l andmans free ~ill. Therforewhenhecommands,wemu!1:obey: A' faith, Toi!Pi~uprt{mti!Pithtm,but(c•nmrd/Je · 8 when he forbids,vie mult alfo obey : whenhe thAt whi<h I I!Psuld. Will thereforeis one thing, R•m· 7 ' 1 I perrnitsany cuill, we mufrbecontcnt. Lallly, and power to do thething willed isanother. 1 when Goddoth any thing, and brings it to Thcfecond thingto be hanrlled,is theftrq;th 1 pa{lj:,he fignifies his pleafurc : and we mufr oofwill,that is,what willcan do,what nor; and . bey. Weare bidden to fay,ThywiBbedone :& how farreit extends it felfeo That this may ap· this is notonely the wit reuealed in his word, pearc: Will mufrbeconfidcrcd according to but alfo his will reuealed by any euent. For the foare cfrates ofman,thee!late ofinnocen• wheA any thing comes to paA'e , itcomes to cy beforethe fall, the efrate ofcorruption afpalfe becaufe it was the will ofGO<!. Furtherter thefal,thce!1:atcofregcneration after eomore,this fignifyin'g will mull be the£lay and nerlion,and the cllate ofglory after this life. groundofour patience&comfort. Fotoll'hen In the e!1:ate of innocency, thewill ofman a thing is come to palfe,the wilofGod is pa!1: is apower ofwillingeither good or euill.For vpon it,& he bath lignified his pleaf"re:as for God gaue .AdAmacommandemcnt, in which example,when a mi is fiaiA,tbe wil ofGod is he forbad ~im to cat ofthe trco ofknowltdge pall vpon his life;& he~ath rcuealedhis plea- B ofgood and euill. ..4dAm therefore could •ei· fure touching his death.Vpon this conliderathcr keepe or breake this commaundement. tion in all eucnts,arewe to !I•Y our ltlinds, This reafon holdes nor in vs lince the fall, yet Thirdly, it appeares hence, whatmind muft dorh it hold in eAdAm:becaufewiththiscom• be in the Minillersand teachers ofthe word. maundement hereceioed the power to obey : They mull put away all blind refpefrs of proand that he courd notobey,it appeared by the lit and praife, and limply with honefr beans euent; btcaufe beedid oot obey. Eccleft•ftu apply thcmfelues and their rninifrery to this faith,Ec./.7•3t.Godm•de miirighttoH4:there ie end,tharthey may gather a people toGod;for the power to will that which is good: .ndthry that which is the minde ofthe matter in any !foiid.,•nyinuentios:tbere is alfo apowcrtowtl bufinelfe, the fame mull alfohe the mind< of J that which is euil.M•fts faith to the Ifraelirs, theferuant: the mindofthemafl:er is here fet I fit bif.reyouthu day lifeor death, blejJ111g 11Rd downe,Hmuft 'lllouldI h#ueg4tberedyoM? I curfmg:thorefottohooftlife, that thos andtbyfted Thus muchofthewillof God; now letvs "'"Y li•e. D'eRt.30oi9· Thefe words are a fen· come tothefecondpoim, to confiderwhat is teceofthelaw,relling what weoughttodo,& the will ofman. That thjs may appeare, two not what we eau now doe,but what wecould thingsmull bee handled, the nAture of mans C do byrhe giftofcreation before the faloHerea toNaoura will,and rl.!ftre•gth thereof. Ofthen•t•reof~ diffi:rence ofpowers rnu!1:be made:thepower ,,Vim. will,! fpake fomethingbeforegencrally,therc to will that which is good,was agift put into is yetfomewhat more robe addcd.Thenature .Ad.c.,.s hrart by God: and the powcr to will ofmans will may bee gathered by the practife that which is euill, was in him before his fall, therof.The practlfe ofwil !lids in fiuethings: not a gift,but onely apoffihility towilltHill,ifbe the firfr is the action oftheminde, namely, a lhouldceafno do this duty. And rhus had hec coaflderation ol the things to be done,and the power towill both goodand euill. end thereof: the fecond is Drl.beratio!tofthe In .Adams wil there were tWo things,Liber. diuers meanes , :whereby the fore-faid rhing tieandMut•biiitie. Liberty was two-folde. may bedone: the third is, after deliberation a The fir!! is a liberty !implyto will,orlo nil,or determinatiOII what lhall be do1ie. The fourth to fufpend.And this isliberty•fnatNrt;becaufe action is proper t<i the wil,and that is •kfJion, it is founded in the nature ofwill,from which whereby tee willvpon determination of the it cannot pofSibly be feuered; and therefore it minde, chooftthorrefufeth, that is wil!eth !1:ill remames in the damned fpil:its: becaufe what lhall be dane,whatnot. The fitNs, that where this hberty is wanting, thece is no will. the will in all herelections, kecpes and main- D The fecon<lliberry is alibmyoifgwe, which taines horliherry. Becaufc when it wils or oils is apowerto will ornill well, or to will that any thing,it mooues it felfc freely ofitfelfe to which is good,& to nil that whicltiseuil. This will ornil!,without any external! compullion: liberty is founded,not inthe nature,but in the anti when it wils any thing,itfo wils,as fril regoodncs ofthe will. By goodnes I rnear.e the rainin~ an~turallaptnolfeto nil-th~ fatn~l and kolines ofthe will,"lhich isthcimage ofGod. when It wtlsanyone pamoolar thmg, It reAnd here we mulhake heed oftheopiniono maines !1:ill apt notto will it, botto willanofome,whothinke that .AJamwas created and ther thi~g,ort~e ~ontrarr· • 0 0 0 pl~ced i~ fuch acondition, 0 in which bee was Agame, the wtll ofman mutt be dtfrmgutnetther righteous, norvnrtghreous, but in a lhed from thepoi!Perofman, "!herebyhedoth meane between both. Butthisisdirefrly conany thing. Wtll and powerin God are oucly trary to the Apollle,who faith, thatman was ~P~·•·'" dillinguiilied it\' our~onceiuing,beiogindeede cr~ated in righteoufo~sand,holitieffe. And by 0 oJoloo one and the f•me tlung,namely, rhoelfeoceof thts meane mthe firlbnfr~nt of.Ai4mscreatiOod.And therfo.ewha~Godcan will,he can· on,he wahtcdliberty of grace. Againe by do:what'he willeth;hedoth,and hiswillingclf reafoaofthe fccond libmy, .Ad.cmhad ;furany thing,is his doin~ofit.Itis notfo inman, therlibcrty from fin,& a liberty from mifery. ,whocanw1l tllat whtch hecannotdo; as Paut The changeablenesof .Atitlms will ~ppeares _. - --· ....:.._ .. 9..9.':1 2 io