I' Ofqodr(reegrace, andmamfree-wi/1. butonely while they were in the execution of A thus. In euery atluall finne, there be foure their Apo£l:olicall miniflerie, which£l:andsln thingsdiflintHy to be confidered; the f•Nit. thefoundingoftheChurchofthenew Teflawhich is the offence of God in anyachon 1 ment partly by publifhing ofthe Gofpel, and theguilt, or obligation to punifhmenr for the partly by:writing the Scriptures of the new fault: the punifhment it felfe, which is death: 4 Te£1ament. In a word, no Scripture can bee blotorfp•t, fer in the foule of,him thatfinnerh, brought to proouc, that God hath, doth, or and that by the fault or offence: and thi•blot will binde his Spirit to any particular place or is nothing elfe but a proneneffe to the Gone perfons. Here then fallsto the ground, three committed,orro any other finne. Inthe Gnne popifh conceits. The firfl, though the mem• ofour firll:parents,befides thefault,guilt, pu· bets of the Catholike Church may feuerally nifhment, there followed a blot or deformity crre; yettheycannoterre, when they are toin the foule, which was theloffeof Gods 1gither in agenerall Councell, lawfully affemmage,and the difpolition oftheirheartsro all bl<d. the fecond, that the Pope cannot crre mannerofeuils. Since the fall ofAdam, bee in his Cunfiflorie. The third, that perfonall that commits an aCluall offence, belides the fuccefsion. isamark of the Catholike Church: B fault, guilt, punifhment,imprints inhisheart a whichneuercheleffe, maybefeueredfrom the new blot, and thatis anincreafeof hisnatuSpiritofGoc!,as we fee. rail pronencfie to linne, euen as the dropfieWhere our Sauiour Chrifl vferh a repetitiman, themore hce drinks, the l!lOrehe may, & on, faying, 0 Imfolem, lerufolem: heedoth by drinking he increafeth his rhirfr. Thus the three things therein. Firfr,hcfignifiestherby, Iewes by cuflome in finning, attaine to an that he takes.it fora wonder , and fora thing height in wickednes; becaufe euery aa ofof. incredible, thatthe Iewes after fo many blef~ fence, hath his blot, and the multiplication of fings, fhould be fo exceedingly vnthankfull. aCls otfentiue, is thecontinuall increafe ofthe Secondly , he tellifies hereby his owne dcteblot or blemifh ofthe foule, till the light of frationoftheirvnthankfullne!fe. Thirdly, by Uaturebeextinguifhcd, &mea come to arethis repetition,he doth awake the Iewes, and probate fenfe. This mu£1: be a·warAing to all frirre them vp to a fcrious confideration and men, to take' heede Jell: they commit any ofloathing ofthis their finne: andhedoth (as it fence againfl: God inthought, word,ordeede were) proclaime the fame vnto vs. And not conGdering euery offence imprints ablot i~ r.Cnlp:a:. :..Reatus · 3 Pcrna. .,..Macula without caufe: far invnthankfulnes,there bee the foulc. two grieuous linnes againfl God, falfe wirnes C Secondly it may be demanded, how Ieru- ~ bearing, andiniuflice: falfe witneffe bearing.; f•lem, growne to thishe.i~htofrebellion, con becaufe the vnthankcfull perfon dentes 10 Jus rruly be called th< h.ryCme, ortheCity of the heart, God to bee the fountaine and gtuer 0f gre•t King. I aufwer, rwo waies. Firfl:, there the good thiBgs he hath, and he afcribes them were m•ny holy men and women in Iurie and tO his own wifedome, goodneffe, flrength,in· Ierufalem, that truly ferued God, and waited deauour. Iniu.flice, becaufe heyeddes not to for the KingdomeofChrifl,asi.{eph, VJ.fary, God, theduttes wh1cbhe owesvnroh1m for Zachary, Eio<<beth, eAnna, Stmeo•, Nkho. his blefsings. dem,.,,tofophof.Arimathea,andmany others. The fecond po!"r to be .confider~d is, the Now aChurch is named not of the greater, degree ofthe Iew1fh rebellton. DANid makes butof the better part; asan heape ofcorne is three degreeshereof. The firfl is, to walke in focalled, though th<re bee more chaffe then the councell of the vngodly. T&e fecond is, corne. Secondly, I anfwer, that a people or to ltand in the way of linners. The third is, Church that baue forfakea G0 D, remaines to litdowne in the .fcomers chairc. And this flill areputed Church, till God forfake them, is the very top ofdcfperate rebellion, and the asa wifecommittingadulterie , remaines frill Gone of Jerufalem. For when Chrifl faith, D a fi•ppof<d wife, tillher husband giue her the [whichk!Ueflthe Prophers,andflonef/themwhich bill of diuorcement. Ierufalem indcede had 11rejint vntothee] hce notes out three linnes in forfaken God, but God had not ferfaken Iethi• Citie. Impenitencie,whereby they perfer•falem. For therehe preferued fl:illthe Temuered in their wicked waies, withouthopeof ple, and his worfhip:yea, wheo Ierufulem had amendment: facrilegious and prophane con- · condemned and crucified Chrilt, Saint Ptter M:~~tth.2.7 5J.8q. J!. tempt ofGod, and themeanes oftheir &luatiiafpircd by the holy Ghofl:, &ith ll:ill; ToJ•H on: cruelty in fhedding ofblood. And by crubelongthepromifis,tUfdt•yourchi/dmz. And le- At!,:,, 38 . eltie, I meaoe not one or two aUionsoferurufalem did not vtterly ceafe to beacitieor dtie, butan habite therein, and the cuflome Church of God, till they contradided and thereof: forthewordsarethu<toberead; leblafphemed the Apofto!icall miniflerie: for rufolem f<iUing theProphets,4ndj/oningthtmthat then, andnot before, tl;e Apofrles withdrew •refinttothee: whercfloningandkilling,figthemfelues from the Iewes. Here wee fee nifienotoncad, butacontinuanceandmulti· a depth of mercy in God: for though the plicationofads: that is,acuflomein fhedding Iewes for their pam, had deferueda thouofblood. fand times to be forfaken, yet 6od for his lt may be <lcmanded,how the I ewes fhould part, did not forfake them, but O:ill purfued growtothisheightofwickedneffe. Ianfwer them with mercy. Aod weeare taught hereby