Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

andmanr free- ~ill. ?"1.9 iu£lice,temperance,liberality,cha!Ht~.To this A er and act,and theD.reltion thereof;·\>hereby purpofc: P••l faith,R•"'·•·'4• that the Gen. it is orqered & applied'to the thing it willetfr. tiles tl•thuhingscont•ined in the l<n>, •ndthat/JJ Thethird; Often the will neither wil!etb nor n4turt.Fmoutwardly tobechafi,iufl, bound. J~th the thiwg J ii canwill4nJtloeT-bec~tufl tt Uhinfull,and fo for~h,is in the power·ofoaturalhnd dtr.d. It is.hindered·fome<imes bytheminde corrupt will; It may be faid,that thefe things that milleades the will. fdonetim«s againe by are thegifts oftheholy Ghofi,Ilanfwer thtlS : rhe worke ofSatan.ThusPa11lfaith,That S•- I :rhc:f.,2. the gifts ofthe holy Gholhretwofold,g~sef . tnn binder.dhimfrom roml'liing to Thellalonica. 18. rdJr•int,&gifts efrenou<tion.Giftsofretlraint Thcvfeo'fthis doiJrinc is two-fold; firllthe are fuch as lerue only to keepe .in th~corrup· liberty ofthe will is the condemnation of the tion ofnature, & not to mortifie or abolifh ic. world. For in ciuil & e.clefi:Ulielll action.•men A~ they are comm<?n to all men both good do not that which the,)'can do I fo forre be the and bad,andferue .ooly to maint;<inc outward IY\Oll from· doing thar'Which the Gofpell' re· peace, and comely order in the focieties of quires,thatthty dopl)cillf{t' which nature can men. Ofthis kindeare ciui!l vertues.Giftsof doe. Son\e.pleade, lhatifrhey lieordaiaedto renouation,arefnch graces ofthe holy Ghofi, faluarion, they lhall certeoly be faued, other· as ferue not onely to rcllraine the corruption wife ndt:andtherefore they fay,they willeaue oftheinward man,butalfo to mortifieitiii th~ all to God,andliue as they lift:but this !hall be roote,and to make a change ofour finfull na- B rheircondemnarion,:thatthey hauenot liued 1.? ture,Now vercu~sofrhis kindeareon<ly inciaccordingto ciuill veftue asrhey might, they denttofuch a,s arc in Chril!. ' come not to'the Church, they fe.rch not the The-thirdkindeof actions are Ecclelial!ifcriptures,nor hear ferm6slin a word, they vfe call, namely, fuch a• perrainc to the outward nor rhc good meanes Cif f•luation fo far as t~cy duties ofthe worlhipofGod.And there isalfo are able to vfe them by the firength of nanire. ltoBU. a liberty ofwill in them. Eorcorrupt and finSecondly,the weakndfe ofwill in his liberfull man, bath power and liberty to thiokcof tie, mull reach vs to.>bateourprltlc, and to "· God,and to thinke many things'of him, good humbleour felues : becaufc we cannot doe a- :.Cor.J• .•. in the;nfelues: power to reade•and fearch the ny thing,~onot fo much as moauc hand,foot, p[;ll. so. Seriptures: power to fpeake and talke of the or finger,without the helpe ofGod. Jerobo•m .•. word of Gad:P<>werto come to the c6grcgawhen.hee had firetched out his hand to lay tKin.rO. Atl.t7.1o tion and heare a fepmon,as the Atheniansdid 1 hold onthe Prophtt, could not .fo much as of· p<>wertoconcciuea zeale (I fay not a good pull itin'llgain'f. And thisconlidcration mull z:ale, '>ut onely azcale I lay) for the maintelikewife mooue vsto bethankefull to God,bcnancc ofoutwardduties of religion.P""'faith caufe theattions we doe,wedoe by him. R•"'·IO·>·that the obfiinate Icw'cs had A<ealt C The fecond thing tobee confidered in the :mJ 9,31 o(God,andwerefoRomrs •fthei~t}licc ofthel•w; corrupt will,i• (•) aP•ffihi!itieofwilling that andthat himfelft: bc:eing a Pharifie vnconnerwhich is good. This Pofsibility is a cetraine aPoffibired,was vnrepro•aPfe·inreJ;eEf ofthe l•wefGod, condition ofthe will,whercby it can will that' litas non Phi/, 3.6. Thus farrecan man proceedcby the which is good, afterthat God bath prcucnted altiua!c:d frcedome ofcorrupt ivill:and the diuel by na· vs with hi~ grace.A fione is notofthis nature,' paffiua, turail flrengthgoes fomewharfurther. For·he neither isthe beat!, becaufc they are creatwes vdp~ tcntil is faid tobckeue: andhe c<>ncoiues his faith, vnreafonab!c·, wanting both will and vnder- m.ateriae. notbyillumination of the SpirirofGod, as franding: and therefore no way capable of man doth, but by the rema10deu ofthe light grace: whereas man in thatheehath will and ofnature,& by the power whichyctrcmaines vnderfianding, hath a pofsibilityofdoi•gthat in his corru.ptcd will.Forwe may not fuppofe, which he cannot do. The Fathersin this fence thatlinco h1sfall he IS mhghtcned by the fpirit fay ,Tobeab~ to h•"•faithisnAture,ub•utf•itli Aug. de ofGod inanyth~1g1 indeedisgrare. I przdell.. , . Th11s w~e fee what is the liberty of corrupt Hitherto I haue !hewedwhat will can do in S:mct.,.s will.Wc mu(\ yet further conceiuc itto be full the corrupt efiat.:ofman: now letvs fc:e what ofweakenetfo and imbecility,which1 will ex- D it cannot doe.ll.nd becaufe here the maine difpretfe in three rules. ferences come to be confidercd,between vs & / The firll:Th•t which the wiUcan will,itc•nnDt the ChurchofRome; I will firll lay downea Iam.-t.rr d?e,vn/effi Godn>•ll. Hereupon Saint l•mesbids fure ground,& then buildvpon it: The ground vs fay, Wewilldoethisorth.r,ifGod will. is this:though libertyefn•turere,,yetliberty Rom.I). AndPaul wi!hingrhathee might hauca profefgr•ce,thatis ,ton>illwel,u!oft,extinguijheJ,;tbo. ,, JO. perous iourneytoRome~addes thisclaufe, BJ lijhedbythe f•il efAJmn. I proue it thus:Lib<r- ''. the willofGud, Herod,T(mtiH~JTilate, and the ty ofgrace is founded in tl~ goodnesof inte- " Aa.,,s !ewes, did nothing again(\ Chrill, but that grityofthe wil:now this goodncs ofthe Willis which the counfell of God hath determined abolilhed by the fall ofAt!Am: and therefore before to be done. the liberty it felfthat is founded thoreon.That Atl.17o The fecond; That which th<wiHcanwiH, it the goodnctfe or integrity ofthe will is loft, I >8. '"""" d.e witbont the htlp• t[qod:for in him we eofirme it thus: Thatwl>ich wee put on inour liuc,mooue,and haueour being. This helpe is conuerfion,we \Vant bynature: we puton this tWO fold,Prejiru<ritmofthe wil both for pow. goodnc!fe in ourconutrlioQ.Forin it weputffl . Q..s!q 3 1Ft