I ?r ~~ot tog!ue any fentenccofthe p~~~~d?r::::~1::: for their minifiery mufi be asit eUIIl men. For though they forfake God,yet I ~ere, a facrificing knife, to kill the cld man know wee not whether God haue forfaken mvs, rharwee may bee an acceptable offe- Ronur, them or no. ring vnto God. tG. Inthis examp_leoflerufalemsrebellion, we Lafily, Minifiers ofthe word,muft Jearne learne many rhulgs-Fuft,um we may behold hence,notto be troubled,ifthey be hated and the"lieneffe of mans nature,and our violent perfccutcdofn,i:.For this befcl the holy proptoneneffe to fin. For the Iewes meant to aphctsofGcd,& tbat in theCity ofi<rufalcm. bolitb and quench as much as they could, the Thethird pcint is, the manner or forme of dothioe ot faluaci?n; yeat~ quench it with their re~ellion.ln it ~ confider for>re things. blood, and whtcb ts more, wtth the blood of The will of God,agamfi which tee Icwesret the Prophets:and this.fhews,that man drinks bdl,JWDHid:th~ will ofrhcJ t ws rebelling,Te :~~· rr, mtqUlty,as the fifh drwkes m water. WIHidnot:thc <O~ordofboth; J,woHid,yew••ld Secondly,m Ierufalem we mav behold the not:the maner ot Gods wtll.He wils their falApoc.17. 6. Ch:tp.I6. defperate condition of the Church of Rome uatiGn iu lcr:e, I wo•ldh•H< gathmdyoil"'"n ) atthts day. For lt followes m reLelhon;nay tt B hmgathereth hercbick!ns:in pa,ienc< H.,.llji I goesbeyond lerufalem.Ifany manwill indif· wo11/d11Betore J come to handle thefe pomts fercntlyconfider, ir willappeare,that by the in particular, I will fer down a generall·pre· ' whore of Babylon, is meant, the prefent ambletouchingthenan~teofwill. ChurchofRome:and this whore is faid tobe Wil,isa powerofwilling,nilling,choofing druoke Withthe blood ofthe S,lints. The lorefufing,fufpending.which dependson reaiO: cufisout ofthe botromles pit,go tothe kings Bypower, I meane an abilitie or created faofthe earth,ro fiirre them vpto warre again:fi culty:and iris fo properly inmen and Angels: the Church ofGod. And thcfe locufis are m but mCUed onely by analog•e or proportion. alllikelihood,fwarmes ofmonkes,friars,and Becaufe his willin bis effence or Godhead inlefuits oftlie Church ofRome. Andwe hauc deed.Secodly,I fay,it is apDWer ofwiBing,&c. fouud it by loog and much experience, rhat Becaufe to will, nill, choofe, refufe,fufpend they ofthe Romane Church, haue long thir- (that is,neitherto wil,norto nlll)are thepro~ fied for the blood ofl'rince and people in pcrdli:~bofwill,wherbyit is known& dif. this land. ' cerned.Lafily,I(ayittkpem:h •nu•fon,becaufe Thirdly, we are here taught to 'xcercife our it is incident oncly to m.tures reafonable; as felues in the duties ofmeeknes, goodndfe, C God,Angcls,men:and bccaufe,tl:ough it goe peace toall men. The Prophet lfoJ faith;that againfi good reafon,yct is itnot withoutreamen in the kingdom ofChrifi,fhall not apply fon altogtther.When a man knowes aod ap· Ifa.>. "- their fwordcs and fpeares to rhe hurt of any prooucs that which is good,and yet doth rhe as the Iewe• here doe, but fhall turne them to contrary; it is becaufe it feemcsgocd to him infirumenrs ofhusbandrie, asmattockes and to doethe contrary. And ineuery all ofwill, · fithes. Wherby is fignified,that men truly rethere are tWO things,Reafon toguide,and&Je• ., gencrate,fhalllay afide all purpofe and mindc flioneo affure,or dificnt. ofdoingany hurr,and fh1l giue themfelues to Willhath his property, and thatis the Lidoe the good they can. Againe,he fairh;that bertitiftht wiO, which is a frredome from the w•lfe •ndthtlambejbaOd~>ellt•getber, and compulfion or confiraint, bnt not from all that therejbaH ben• hHrtinallthe holy mount if necefsjty.From compulfion:becaufecompulGod. The dindl by rhe finne ofour firll: pa· fionand wil be conrrary,and wherccompulChap, 11 ret>ts,ofmen,made vs beafrs,lyons wol•es,ti· fion takes place,there wft giucsplace:andwiJ •· gers,beares,cockarrices:and Chrifi againeof confirained is nowil. NeuertheldTe,willand beafts,hathmade vs his Jambes and fheepe,in necefsity may fiand together-God wils many refpe<'lofmeekenesandpatience. •D rhingsofabfolute necefsity, as dle etcmail Fourthly, wee are here taught, not to opgeneration oftheSon:1e, thep~occeding of pofc our felucs againfi the Minillers ofGod, rhe holy Gh?fi,thedo1~g of1ufi1ce, andfuch but without pride and fiercenes, toyeeldfubbke:& he wds them,wnh mofi perfet:t bberic<'lionand obedience totheir lllinifierie.Ifoy ty ofwill, The good.Angels ~ill thmowne foretels,that in the Church ofthe newTeltahappines,and rhe domg ofmfr1ce,and thatof ment a little child that is Miniflers,othernccefsity; fortheycannocwillrofinne, orto Ifa.rr. '· wife'weake and filly me;,, O~all by their be in mifery:and all thi• they~il D_JOfi freely. do<'lrino,rulc and guide wolues, leopard<,lyNay,the necefslty o_fnotfinmng, ts theglory PCal.tio. 3· loh.Io. ons;rhat is,fiery and cruel men bynature-My and ornament ofwt~l; for he that dot~good people(f.tirh the Lord)Jh•llcome willingly inthe . fo as heecannot /in, ts more at lt_berry m dodayofaffernbly:ar.d,thejhepe •f Chrij/ he.re hi< inggood, then he that candoe elthergood o_r v•i,·e ""dfo!low him, Thelcwes arraigne and euil.Whe thecreature 1sm thar·efrate,tnatlt iudge the l'rophets that are fentvnto,rhcm : willingly{~rues God, a_nd cannot b~t fcruc but \'VCmull fuflcrthcm in rheir minifiery to God,then ·~ourpctfe<'lltberty. Aga~~e, the Tu!. in arraigneand iudge vs, that we be noti~dged li~erty of wJI~, fince th~ fa~l ofmanfc,t~ t~yned :-:,;;;;~ ofthe Lord. Againc,thelewcs kill thelttcawlthanecefsltyof fin.mng,. becau e ~t ~·ands gra~<.ll chers;butwemufi permit ourteachersaftcr a tn bondagevnder fin:mrhts refpe<'l, 1t IS fitly 1 rearmed 1 (