Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

of Sa/fltltionan.d TJamnation. 53 Thi1dly,toward our inferjours: I,Through negligence in gouerning them, & _p_ro~•dmg forrheir goodenace. Hag. 1.4. (Hitlm<fo: yol47!fol•ts tod.fl'tli inyurjie/uJ houfos, andtbl4 A warrant<.~ by a calli•g ;fo didM..fos. ·Exod. 1. n . .Andhelook_ed-round•bout, •nd whenhe f•W nom•n, heJl•e the v£gypti4n, •ndhidhim inthefoni. ACI. 7· 15. For hefoppofod hi1bre. t~ren YJauldbdue vnderflood, tht~t God by his ,hnndjl10uldgi•erhem 4eliuerance. And Phine. has, Numb. 25.8. .Andhe foUowed the m•n.J if«l i3to the rent, <nd thr.p themboth,thr••gh (ID 'liPit,the mnn of'ffrnel d: the -w•man) throu2h beRy : fo that the plngue ceifetlfrom ihe rhil. dnnofIJrnel. t I, Phineb.uthefont" ofEll4~er, htttll l·urned mine 4nger ""'")from the Chi/. drenof/(rael , while he l!>.u z.ealo~<~f.r myfakf 4mang thtm: thtrt(orc r hauenot confomcd the rhildren •f lfrael in myie.loHjie. And EJij1h. r. k.. f.,olie wafl!Dan.;.>S. This co;1demn••h rhofe mothers, which pu< forth thmGh!ldren norftd, hauing b0rh fufficiont firengrh, land llore of milke themfdues tQ nurfe them. 'a. Ti~.po. lfjhe h•uenoHrij/udher ~hildren. 11. By too much gentlenelfe and lcnitie in correCting them. 1.King. 1·5· Then Adoniah ,thefom" ofH•yJth exalted himfllfe, foying,I wi#be.[(l•g.6. And hi4f•ther wouldnotd•fPI'"fo him fm•• hid childhood,,.foy,why haftrhou done (of a.Sam.1.u.• So Eli -...uvery old,and h!<rd •11th•t hilJon•es JiJ11m• •U /(rael, and ho-w thl) wy wirh the wome• th•t •ffimbled •• tht d1,are1[ thl tA~trn4dt •f the CDngrtg4tion. z!· Andhefoid""'"het11:Why d.eyeJitch things ? ftr of •H·tbu· ptopk I htore euiO rrpom of y••. z4. DbiiO.NIOYt 1 myfonms for ;rynqgood report tba: ] IJe~~re,nA•t~, th,at-ye m11~e the Lords pto- · pie totreJP•ffi· 15. Not'liPithj/andingthryobtyeJ n1t the voUeof their fttther, hiC~IJfo th~ Lord 11ou/djlaythem.lll. Byouermuch crueltie and threamings. Eph.6+ Anayef•thersproHok!, noty•urehildrrnto Wrarh.9.Andye m.jlmdoe tbt f•mothings vntothem, p•tt,•g•'l!l") threat· nin.rt. , Fourthly and l~!lly , a man offend<th a. gainfr himrelfe, when throagh hi• naughtie behauiour, bee doth obkure and.alrnoltex,. ringuifh thofe gifts which God bath giuen him. t.Jif4'•th. >s. >6. Or contrarily, wh~n be js proud and too wife in hisowneconceir, Rom.U ·3• For/foy,throughth!gr•ceth•t i4 giue" 11nto mee, to tutryone th4t ;s·,.,m,gyou, thlll no,.., prefometo v~derfl••:l, 4b,Herhlll 1~hich umreter• 'llndtrJI"!'d. B Kiag. 18. 