;71.8 0 f qodsfree grace, !in this,that though it was created in goodne!, A on thdaid power , without the further hclpe · yet ~as it mldechang'!:ably good. For li1ch ofGod. Hecouldfalofl;iJJlf~lfe,he,could11ot Was the goodnes and inclination ofhis will to !land or rife againc: heecould not auoi~e the ,obey God,as might bealtered and changed by leall euill, tut ashe was helped ofGad. wee ,!force oftemptation. The caufe of this mur•- therefore being finfull wtttchcs, much more bilitie mufl: be confidered, and it is tbis1 That a.r< to acknowledge our infirmitie and to af. !acreature rightc:ous by creation may rtmaine .cribt all Wfl doe or can doe that is good,tothe 1 eternal and conllantly righteous,two fauours grace ofGod. Tht1s haue. the godly aiwaies· a~.Polfo \1 orhelpesofGod arc required:the(4)firlt is,a done.The·lewes in their repentance fay: Conv.dle per· power to perfcuerc itl goodnes. Withouttbis .llert thou rne~a~d.'fw•U.,o'RUCrt, ltr.3l·I 8. The feuerare. power the creature of it fclfe ceafeth to bee tfpoufe ofChnL >C~nt,I, 3· DrAJll'tls.e-wewill Aug.do good. The (b) fecond is an ad: or deede,and run nfterthce. Dnuidfaith,Pfai.1J9·37• Incline ~o;::r~ I that is the will ro perfimerc, or pcrfeuelance f!IJ heart totby.commaml~tfJfs; tHr»e minteye 1 u, a: · itti:lfe. This alfo is required withtheformer, fomt.hebeholdmg ofvamt};andquic~tnmeinthy b,.Aaus ~~odgiues notonly the power,but.alfo the precepts•.AIIg_ujl.fa~th,GI~cthatwhi<hthoucomP"\'.'"' I i'.'ir& the deed, and the creature cloth not the B man(iejl,and<otpftiAnri'th•tthouWilt. We are to """· good which it can do,Vi11es God caufeit to do God as thefie~~ man to his kt<per,whofaith; ·1 d1e faid good, ashecaufeth ittobeable to do Takcmevp,and l willrife:holde me,& I will I good.Borh thcfe helps the good Angels haue, itad. In regardofthis our faculty, it is the belt l and J:hcrcfore they liand.And as for AdAm,he for vsto dwy our !dues, and by faith to de· receiiledofGod the firlt hell* and not the fe- .pendon the ptauidcnce and mercy ofGod. cond.For befide the goodnes pfhis willhe re• Againe,fuch asbeleeue in Chrilt hauegreat l cciuedofGodapowerconltantlytoperfeuere caufeto be thankful! to God. l'or they haue in goodnes,ifhe woold:ycr thead: ofperfeue· :he beginningsof funher grace then cucr A- ;ranee was left to the choice and liberty ofhis tk.m rcceiued-!'le rcc~iuedonc!X the power to ;owne will.Weimay behold the like in nature• perfttlere m l11s happte cltate, tfhce himfclfe I God createstheeyc, & put into.itthe faculty .wonld:but they that bdceue befide the power i offeeiug, & withal,he addes to the eye nocefofperfeuerance,teceine the will and the dted. lfary helpe by the light of the Snone: as for Pan/faith, Workeyour faluation with feare& !theact~offceiog, it is left to mans libertie: trembling: and then he addes, Phil.z.q. I tu I for hee may fee ifhe will,and againe ifhe wil, Godthatworf<!sinvs th<'!l>iU4ndthedeed,wberjhe may (hurhiseies. The Phy!itian by arc pro- C by werunne the race tO eternal! life. ;cqres ~n ~ppecite.: this done, in thenext place In the dhte ofcorruptibn