Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Of'Diuine or 1(.eligious Worfhip . we readerhem. The word ofGod iuhefword A affured without faile ofthetrue religion: for oftheff>irit,Eph.6.t7•and there is no handling God reuealeshu <oumant to the humble. Pfl<t. ofthis fword, vnlelfe we be well acquainted '5-14: And Chrifl fairh, loh,7.17.lfa"JwiR Pfal. "9· with ir. Dauida Prophet,did vfe toreade and obryht4 F•thersw•ll,heJbaO fr.!iow whethtr hi<do. 97· )meditatein theScriptures.D~tnieltaughtby reEfrine bee ofGodor no. Letthis be remembrcd. ·Dan.p,t. (uelation,did ~eade forallthis,the Prop~et le. Forrhe way to the attainmentof the truth is remy. Great lS the negldt ofthts dune mour not inquired by fubtill difpuration vol~ll'c daies.Inmany houfes ye !hat find afairc paire humble obedience to God goe withail. of tables, but no Bible at all. Others cannot F?rthermore,for the keeping ofagood confind in their heam to disburfe fo much money fcrece,two thmgsmuft bedone.Firll.we mu.f\ as wiJl buy them a Bible: others take delight euermore te9d on the calling of God, that is. in reading ofballads, and idledifcmirfes, and the dut~·weowc to God andp1en, not daring haue no minde to roade the Scriprures.ltis an at, any ume ro goe out ofthe precincts of out coil figne.When the ltomacke refufeth meats, B callmg_s. For this caufe wee mufr put adiffeit is ficke;and when there is n~delightnor farence betweenc duties that bee necelfary and luour inCiods word,it argues the wickednefie fuch as are not necdfary tobe done. The firft ofrhe heart. For the Scripture is like fpice, mufi be done, and the fecond loftvndone,that ' I which the more it is chafed and rubbed, the we be not bufie bodies inother mens matters. fiveeter it is. And this negligence hath iudge· Thefecond thing is, that we muft doe tile (ments ofGodtending onit,lfa.5 .lJ• Mypto· officesanq worksofourcallioss ingood man• plet.~eintocaptim"tJ>beca.Nfo theyw11nt k.,mtwl~dge. ner. For this caufe firft ofall. theymufi bee Prou.'2.8•9-Hee that turnn hU tAreftomheArin,t done in obedience to God , that is• with a the l•w,hu veryprayer u<, minde and intentionto pleafe and obey God, The fecond meanes to maintaine faith , Secondly, they muftbeedoneinthe name of hope , good confcience, is priuarc or fccret Chrift, rbatis, withprayer andthankfgiuing Col.J. prayt:i:.Jfoac \yent out intheeuening to mediin thename of Chri!t. Thirdly, they muft be -~7· tateor pray.Moft<pr<yedfortie uie,.ndfortit C done in faith, becaufe we muft alwaiesby our Gcn.:z.4. n~hu,lorthechildren of Hrael. SAmuel faith, faith depend on God for the blefsing& good •3· Godforbidth~~tljhouldftn•gainft God, •ndctaft fuccefieefour labours. Fourthly, they mull: Deut.9. to prayforyou. 2)•uidprayed three times, and bedone in loue to God and man, yea, all the 18. feuen rimes aday.Chrif\ who was not fubieCl religion we haue, all thegrace and goodnelfc I Sam. to finne as we are, wenr ofteA apart and prayofour hearts, muft!hew it felfc in tbewotkes ll.-~3· ed, and continued in praying whole nights. of our particular callings. For lookewhat a Pfal. 55· 17.&JJ9. Paul in fundryEpifri<s cals vpon the faithfull manis in his particular place andcalling, that 164. for priuare prarr, as when he bidsthempr•y he is indeed. Lanty,they muft bee done with Luke 6. co•tins.SJ,l•~ e.ff.5·17• patience. Thegood ground brings forth fruit "· It may be faid,how !hall we maintainetrue withpatience. And the reafonis,becaafe it is • .,,m"'-"""'~"""' of •"""''! the will of God tQ exercife men with manidi{fenlions , we cannot tdl which is the true folde miferics in <uerycftate andeoaditioaof religion 1 I anfwer, fubiect your hearts and life. And rhcworkesof ourcallingsthaslcr· Jiues to God,and obey him in all his comman· formcd,arc fruitsof&ood the dements,and ye !hall certainely know ami be fcruicc of God. · • FI:J.(JS. ' I