j7'4 OJT}iuine or 'R.e/igious JYorfhip. ! that it is made a meanes to conferre grace, A facrifice, and !here likewi(e he tdlified his fa·· and that by the worke done. uour and prefence to rhem.lifoa faith] 1111 dmy The fourthparrofChurch-feruice,isp•bii~ ho•Jhald -w•4ferutthe Lord. Corne/i,., feared, lor, 4., 1 ~r4Jer:at whichall are tobe prefent,& to afsifi that IS,ferued God,with,hiswhe)e houiholde. All,Io.>. 11 t~econgregation. For this isaducoradebt 'Pa•l faith,_'Pn(c•Oaand .Aquila falutc you,•nd1 whtch weowevntoGod•asDal•idfaith,Pr.ifo the Church on thm h••ft· Now the Church is. 1 ,Cor.,. Pr•l.•r 1 waitethfortheei~ Syon;& to theefhalthl vow be faid to be in th<ir houfe, not onely becaufclt •· performed. To th1s hath God annexed the.pro· :vas theplace ofthe congregatiop,but b~caufe Mat.lS. lmlfeofhis prefenct: lftwoor three beg!tthered 1~ regardofGodsw~rfhip,itwas,asitwerc,a ' 0 • totither inmy name, there am I inthe midtkftof htle Church. A family canno; ftand withQur them. The petirion0f an wholc'Corporation the blelsing and prorellion ofGod: and this ioyntly rogither, is more effi:tiuall, then the. blefs~ng is ann<x•d to the.worfhipofGod.For petition ofone fiogle man:and fo thcpraierof ~odlines haththe promifes ofthislife,and the the Congregation,is ofgreater fore~, then the hfe to come.La!lly,the families in whichGod prayel'ofpriuate perfons.Jn this regard 'JJaHid ism;t WOrfhippcd,are.nobettertheD COpanirs pfal. 84 . faith;Thatthetab<rnarksof Gadaremoft amia- B & cofpuactesofAthetfis. Forthisisonepro- Pi'alrH. blnmtohim; and that he hadrathcrbeadoorepertyofan Athcifi,not to call vpoo God.Let k!eperinthe houftofGad, then dweO in theTents al fuch perfonsmarkthis dochine,rhat thinke ofvngodlineffe.Z•charyfore-r.lleth the praCtitC 1t fufficient, ifthey pray in the congregation. of true bekeucrs in the newTdlament,faying; Thoughit be thus necetrary (as we fee)that They th•t dwelin •neCityfhaDgottoanother J"J· Cioo b~ worfhippedin euery family apan 1 yet Zach. s. ing,vp,let vsgot& pr"J b•fore she Lard, aoJfeek, IS ~he nme, andplace,and maner ofthis worthe Lol'llofHofts: lw•Ogoe aifo. And rhis bath ll11p' left free to the Chriftian wifedomeaod beene accordingly accomplifhed.For Chriflidifcretionofmen. ans ofthe primitiue Church,contcnted themThe fecond point to beconfidered is coofdues with any place,fo they mighthaue liber· cern~g the~arts ofthisworfhip,ahdthey arc ~~- ' 6 ' ty to ailemble rhemfclues to pray vnto God. ~wo,•nflr•ll,.n,andpr"J<r. InfiruCtionllands The maner ofourafsifling in publikc pray· 10 teaching and learning, and it is called by 1,10. er is this: Minillers inteachingare the mouth PaHl,the lnjlrHfJwn•ndinf.,.,..,tiunoftheLwd. ofGOd to thepeople,and in praying, they are Infirullion mufibe ofthreethiogs. Firfi of ~Ph·'·•· the mooth of the people toGod: and therfore the commandements ofGod. 'DeRt.6.-j.Th. 11 muft the people in ferueot affetiion , lift vp c fh•lt rehe•rft them <OntinuaDy t• tlry chiMren. their hearts vnto God,and in mind giuealfent Andwheras houfholders mtght alkadge that to the prayers ma~e in the name and behalfe tbctrch!ldren and feruants are dullofconceit ofthe Congregation, by their teachers : and and wil not learnethat which they are taHght: for this caufeitis,that we are all to fay .Amen. the Lord giues fiuther charge ro parents to Hence it appearesto beeafault, to deparnhe vrge and repeate the commandemcnts. For Congregation in the time ofprayer;to fit and the word tranOated [tDrebea>fi] fignilieth to thinke nothing, as though we hadnofoule: to fharpcn the commandements vpon children, haue our mindes drowned in wordly aftdires, as men vfe to lharpen a !lake that it may and to bewandring to and fro. enter into the ground. Againe, parents are Thus we fee that Church-feruice £lands in commanded by God, t• mnmand their chit. the right manner <>fhearing the word,ofpraydren,thlltth<y obftrNIthewords ofthe iaw,Dn<t. ing,vfingthe Sacraments.& works ofmercy. 3>·46·This was the commendation .Abrah•m Hereupo many are to be aduertifed, t0 amend had,Jk!<ow .Abraham(faith the Lord, Gen. r8. & acknowledgerheir ignorance, who thinke, l9·)that bn;i/lcommandhufonnes andhu houfthat ifthey fay the Bei<efc,tenne Commandehold•fter bim,thatthl] l:!•pe the W"Jo[tht Lord ments,and the Lords praier,wheu theyarein D i · do• rigbteoofneffiandiudgement. the congregation, God tS fe-rued and worfh1p· econ'dly, there mufi be in!l:rulliun in the ped ofthem to the full, thoughotherwifothey family c6cerning all ordinances ofGod.Thus profit litle or nething by the word, prayer, or the Ifraelites werecommanded to teach their Sacraments. children themeaning o fthe PaffiOHer,themea. Thus tnuch of Church.feruicc:now foJlows ning ofthe oblation of thefirftb.roe'llnto God, the houfhold-feruice. Ofitthree thtngsare tobe meaning ofthetwtlueflones, that were rakto cofidered. The firfiis,thatof ne.dsity in eueout oflordao,and were eretied in Gilgal. ry family werfhip& feruice is to beedirected Thirdly, there muft loe infirutiion touching VntoGod. This isthe comandement ofGod. theworkes of God, whctherthey be iudge· r.Tim.,. Lift vp pure handsin ""lJ pl.lce:and therforein ments or mercies. Parents are biddenby God s. the family. Z«hary fore-tels,that when God to teach theirfonnes, and their fonnesfonncs fhall poure forth tbefpirit ofgrace and praier the things that they haue feene. E~tehiM after Eocod.r:, :6. &u.. '4· lotf:,-4- "· vpon men in the latter daies, then ""''Y family his recouery from a deadly ficknes, in way of Zach. u . apartfoaMmo•rnefortheirJi•ner, whereby they thankfulnesfaith,Thef•ther to thechildrenfh•8 Deut. 4 • hauecrucified Chritl.Theplace where .A.-,ms declarethy trNth, Efo.38·•9· 9 , Gcn. 4 ,, 4 family atfembled, is called thefaceofGod; be· The fccond pa.rofhoufhold•feruiceispricaufe there they prayedvnto God,and offered uate prayer:ofit I hauc fpoken before.There_ ~~----------~~-----------------~,0~1 '