twothings ar~ to ! ' be·prouidcsconucnient food;yet the aClofeabe.confidered ofmans wil,the firlt whatu can ring is inthepleafure of'the patiet:for he may doe, and how necreir comes to the doing ofa !eat ifhe will,& ifhewillhemay abliaine.Aod good work_e. The fccond,what itcannot doe. ! thus God gaue AdAm the power to perfeucre for rhe declarati6 ofthe firli,two things mull in rjght<OJJfnes, tut the wil he leftto himfelf. be c6fidered ihcorrupt will;aJiberty, & apof1 It may befaid, If,Jdamreceiued powerto f!bility.Thtliberty isacertenfreedome to wil do< gooiifhe wanld, >nd notthe wdl to wtll or nil,orrofufpend. For this liberty is remaithat)le cpuld, he then receiued nocfuflicient ning fince thefall ofAdA..,,&irisnatural tothe gq~e- I aof'.l!er,he 1 tcceiued fuflicient for the wil, from whi'h itcannotpofsibly be feuered. perfet'li•mof his naiure,forche fullobedience This liberty is large,and Jhew• it felfe inthree ofthe will ofGod, and for theattairJemenr.ot kinds ofa[lians;naturoR,hprn4n<,ecclefiaf/i;4H• <lUerU.Ili~g.happincs,ifhe wpuld Pot.be wan, n~tural ad:ions are fu~h ~~re comon to men ting tobimfelte:Qpt be.recciu~d not fufficient ~nd bealis,asto~~t,drink1 fl~Bt;,fmel, heare~ ' gt-aqefor the caufing of the imliJutabilitie of tall, mooue: Common ••PI'•ience cleclares a ·! l;>ii n~tvre:neiti-(<L was it ofnec;efsity to begi- D f,eedome t<> will in all tlJefc aatons. HumaJIO ·~, '!~IL(0. a creatutc. A Gold-fmtth IPtenqs tQ ;d:ioosare fpch as are commqn to all meo:.'&J · ,m~\:c; a iewell.of:gtcatefbvalu~ andprice;l1ee I may fitly reduce them t<>Afire~ heads. The ~OJOpound$ it of go.ldc, pearle ~nc.1 prctious firlt is,theJl~dy and pra6t.ifepfarcs,trades;or l\pne~:whc'fl he hath brcught ittQ !l<ritd:io~ o.ccupation~.~ profdsio'I_S ofall kiodes. And h;edoth 110t putthis.condition tS;>!it, tllat jfir !hatman hati,Jfr~edome to wit in all rhcfeie~- f(l)l.,it,(hal,not~e b1Jlife$l.or bro~~~·~udGod p~rienccteltilies.The fec\>d is~thegoue.rn!lltt ~r~~ed44.,, jn,.Jljlf.rfe<'tiot1; ;IIIIG ll\'UC him o~focieties,namely offamilics and com019n• aP.Owet &abilitytQcontinue iQ th• faid perfewealths. The Lord (aid toCai»<;Jf.Abet, G#~~ d:ip•Jlifhe would: jyqtdid not he putvo.tq hi~ 4i7·.Hi"'PB'!iJ(}I!allb•fubie<ttoth«,thati.s,in Aug.de corrcpr. &. grat. ca..u. ~,this ronditi»n 1 tqat hccwpu!dbee vn• \l'O'do,meojthy will >hou (h~lt rulcouerhim; cb~Pgl'~.~le& voall'l'.rable, when jrfllould b~ and his will.lhall be_fubic{l; tpd;ine. Peterfaid· Aa.r4. '{Q:Ul<.<l ilY.!hc forcg of oucwar<l t~l)lptatiop. , toAnu4nias, th&t t~1e giuing,gphenot giuing. I ; 1 ;}:)lgyti; o.f t~~ fgJQJqr rlod:·dri~· )nAdqtlfs o(his 1"1J~§0Wa~b;forc !>cegaU«thcro, ip·h~ o"'"l'lo'l~:. rvc.(cp. the~wca)<neff~f,tbe ~xte)c o.w" liberty. i\rr<IJ'••{(aith,.c.~or,,.,l)'.,tbt.ll , · fcntGfl,src.~.tiJtc.in·it fc;lf withoqt-the gr.ace o( l!befatherhar.~IJ'rr'.fhu,ownlfittogiueorno~ G941•Ii<lf .4r/flm 1iflUingpqwer.to ger.lcuere, togine his~hjld in•marriage,~she fu.;~l,l fee qc• couldi.lO_t for ali-P,i~ ,ad: or put,·il• execuncalio.n.Thq;(li~<!.isth~praCiifc.~fci~ilver-cu~, ---- -·~- -- iullicr,