,lobJ.f. ,..chron. 30.18,:~.o. Dear.6,7. I. Cor. 14·339 Pro.p.t :t.Tun. ,I.J. vcur.p. 4·· Gen. 18. )9· Of'Diuine or ~eligious Worfhip. fc;:-o-re-.-Ip-r-oc-ee-.,d".T=h:-e-t-:-h-7ir-:dc-p-o7"in-t-to--;-be_c_o_n-;fi-;d:-e_--:-:A=-;:fa_m_e-;i-n t-,h-e-;h'-o-u-;fe~,&::-:-in-;th-e-;C~;h-u-rc--;h-:-y-<t-;i-s -no-t red,isconceniingthe perfon towhom tx:lon· theofficeofteaching one and the fame. geth the (:are&7charge of houfhold feruiGe : Againe it is demanded, feeirig the mafler of and that is themaflerofthefamily.Hi<officc a family mufl teach them of his owne houfe, is t\iro-folde. The firfl,is rop ·epare &fit his . wh~therheistodoe itby himfelfe inhisown , family to the worfhip ofGod,whether publik perfon, or by adeputy'. I anfwer, as much as orpriuate. When(.cob was to worfhip God pofiblr. may be, he is in his owne perfon. to in B<thel,hecaufed his family ro clenfe thenrperforme thisduty;yet U.the cafe,not ofnegfelues. lo~ catshi< children•nrlfanl1iftesthm•. ligeue<, but ofnecefsitie, when thefamily is Now this cleanfingorfanctifying ofthe fami· great,and he is"ot foableroteach,&is withly !lands in twothings:the firfl is, to purge it all imployed in pub!ikeaffaires,andthereupofall open vices as mueh as may be : the feon oti:entimes abfeut,he may haue his deputy t6nd, tocaufe eueryperfon, ai the leaf!<>Ut. to reach in his roome.Thus .Abrahamperforwardly,to walke in the waie~·ofGod; King med the weighriefi matterthatconcerned the EuchiM, when the Priefls and Leuites were eflabliOJmenrand continuance ofhis familie, RegligeHt,an"d meaofcertain Tribes were not B notbyhimfelfe,but by his freward: as nameprepared to receiuethe Paffeonet, he made a ly,rhe choiceofa wife for hisfonne lfaac. Gcn., 4 . fupply ofthis want by his prayer~ and was The fecondoffice ofthe malletof the famiheard.In'the like cafe, like is ;heduty ofthe ly is,to be the principall •!lent, doer,& dire· boufholderwithin his ownefamily. aer in rhewor01ip ofGod within hisfamily. Tharthislnaythe better beeffe<'ted, the Fortbiscauferhefourth cornmaundementis charge ofreaching& infltu<'ting is laid vpon giuen firlr 6fall and principally rothe maflee euery ma£\er ofa family by expre!fecomma. ofthe family : that hemight fee the Sabbath dement,ThouJbalmh.-rft tb,mtothy chitrlren. kept, and bee a principal! doer io all parrs of fAHl(aith, the wife muft a.k! her hU4banrlar Gods worfhip.Thecompany ofthe Difciples homh~ercbyGgnifying,that hemufl inflrutt were the houfhold ofChri£\:and hehimiC!fe &teach alperfons ih his family.And in rode- :lid admini£\er al partsofGodswodhip with Luk.u. <6d place,the wife is todothdike.Bathjhabe them,and among them. I!· intlructcth£,mud, thatis, her SonSalomon. Thus bon01olders fee theirduty :and they Loi<a,,J Ei<nlubringvp'l'imothy inthefcrip . muflin the n<xtplaccbe admonifhed and extures of• chilrl.And that thisteoching may not horred with cofcicnce to performe the fame. bein v•ine,the mafrer <>fa family fiath autho- c Letthe example ofMofoJ beconfidered. He riry gluen him tOcommand them whom bee was to doe fcruice to <Jod imd hiscountry in teachc!th towalke inthe waies ofGod,as .A' El\ypt,& when he was now in his iourney in brahamdid.Itisopie<'ted,that ifa mafler ofa acertaine Inne;the Lord withfrood him,and E•od. 1 , fainily mufl reach & exhort, l)e mJfr then doe made as though bee would haue killed him. , 4 , theofficeofaMinifrer:for hecan do nomdre Bur for what caufe?Surely he had not fant'l:ibut reach and exhort.I anfiver,that teaching lied and purge<! his owne family:and th:irop. by thcma£\er ofa family,differs irrkind from peares, ~ccaufe bee had not circnmciford his the teaching ofthe Minifler, as the gouernechilde. Men in our dayes may looke forthe ment oft!Je houfholder fromthe gouernment like iudgmenrs,that liuein the like negligece. of the Magiflrate. 'For the houflwlder tea- · The lali kind ofworfhip is rhat which concheth onely by the authority ofa father or cernerh the perfon ofeuery particular man in mafler; whereas Minil1ers ofthe word teach his place and calling:and thatis,to kecpeand and exhort bythe authority & name ofGod: mainraine fairh,that is,true religion, & hope as P••l faith toTitsu,Spt4kf.,Jexhort,anrlr ofeuerlafling lifc,and a cleereconfcience beP'""'"'ith •N.uthorit].Secoedly,Mini£\ors '1 fore God & man.This is the feruingof God teachingare in the roome &ftead of dw:i·. D and not to babble a fewwords, either in th~ and beare hJS perfon as Ambalfadours: heremorningoreucning, withourvnderflanding opou they which heare them,heare Chrifl; & or affeB10n. Thus much 'Paul teacheth in his they that defpifethe,defpifeChrifl:andhere" owne example, .di1.24·I4,I5 ,16. lnthew~j upon they are called in fpeciall manner, Men (whichfomeca/1 hmfo) rworjhipthe Godofo•r •f Gorl,ftr~•nts ofG•rl:& it is no; fo withhouforefathers, beleeHingaO tbingJ writtenin the !holders in teachi/lg and exhorting: for they law•nrlthe Prophets; hauing hopeof thereforrebeare only the priuate perfons ofmafrers,fafli<moftbeiujlanrlvniuft, ond endeaworing to tiU'rS,husbads,when theytQa~h, Thirdly,teak!epe•cleereconftience btfor< Gorl.nrlman. ching i,nthe family,isbut apreparati6ropub· That this ~erfonall wo~01ipmaybe perforlike teaching, that all perfons may the bett~r mecl &conunued,two thmgs mufl bepra<'tiprofitby the publike miniflery. La!Hy,priuat fed. The firflis, the priuate reading and fearteaching dependson publike teaching, and chingofthe Scripture•.Thiswasthe comm6 muft be ruled by jr.For meA may not teach at praBife ofthe Iewes: Se~rch,oryeeft•rchthe theirpleafures,whattheywil intheirfamilies Scriptum. The Scriptares area lightjhi 11 ingi" Ioh.f.J'· hut fuchdoBrine as they haue learned and reat~a;lz.plamwetherf.or~ mufl attendvnro the,\ '-Pet.r. ceiued from the publike miniflery.And thus, wh1le wee are wandenng m the night ofthis 19 ' I albeitthe matt<rofrlochinebee oae and the world,& wecannnt attend vntothem, vnles --------------------------------~--~p~·p--p-~--------~~we