliefe mull: be giucn in fimplicitir. 411dlayvptreaforeinheaoen. Fourrhly,Releefe 1 Rom. I 2.8. Herhat diftribmtth infimplicitie. is a figne of Gods mercie to vs-ward.S•Iomon NowftmpJiciry is, whcninthisaB:ion, wee faith; Byrnercie ttneltr~tth,fmnts Aref,rgiMm, aimemicher at profit, nor praife, butonely in that is, wirhin our confcienccs we know them Prou.r6. 6 tend to pleafe and obey God. To this purpofe to be forgiuen. And in this fence, P.tu/ bids · uirh Chri£1:, Math,6. ,.that when we giueour rich men; L".J vp. good foundation againjJ the I Tim. 6. almes. Thelefth•ndmuflmtkt;owwhattheright time to come: nor bccaufe our faluation is , 1 • handdoth: becaufe we maynotfeekc topleafe founded on the workes of mercie; but heour felues or men in our almes, but limply to caufe by them, we are to make our faluation approoue ourhearts to God. Fiftly, cheere· D fure and certaioe Vnto vs. Chrift bids vs fulnes is required: The Lord louethachcere· mAkt fioends .-I the .mAmmDit o( •mqu.m, that full giner. Paulbids richmenI thattkeyb<reathey"'"!"'""' "' •nro eNcrlajltwgTabern<~&les: LW<.''·?· r.Tim. 6 . ditto diftribute ~tnd<Omm•mwt. To thiS purand thts they ~oe, when they pray for_ men IS. pofe Sat.IIMR faith; Say not t• thy neoghbour, that are metc~fuH t and g111e tell:tmonte of Prou.3.~0~, 411dcmJeagt~metfJmorrow, andlwsOgzH.e tt dlem,. that theyare fuch as arc: to entc~ into ' 8 • thee, if thou haft ot now. And Job faith; that the K10gdome of Heauen•. _The !"eme and he neHn- refiramed the defiu of the poore, nor bowelsofcompafs10n that umvs,tsasttwere madetheeyeofth<~vtdd.w tofatle.Tbe fixththmg a print or ll:ampe of the mercie of God fer in l~b 3 '· reqmred 1 s bountifulne!fe which the Lord our hearts: and therefore by the little fpad<e ~rut xr. cammandeth by bu:ldtng;s toopenourhands of mercie in vs., we know the fulne£feof his u. to the poore : ~nd _promtfing pknti{HR reward. mc~cie. Sixthly, By giuin&rele~fe,we comc.to He thatfonwh bi<Jfmgs: thatls,plentifuUy Jba/1 a Ill;ht vfo of our goods : 9•~• almes, fa1th Lak< 11 . :· Cor.9. re•pe pleotifully. The fcuenth,is tuil:ice,where- • Chnll:, a•d •0 thmgsfo~/1 be cle~tnt vnt• you' 4 r. . ry wegiuereliefeofourowne. M~rctewtll not thatlS, wher~asye are gtuen tocouetoufile~e.. and with inmll1ee: and the Lord biddes vs •nd opprefston, repent hereof, and tell:11ie ealc our owne bread tn the poore. The !all: yo_ur repentance by Almes-deeds: then lhall hing is , that reltcfe mu£\ bee g111en, not in rh1s finne of cou~toufi>clfc bee rcdre!fed, · bypocrifie, butin truth: I.loh.Joi8. Let vs whereWith your hues are defiled, and yee '· • . il>all