:-----'--·--·------------------- 720 Matth. 23. vcrfe 37,38. Ieru[.lem,1eru{a!em ,which kiHefl the Prophets, AndJlonefl them which arefent to thee : , how often would I hatee gathered thy children together, .u the henue gathemh her cltickensvnder her wzngs,andye wouldnot~ Behold, your habitati•n}halt be left VIIID 1'"deft/ate. I ~~::::!~E:!:?()i'· His whole chapter con- A plaint. In the daies of the Prophet lf4J raines a Sermon that our bee laith that when hee had done all. tha; \lf•·5+ Samoer Cht1ft made to hee could doe for his vineyard it brought the !ewes at Ierufalem. forth nothing but wilde grapes. By the It bath two parts. The Prophet Emhiel, bee fcts downe a long lirft is a reproofeof the ca~alog~eof his blefsings to this people, and 1 Ei"'' 16 · ~ . Iew1!h Dotlours,nameWithal!, acatalogue ofthcirvnthankfulnelfe. a! ly,the Scribes and PhariH<,nce it a.ppeares,rhat where God lbewes the · Ges, for fondry vices; from the beginning of greateft mercie, there oftentimes is the greathe chapter,to the 36.verfe. The fecond is an reft wickedneffe andvmhankfulne{fe; 'And this Inuetliuc againfi lerufalem , in the words I is partly verified iu this land : for within the haue now read: lerMfoi.em,lcr•folem,which kjlcompalfeofthis forty yearcs, wee haue rcceilcft thc'Prophm, &c, Iti the lnuet\iue, two ued great blefsings from God, both for this tbingsaretobce conGdered, therebellion of life,. and forrheliferocome, fpecially, the Ierufalem in thq7· verfe,andthe puni!hment B Gofpell, with peace and proreClion: and the ofthisfinne, verfe 38. like bath notbeene feene in former ages : yet Touching the rebenion itfelfe, three things there was neuer more vnthankfulnellc then are fetdowne, the place andperfons, in the now. For now commonly men arcwearieof words ler•folem, ler•folem: me degree and the Gofpell, and beginne to decline from praClifeofrebellion,inthefe words: which'kjlthat which they haue beene: and the care to lefl the 'Prophets,&c. the manner and forme of pleafe God,anddoe his will, is occounted but their rebellion,in thefe words' How qftwo•ldI a curious predfement of many. h<H<gatheudyon, and ye wouldnu ? ' ' Secondly, hence it may be gathered, that According to the order of the holy Ghoft, God doth nor rye the infallible afsiihnce of lirlt,I will begin with the place.It is a wonder his fpiritto any place or condition ofmen. If that Ierutalem, ofall the places in the world, euer any city in the world had thispriuiledge, !hould be charged with the height ofrebelliit was Ter'ufalem. But Ierufalem, which was on againfl God. For it was the Citic of God, the feate and ~abitationofGod, had nor this and had·prercgatiues about all cities in the c priuiledgc, becaufc it is here char~edwith reworld. Saint 'Pat<l hatb rioted feuen o'f them. beUidn·againft God. No place therefore nor Thefirft is, thattheywerelfr.ulites: that is, af conditiooof111en,hath it. It is atleadge<l,that the poftemieof/acob.Thefecond is,Adsptim, Goo bath made~ pro?Jik: to the order of in that they were reputed and called the clulPnellhood,zhe'Pmfts hpprsjilalpreftrue k/l•wdren of God. The third is, that they had ledge, andthoujhalt rvqutre thelawat hi< mouth, theglory of God' that is, tboMercy-fe~re, tne I anfwer, that thefc words arenor a promife, pleadge of the p~efenceofGod; Tliec(~urrh but a commandement• l'ar fometimes words is theCouenants: rhat!s, the two Tables of ofrhe Futuretenfearepurforwords Imperathc couenant. The fifth is, thegiuingof the tiue ; and therefore thcfenfe isthis, the Priej/s l•w, name)y, of the; itldiciall and ctremoniall hppes}hAlllz!epe, rharis, ltt thern kcepe know- Mal. '·7 • law. The lixth Is, the worfhipof God, tbepubledge, Againe,ititalleadged that we are cornlike folemcitie whereof was ryed to the rem- \ manded to heare the Scribes & Pharifes; beplc at ItruCtlem. The feuenrh, that t~ them ' cau(~theyfiti~ Moftschai<e. I anli.1•er, tbatthe Ma<h.•J· pertained rhepr<mi(es made to rhe Patnarkes, D Clmreof Mofes IS nor a place or feate, butthe ,, touc~ir{g the Mefsias. To thefc the Prophet (ioctri'!e of Mofcs: and to this detlrine, I Aug. •r· M~c.~ih"aOderh the eight pr!uilc:dge, that the I ghunt 1 the fpirit ofGod is aune~ed,w~er~ it i~ 1S6, firil Church ofthe new 1eftament, fhould truely taught and beleeued. Thrrdly, " IS albe !!ath<rcd in Iernfalcm, and that confeleag<d, that God bath promifed the fpirit of que~ttly, thepreaching ofrhe Gofpcl, !hould truth, to leade men intoaHrruth. I anfwcr, that Ioh,t6.•J palfe thence to all nations. New, for all thefe this promife dot~ not diretlly andabfolureblefsings and mcrcics,Chrillour Sauiourcries !yconccrue all beleeuers, or all ~1mfl:ers, but out and complaincs of Ierufalems rebellion. oncly the Apo!)Jes, 10whome I_t was made: And this is not the firft rime of bis cornand not to them for all tllnes, & "1 all adwns, Micah.4· but