40. And Elij•hfoid..morhem, uf.t the Prophetsof Ba41, /(t not~t m~nofthirfc~tpe: 11ndthey too~t them, And Elij~IJ bros,ghttht11;to the brook! Kifh••, •nd fl•e th1m thm. And fouldiers in barrels waged •pon iufr caufes, 2.Chro.2.o. 1 s, FeMeyenot,neithtrbet~fr!lid of thilgre•t multitude: for the b4ttt0 ismt;o~~rs, bHt Gods, The negatiue pur; . , Th111jhA/l11eieher hNrt:~~nor hinder, eitherthine •Wm,orthy nei,rhbourslift. Ti]c finncs then th2t ote ref<rred to this partarefuch, >Sare committed againtl our neighbour,or our felues. CHA!'. XXV. C•nmning th1jixt C•mm.,.demmr. THE fixt Commandement concerneth the preferuarionof our neishbours!ife. The words are thefe : Th,•fo•lt •ot ki,6. The R<fo/JIIi,,.•. Kii] The partishere fer forthe whole,by aSynecdoche: for ki_Om~ figmfyeth any kinde ofendama~ing the pedon of our neighbour. The equirie of this Commandement ap. p<areth by this, that man is created aftorrhe likenelfeofGod, Gen. 9.6. Herh.,fl,dderh m•~s b!.•d, by "'""jh.Uhit ~l..a be fhed: for in thlJmate •fG•dh•th ht m•de man. Again•,all menarethdamefldh. Efa. 58. 7· whentln!i< fieP the ••k!deaoer him, •nd hid• notthy f•ce fi·•m thine o\!lnejlejh. Neither .o?ght we robe ignoran1of this alfo, thatttis •nlawfull f\)r any priuare p<r. fon, nor c~lled to that duty, t<> kill another : but a pubhke Officer may, that is, ifhe be Againfi our neighbour, are thefe foUow– iog: I. In hearr,as, 1. Hatred again!t him, 1·. C !oh.;. 1 ~· Whofoh•ttthhishroiher,is4man– fl"Jtr.>.Vnzduifed anger.Mlt. 5.u.?foy vnr• you 11 YP~o.foeutr is tl"g?with hisbr~thtr'7Jnlltlhifid!J,is indanger.ofiHdgtment. J 1 J;nuie, Rom. I .29.FHII 1j CtJJI),mllrthe,.,co~tmtion. i· Grud~ ges , lam. 3. 14· 'ff ye ha•e bitter tn"}ing 4nd /1rift in7o1tr h~Arts,reioy'cn1t. 5· Want ofeom. pafsion and forrow at our neighbours cala– mitks. Amos6.5,6. 'The;fing tathefoundof the '7Jiole,&c. bJtt flo man isforryfor the a.ffMlion •flofoph. 6. Frowardodfe, when we Will not be reconciled to our neighbour. Rom. r. l o. SHch IU C4n neue,. bee nppeaftd, 1.JntNer&ijHI!. 7. Defire of reuenge,Pfal. $. 6.The Lordwi( abh~rre thebloodicmen andde&tit{ufl. IT. In words: 1. Birterneffe in fpe.aking, D Prou. 11.1 8. There is thatJPeakfth~ords,like theprickjng•f a[i~ot·d: huttht tong'"'fwifo ti!Jtn is health. z.Rcproches and rayJ111g,which is acalling ofamans finm:s in his reeth ~·hich be harh committed,or anobieCtir-g vnto him fome inherent infirmities. Math.1. 2 z. wbofo· euer(aith'ZJntfJ his brother, R•cl jlutDbe t\!~rth.J to be p1111ijhedby the Cou•fol. AndwhojO£Htrjl><U (ay, FBOie.Jh•llbe \llmhyro be punijhrd with hc/J fire.z.Sam.6. I 6•..ristb~ .Ar~eoftbe LorrJ&Ilme into the cirie of D•uid, VJ-Jichrd .SIIu/Jda,gh– ttr /.,k!d thraugh a Window, aud f•-w Kmg 'IJauid leapt 11nd d~tr.ce biforl the Lord, ~tnd Jlm defPijed bim in her he•rt. 20• .And._:;w;. chol the daughter of S11~tJ Mme IIJt to mute 'D••id, 4ndf•id, 0 ho-wgloricmn•.u the k}ng of 7fr;te/ this day. \"tlhichWad '7Jncoueruitoday iu the eics ofthe.maidens of hiS feruttnts IU afoqf,. '7Jn...