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Prof.con· ua Col– l:u. c. rS. in 6n. Molin;t d~grat. &lib.arb. q. 14.arr. IJ.difp. 12. Gra– tiz :mxi• li:.,quoad !dficacia fint, h3• h~nt de. p~:~tdite:r ab :ubi. trii hber. tate. :::.humel. (up. '· Thom, q.:.j. an. :..d1fp.S. ------------------------------------1 G~~(J~~C.~ ~il((~~®~~~~]~~~~~~dtJ~u~ TO THE RIGHT VVOR– sHIPFVLL SIR EDvVARD D EN N I E, K N I G H T. lght Worjhipf•ll, it is • thing moft eoident, thatthe prtJtnt Religion of the Church of ~ome~Uantm1mt.tothegr~tceoJG~d,tR'oW4ier. Firft, becauftit exalt~ the llltertu of mAnsw,/1, 411~txtenuaus thegr•ce sf God: andthU it duthtnjiue refP.Bs. Forftrfl t{aY 11 te-chtth, that tlatHT4Yfru-wi/1 ofman, hathin il, not one!J 11paji11e orpotentit~O, bHt 11!_fo ana8iue power,or irnPerfeEI ftrmgth in th.ties of godline!Ji; andfomuchthe ltffe powtriufcrwcd tothe gr.cceofGod. This doilrint tlj theirs Ujllltagait~jlre~Jim. Forthewillofman in it folft ,M A natUrA/I thing: andtherifore it i4 neitherfit nor~tble to ejfe[f 4n.J fopernatHra~allion, ("' AUa£lions ofgod!ineffiarr) vnle({eit beftrfl rf•Y( .utheyf"J) eleoaudaboue hi<eondition, by the tmprejfion rfa fopernatHraO h•bit<, AndtheScriptHreisvtterlyagainjl thi: do– Cl~ine;il!hmit faith : Ye were oocc darkenelfe, Ephif.5. 8. We a.renot fuflicient ofour felues,to thtnke anyth•ng ofour fdues,2.Cor. 3·5. Tee naturall man(that u, hetbatwAnts theSpirit rfGod) cannot percciue thethings of,&c. I .Cor.z.I4· Ye were dead in iinnes and uefpalfes, Ephe.f.z. I. Without Chrifr, and without God in the world,• Againe,Scripturtfatthfurther; th<t the hrart ofman isfiow, Lulz..24·2).andvaine, Pfal.;·9.·andbard thatcannotrepem,Rom.l. S·And ftonie, E:z..cch. ~6. :,6. andthatt·he Iewes were obfbn'ate, their nccke as an yronfincw, and their brow braOe, /fo.48· 4.' andthat it is God who giues eyesto fee,and an heart to vnderfland, Deut. 29 4· B7thtji tcj/imonies it is m.wifejl, thatgrace doth not ontly help< andajfijlour weak! natNre,but •1togerherchange the p<rHe>[equalitiethereof, andbringit fiomdar~eneffitolight, 'Mt. 28. 18. andftom dtathto life, Eph·l·I· Which[.T"«;PYhofo<i<<r doth notJcf.rreforth P&kyowledge, neuerytt kyew what the Gofpc!meantJneithtr did heeHtr confider the·worJs 1[e~r SIUiiQJir Chnft. No man comesvnto rnec vnlelfe the Father draw him, loh.6. 44· Profper, TheJchoiler of'S. Auguflinc h~~th • •ot•blefaying: n>hich I maruelltbe Paptjls rf ••rtime doe n•tc•nftder. Wee h'aue (faith h") free-will by nature ·bet for qualitieand condipor), ir mufi be changedby our Lmd Jeius Chrifl. ' Secondly,fome rf the RomijhRebgionaueoch,tbat tbetfficacierfGods preuentinggrace, depends vpon thtco operMirmofmwswill"!.andthry~tlfirme,rkat the Co~tnn'floJTrmt is of thU mimle: bHt the,;'' tht ~u<j}ionof Pad, I. Cot·'!'