Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

'The Epiflle Vedicatorie. Withoot me ye can doe nothing,loh.xs ·5 .After ye bckeued,ye were fealed with the fpirit,Epb. I·IJ. H: which bath begurme this good worke inyou,will finilh itvntill theday ofChri1t,Phi/.·· t.6.Thatye may abound withhope by the verrueofthe fpirit,Rom.15 .x;.It is God that workes inyou the will and the deoce,'Phil 2-Il·Though the nghtcousfall,hc lh:~ll notbecall off, forthe his iJJnd,Pf,/,37·i4·111Clinemine heart tothy tef}imQUi;:$:turoeaway mineeies from beholding ofvanity,and quicken rnc in thy way,'Pfol.,,9.37.Teach meto doe thy wiil,be– caufe tbou art my God: let thy good Spirit leade me mrhc land of righteouftJeffe, Pfoi.I4J·Io. I Croatcmme anew heart,renew a right ipiritin me-:and fiablilhmo by thy freefpirit,Pfol.p. u . Draw mc,and I will run afterthee. Bytheft andma.nyother pkr&ts it u eiUdmt, th•t qod, after he h"tb ind<1cdv; withhujpirit, doth nDt kauevs t• beg,,.ded by ourftlues, (for thenwefo••ldfaUa– g•intto ourformermifiry) but he Jirecrs 'IJs, heliftsvsvp, he I.ades vs,he conftrnm andfojlaitwv;by the Jam< grace, andby thefamt fPirit,drrelling·in vs, th4twalki,ng inthew-ryofhu rommandlmtnts,we may ttt length tett4ine to ~uer/Afli»g b.cppinejfo. . Theftrondw•y whmbythe'P•pij/ Jhewes himft/fe to be An enemie ofthegrareofG'od,i<,that he i']ntt the merit ofwork!,s,.u• ('on.s••ftwith thegr<reoj God,in that whirh thryc•R thefer•ndiufl!ftwionami in the pr«uremmt ofetern4!i life: whtredJ 011 tbtco»tr4ry~ PttNI in thearticle ofiujlifict'tioll, oppo.ftth · gr<re tow.rk!,s.yeato forh•s•re thegifts•ndfr•itts oftheJPirit. For Abr•h•mdidg,.dwork!.s,uorby n•••r•Dftuwifl,but byfaith.Heb,, J .8.Awd'l'auloppojith i•Jifyinggr«e to thewori(rs ofAbraba,, whcnh:faith; to him that worketh,t he wages is not imputed according to grace. A»d7it•l•5• Nocofthe workesofrighteoufi,effe,which we haue dooe,bucofhis merciehefauedvs.Ro..., r. 6. Jf by grace, then not ofworkes, or elfe were grace no more grace. Aug•Jlinefaith weH,that gr11ce Mno W"!7 gra~e,vnlejfo it heftu!ygilten euery way. . Tb:u thenallthings r:onfidered, it u thehej/ to tzftribea/lwe hiiHeor ran doth•t u good, wholy to tht D.~~ob.or- gr4<to[Cjod,ExriBent i<thejpeerhofAuguf/ine:Onely holdthisasa furepointofgodlineffe,thatno :~;:·1:~ good tblllg can come either to the fenft: or mind, or be any way conceiued, which is notofGod. 10 can. AndBernard:The Church lhewes het felfe to be ful ofgrace, when fhe giues alllhehath to grace, Cu.67. name!)' ,by afmbmg to ttbotht~e firfi and lafi place, Othtrwtf<, how >S fhe full ofgrace iffhe haue any thing which is notofgrace? Againe, I tremble tothinkc any thina mine owne: that 1 may be mine owne.ThU Joarineu thefafift••dthefor.jl,in rt(Pecr ofpea<t of~onftiro<e,andthe[al. ~;~:id u.eiorl ofourfoults.So m11rhthe ".Papijls themftbtes(herr•ying theirownc ra•fo)fay•ndI'Onfeffi. 'JJe/t.rr, de .,,, the I"JJfit[ait~;By tcafooofthevncerrenty of ourownc iu!lice, and for feare offallingintovaine ,n,v• fim glory, tt (•) ts the fafelt, to put out whole coofidcncc mthe alone mercy and goodnctfe ofGod. mr;us. ("f/4ttd&rin hisbaok.: c.clledthe CqnfoltAtiQ119j.ArticJrs inqueflion, to 1 M4ximilian the Empmur~ ,itet :;~1~~-~~c A foying ofBonaHmtNre, whichU IJQ thU le is theduty of godly mindes, roafcribe nothing !·'·'· to tbemfelucs,but alto the grace ofGod. Hence it followes, that how much focuer a man giues 2 T•t;lli vntograce,though in_giuingmaoy things to the graceofGod,hetakesfome~hingfrom thepower Dl\lm. ofnature and free-wll!, he departs not from godlmetfc:but when any thmg istakeo from the c.trond~ grace ofGod,andgiucntonature,which pettainesto grace,there maybe fomedanger. Th 111 tinn de lab. at toho/Ja11dmaintaine iNjlijicationhyfaith,rtitf.Mut wark!s,t~ndto".foribe the whole w"*.!if1Hr&omterfi 011 to Godwitbout""'i(ing•") diuifion berweenegrau aruiiiAtUrt, i<tinfofeft. Theft things I]hewmoreat urgeinthu Tre4tiftfoU.wing,whichJnDI!I pre{ent toyurWorfhip,uafmal tlj/imonie ofmine humble duty andloue:dlfiringyou to<t<rtptthemindofthegiu",And,.ptruftitat J'NY le•fure,.AndtbHI 1romm1nd;••r Worjh•p,,. tloepr.rea,.,. andgrace o[qodm Chrift. Your .,Vorfhips in the Lord~ WiUiam Per/{j_ns. Ppp+ Mat.