\ OJ~in~~ligi-;;Worjhip. 713 l lballikewife baue the pure vfedfyour goods, A by s. Lu~, brtakfng of brtad. Whereby two whichnow yewlot: The PhiGtion fometime things are fignilied, fea(\s ofloue, which the Ifpeakes inlike manner: yourdifcafe comes of fidl Chrillians obfcrued : and the vfe of the \fulne!fe, abfraine or fall, and ye4hall be well. Lords Supper at the end thert.of,whichin the 'I .Lall:ly, releefe fometimes iSarrleanes of fati$· new Teframenr, as aifo Baptifme,is apartof ·faaionto men. For re!litutioo is a~eceflary the feruice ofGod. And.ofittwothings mull I workeofrepentance.And when itis vncerten be confidered, the nccefSity, and the manner. jto wrom rellitutionisduo,byalmes we are to Thenecefsityofvfing the Lords Supper, acmake a fupply thereof. Thus D•liiel faith to' cording to thecullomeof<he Church, wher- , 11\{fbu.bathle<;;ar, Dan.4. •4· who had inriohed ofweare members,, appeares, becaufe itisa \ htinfelfe by opprefs:on ; 0 Kmg bre.kf o}fthy partofGodsworflup,& becaufe we are bound ftnnesby mercy. Lu".,r9.8. Z.occhtminhiscon: to it bycommandemet; L<t • manpr..•• b;,,._ uerfion,rcllored foure.fold for all his known t/fe,•ndfoeattoftbio brtad, &drink._ofthio csp. dppre!Sions and deceits, and becaufe many of lx.Cor.u.28. In the old Tdlamenc, hec that Num.9. !them were forgorten, o'r.voknoWne, rherfore had negled:ed to catethe Pa{fe.oUer, hauing 1 3 • · I in way offome recompence;"hc·gaue ha!fe his_ B liberty and opportuniticf<>tO doe,wascutolf · I goods to thepoore. By the confideration of . from the peepleofGod•.Now looke what re- •. rhefi:,&many oth<r excellenots ofthis work; gard Was had of the Pafic-ouer 111 the old TeWce arc to Jlirre vp our felues to releefe. THis !lament, the fame muJl bee had of the I.ords rhirdinduCement1is from examples,· 2.C(w.8. Supperinthe nc::w Teftamenr. ' 9.Chrij/ beingrhc fountaineofriches, bteAmt Bythiswhichh;ith beendaid, a double aofJre ,tfJ ma~hU enemies rich~lfo, 2'3·18. When· bufe is difcouercd. The firfl;that men depart rhe Merchants ofTytus repented, they leftoff the Congregation in the time. ofthe adminito hoard vp riches & gai11C,according tochdr ftrationofBaptifme,as thoughitwercuo part oldc mJnner, and dedicated them to- holy of Gods wodhip, and norhing,concerned vfes,and apart:thereofto the peor~.Like was them. The fecond is,tha~ men take liber~ie to 1 b 6 the mercie ofl•b, and ti1e mcrcie of-the bdeerhemfelues;to receiuc the Lords fupper,as.oft ° F·' uers ofthe primi<iue Church.'who in the cafe and as feldome asthey lill;as though it w~rea ofextreamc 11ecefsity, (olde their goods, and thing inditfereRt, that Qlight bedone, or not gauc roeuery man ashe had need,Al& 4·34,3) done. They alleadge for themfelues,that they To :-xcllfcthe'oeglelt of this dury, mcniMue are not io charitie, or that they are fallen imo fimdry lbifts:forne lay,they are po<;>re;& haue c fome one finne or other: and therefore ifthey but litle,and tl1erfote they can g·iue no reledi:. fbotlld~ommunicate, they fbould eateiudgeBur fuch mul<know,that ifthere be a willing menttothemfdues.Ianfwcr:ifthey be out of :.Cor. s. minde, a man is acct!ptcd according to th'at charitie, they ihould reconcilethcmfelues to u. heboth, & not according to that he hath not. God and men , and being fallen into any fin The·widmves ~ite~ gim::nofner pc:nurie,was they fhouldrenewtheir old repentance, with~ more refpechd of Chrifl, theR t~c abundance qut delay,andfocome to rhe Lords table:and oftherich.Otb~rspleado, that ifrherfhallvfe by abllaining, t:tey doenothing clfe bur dauro giue releefc, they fb11l W>nt themfdues. -1 bletheirfinne. For they contirme in their old anfwer,,1o:for S.clomon faith.'Prou. 2.8. z7·Thry Gnnes, anJ breake the commandement of tlJat giHealmesfhalt m1t Want. ~nd againe, Eco,- God, to~ching the vfc of the Sacrament. rr.r. rt10ugh rhegootls wee \lllleftellKtob~e· Thenghtmannerof vfing the Lords Suploll.and as it were ,caf/ into the[e~;ye< fha/1 thry er,llands in threethings. The firll,is tha obbefouniiagaine.Someagainfay, dtey muft fplre feruing of the infiitution ~ without addition for their children. 1:lnlwer wiihDJuid,'l'fol: detraction or change; The fecond is,that th~ 37·'5·TherighmitJjhalnot'b,fo~fok:;n,northtir c<>mmunicants mull bring n.ot ondy a true cedf1eg theirbread.. One man may? as LtU.4YI#' • D fairh, and the firll: initiall repentance, but a1fo but ~<Ot borh the nghteons & thc~rf,ed. Sue<~ a renewing ofthem, both in.refpea<>fnew & as fet their hearrstog,Jther fortoeir children, dailyfinnes. The C6rinthlans had both faith withdraw themfi:lues commonly f,iom rdeoand repentance; yetbecauft: they failed in this ultlg t le poore! and:bY this meanfs, bring a point, ofthe renouation af their fAith and recurfe vpontheir o.wne goods.-Mid for theexcpentance, they are faid many of them to bee cution ofthis curfe, fome Oife or other ofthe vr.worthy receiuers, and to eateiudgement to pollerity,riotoufiy makes hauock ofa!. Some themfelues. The third thingis,thatthe Sacraagaino there are, thai:'Will giuc no almes bememmull bee applied to hisrighr end. And eaufc the poore are lewd and wicked,and idle, thereforeit mull be vfed,as a meanes to leade &abufe theiralmes.I anfwerthus: WhenP••l vs to Chrill,as a meane• to confirmeour faith had faid,thatidle perions which wil notlabor, in him, asa figne ofthankfulne!fe to God, as a mufl norco~e,headdes one thing fitrthci:Th4t meanesto incteafe loue among men. Thus is I we m•ft not btw«ryofwe/.doing, • .Theff.J.l ;. the Lords Supper cuermore robe vfed.Hencc ~And though it fo.tall out, that the rocgu:s of it followes,that it is gready prophanedand~- the poorecurfcvs, ¥et ifwe releeue the, their oufed in the Church of Rome. For it is vleq oines(as lob faith)lhall bidE: vs,'fob.;r.io. onlyin onekind,aga_inll the infrirution:& it is The th!td part ofChurchlermce,lS rearmed apphcd to.fuper!htto ag,tnf! the right end, iq Pthat