· 7· Who hath feparated thceiThe an[wer , made,! myftlfe haH< done it by minecwnewill. Anqth~tfoaNbefalfe whichPaul tt<cheth,that be[rde polfe velk,thepoll"r•fweD– willing,ipli•m vt/lc,thnt is,ihe a[/ rfwell-wiUing,is rfGod, PhiI. •· I 3· <J.thm thmforcplacetheeffi. cacieofgract,lll the congYuitieoffit obieEls andper[w~tfort~: .u thoughit rnrefoffici!Nt t~ ftirre vp the lieart:. andtttinc/ine the w~lt-irtJPiritHall matters, and oHr weak.[71ej[e mitht becnredwithfo eAjie tt medi- , cine, but God is fimhcrfoidto foften the hean,Euch. 36.26. to iurne the hcarr,Lul:! 1.I 7· toopen the heart,A£1. I 6·14-Anr.lbtca•.fe our beam are ouer hard,hewounds tl)em,Cant+9·hecircumci– feth them, Deut. J0·6. nay;he bruifeth them,.E.;.<eh. 6. 9< .A~dwhen •ith;ng wtRdeegood,-.kngth, Godisfaidtorake away'fj1c tlonie heart, 'E~et:h.I I •19· to quickc,nt~cm that are contrite, lfo·l7· I5· Eph 2.5. togiue a ne~ h~art, Eph.4!2'J! 'E<ech.J6.z6. na~: ro·£reareanew heart, Eph.>.to. and4.zS. · Thirdly, theygiue vnro ~inall contingent .aions, a depen_dingwiiJ, whereby God wils andJeur. mines nothing, but accordmg ad-Jefore-ftl.r th11t the will of ma11 ~~/J dettrmiwe ttftlfe. 0/!{11d thus to m4intaine thefitppofidlibertyof the wiiJ:~ that is,_ the indiffer.q;cU,.ndindnerminntitmthereof:~ theydt.. priue Godrfhis hono11r andfoucraigntit. rF_or bl!liismuwes,;,ot God,but the willitJclfe,is thtfirflmoo: Htr andbeginmr ofher OI"Pn<llf.ltons. ,An1Jt};mJ<retuenofthePapij/s themfolues, thauontkmnethu dofJrine tU aconctit. FMrthly they teACh, thatthegracewhich mair.!s vs •cceptable andgrallfnllto God,janJs iHthein· wrwdgifts of theminde, fPecially in thegifts rfcharitie. B1tt thisis miftf•lft which they teach ; forcha– ritie iJ the(Hl{iOing of theiaw.eAndPaulfoith; weart not vnder the la'rv~b11t vndergrt'lce, Rom.6·I4• .Andagain<;"' manya<arei•f/rftedbythe law;arefallmfomgrace, Gal. f• 'I· Now th<g.raotthllt Joch indeedemak! vs gratcfu/lto C:i~d, u thefrtefa~tour Andmercy ofGotl 1 parfionmgourfmnes 111Chrijl, a11dttcccptir;g vs to eternal!life, andnotany qHalitie in vs:~ a& Paul fignifiethwhenhefaith, w~ t~refoHed:~ not according to ourwork,!s~ butacc~rding toh~p.jwpofeandgr~tce;whUh Mgium tD vs inCbrijlbefore ~~~ times,:J..Tim·l·9· . r ,~r : L•f/ly they reach,that1l.e rfn<weilwiO o/Jn..,;byJ hegeneraltJ/ireClion•ndco.operationofGod,canper– forme the d11ties rfgodlmes,witho•t anyf}ecial(helpfrom Godby newgrace.Buttht SmptHr< /P<Ak!. "~" wijii.By the graceofGod,l am thatl am. I haue.!abaurcd,yet not I, bur the grace ofGod which iswithme,t .Cor·t5·Io. No man can fay,that Idusis the Lord,but by the H. Ghoft, t.Cor.t a.3: Without