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andmansfree~n>i/1. 7t3 --------,-----,:----,------,'-:-:---:- - - -:-:--· ~--rearmed ofAMgufline,the bondfree.wil. W her- A words are,meant of the will ofhi•manhood. fore we may not imagioe in rhe will, a liberty For they li1ppofe him heere to fpeake as the which is a freedome from all necefsity. That minill:er ofcircumcifion,and confequently,as Rom.,r. this may the better appeare , let vs confider a man. This I rhinke is a uurh,but not all rhe 8 • the kinds of~c>elSiry.There is a fimple or •htroth. Becauti: the thing which bee willerh, j./Nte necejfitie, when a thing connor polSibly [ namely,t'le gathering ofthe !ewe•by the mibe orherwife:thus we mayfay,there is aGod, nill:ery of the Prophets,was begunne and pra· & he is righteous, &c. This necefsiric ll<nds <'hied long bt fore his in~arnarion.Wherefore notwith the will ofthe creature, yet cloth it 1 (as I tak$' it) here his diuine will is meant, or frandwith Gods wil,ih whom an abfolute nethe will of his Godhead,which is alfo the will cefsity ofholinelfe and goodneffe is ioyned., ofthe Father,and the holy Gho!!. withabfolute freedome ofwill. Againe, there This will is one and the fame,as God is one: is anectjfitie by violen>eor compulfion,and this 1· yet m~y it be dill:ing•ilhed on this manner. It abolilheth freedome and content of will. i• dtherthewi/1 ofhilg_oo1ple~[Nrt, <;>r,hi4ftgni- Volunr" Thirdly,there is anecejfiryof inf•Uibility, orof "'!. wzU. The truth ottlus ddhncftwn we may Benepla. 1 1 confequence, when tomething followes ne- B fee in earthly Princes,who beare the image of dt;:vo. celfarily vpii a titppofedanrecedenr, as nameGod. A king determines within himfelfe aclumas ly vpon the determination & decree of God. cording to his ploafure what lhall be done in fign;, G This necefsity and freedome ofwill,may both his kingdome, and what not : this is his will• .,:~gi;.,. ll:and togirher.Forinthe doingofa voluntary Againe, heefignifies fome parr of hisfccret dm,;•. in atlioo,ir is fufficient that it proceedofiudgepleafure tohis h1biects,as occafion !hall be oflinea;, ment,and haue his beginning from within the fcred:and this is alfo his wii.Euenfo the plea- ~'~". will, rhoughotberwife, in refpecftofGods ti.reofGODwirhinhimfelfe,andthefignifivol!~:~ will,it be ofvnchangeable nccefsitic.Thecercarious cheroftohis creature either in whole fiar,;.,.. tenrieofGodsdecree, dorh nor abolilh the or in parr,are hiswill. " & voconfent ofmans will, butrathcr orderir, and The firll: is mentioned,"Eph.J ·5.\"here P•ul :;::.:,~ mildly incline,or draw it forrh.And the thing faith the Ephefians were predejlinau acc.rdmg '""'• that is direcftly contrary to freedome ofwill, tothegoodpl••foreofhuwii/.Thatitmay rightis c'ompulfion:becaufe it abolilheth conft:nr. ly be conceiwed ot vs, I will fer dowr.e foure Thelibertyofwill,ll:ands in adouble power. tllings. The lirll: is,thatrhis will isGods purThe lirll: is,when it wils any thing of it owne pofe or decree according to counfell.Forin it (elfe, to beeaptand able to nill rbe fame :' and C rhe(e two concurre, his C(lunfdl, ~nd his de– fo on the conrrary10nd it is called in fchooles, cree. His counfell fees all things, and all the the iibtrtyofcwttrAdilfio.>. The fecond is,when , caufes ofthem : His decreedetermines what it wills any thing, to bee able to will another lhall be done,and what vndonezand he deterthing, or the contrary. A• for example, when mines according to his owneternall counfc:ll. God willed the creation ofthe world,he could Yetis not counfell a rule tohis will.For there haue nilled the fame : and when he willed the is nothing higher then his will, and his cooncreation ofthe world, hee could.haue willed fell alfo is according tO his wilwhichis good· thecreation ofmore worlds.And this latteris nelfeitfelfe. And therefore by 'PAHI,Counfell Eph.t.zr called theHbtrtyoj'contraritty: is called thecounftRofhu wiH. Willbythis liberty, isdifiinguilhed from Secondly,in Gods will there is aSouer.Ugntht: inclinations ofnatura'l Agents, which altie, that is, anabfolute power, whereby he is wayes lhew themfelues in the fame manner. Lord ofall the allions thatbe willeth,willing Put marrerto the fire,it burnes alwaics, and it ofhimfelfe wirhourdepcndimce fro any,wirh• 'annot but burne. Caft vp a fione into the outimpedimentorcontrolement,whathewil, aire,irfalsdowne alwaies,aqd cannotbut fall when he wil,& how bewill.Thus much is fig· Mat 10 • downe.Secondly,wil by this liberty, is dillin- D nified inrheparable,""'J' I not do with mine 111>n zr. guilhe d from the appetiteofbealts: for it fol- "' l.,.iB? And by P••lalleadgingMofes, I ,.;N Rom.9. !owesfenfe,and inchoofing orrefnfing keeps h••• merryon whom IwiUh4ue,.,rcy; teaching 16 • alwaies one order. The fheepe £lies the wolfe: alfo,that weare atGodspleafure,as clay atrhe andal!.lheepe do fo at all times, and in all piaplcafure ofthe potter.This mull: reach vs whe ccs. Bees gathet hony,and they do fa alwaies, we thinkeor fpeake of Gods works & iudge• and inall places, and they can doe no othermenr., to think & fpeake withmode!!y & fowife.When the bea!l in the field choofeth one briety, with admiration & reuerence,nor da: hearb ,and refufeth another,there is a lhew of ring to fearch into thereafon of the,or thinke liberry,yor no true liberty. Forthat which it hardly ofthem,when they found not with our chooferhorrefufethonce, it choofetk orrereafOn, ciitentingourfelues wirhthis,rhat we fufethalwaies,in the fame manner. know God to haue a foueraignty in his will, Thus much ohhe general! nature of will; to will athis pleafure,andhiswill to be go"d, now I come tochc points inhltld. Thelirll:is The third poinris, that thewill of God is touchingthe will ofChrilt, I would. Accorthe beginningor lirll: caufe ofall thingswith· diRgrothetwo naturesofChrift, fo be there our exception, and of all rhdr motions and two wils inhim; the will ofhis Godhead,and atlioqs: And iris abegisl,ning z.waies.Firll:,in lthe wil ofhis manhood. Same think thattbefe ugard of the exill:ence or beei•gof things; Secondly,,