Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

0/(}ods freegrace tThef.r :z.;. thenew m~t~~createaaccording to thelmagufGotl A. iniuffice 4ndho/iNes,as l'•ul faith,Eph.i·2i·A· gain,if all the motions and inclinations ofthe heart be euill,and onely euill, and continually euill,rherc i• no goqdnesin the heart: ·but the lirll:is true:FortheLord faith,Grn.6. 3.that he faw tbefr4me <{thethonghuoftheh..rt tobeonfJ euiOcontinu•l/y. l'AHI make• three partsofman in the eflate ofinnocency,thebo~,thefoHie, & the§oirit,that is,the image ofGod wrought by the fpirir, beeing the ornament and glory of both the former. Now fince the fall,the fpirit isrurned to flenu for whAtfoe•erillmn<ffol" i&flefo (faith Chrill, Joh+6.)thatis,wholly fle!h,and onelyllelh: and the uaturalldi(j>ofi– tiou of the flelh is to lull: agaiofl the fpirit; whatgoodnelfe then can be in the will I Hee that mufl <nt<r into the kingdom• of heanen mufllirlt beborneag•ilfi: uowlookeas it isin B the firfl birth,fo is it in the fecond.In the lirft, a Vnder~ fbndtbat which is called in the s~booles Pott.,ria •fli"11 or potmtill form ,I> whic!, we ray is lotbhe Papills f:1yno: ltlttllig,i IJOII fOlefl 1uomodo ~td optr/4 piU4tij .cfliutyo~ lunt.u • l,umiiHA uncztrrAt, fino~tb"btAttxft pottnl'"'" ..eiuAm, f.tltemrt· mMam. ~urlus h~~~~tpc· rtHIMm ltrnotttm & v trts i>nft:Tft· fl.w. f:',rat&li. Jr&.l.t>.c. ''· [oh.6'.4f ' \orn.8.7 ': Cor. .:.. 4· an imperfed man is not made a porfe& man, but that which is no man is made a man: euen fo in the fecond birth,,hee that is afinner,and hath nothingin him toplcafe God, is made iult and righteous. For regeneration is notin refped ofthe fubll:ande ofbody or fuule, orin rcfpc!'l ofthe faculties ofthe foulc, butoncly in refped ofrhc goodneffe thereof, which is a conformity to the will of God. And if there bcany part or portion thereofyet remaining, there cannot be anew birrh,butonelya repai– ring ofthat which is decaied withacoDfirma– tion and increafc ofir. The fecond reafou. There is • no power or aptnes in the wil corrupted,to will that which C is tmly good.Thcrfbre liberty ofgrace to will wdl i' loll. The minor I prooue thus:Eze.s6· •6. Amwhart alfo wi/11giu<JDII,& Anewfoirit wiBI put withinyou,411dI wiNt•k! AW"J th<Jf•ny heart IN4t ofy•ur body,andI wiUgiu<}'H41J hArt <{ fltflltHerc two things are fer down diltindly. fhe firll:, that the new and flelhie heart is the giftofGod, that is, an heart ready and aptto giue obedience.The f<cond, that there is in vs no aptnes orability to receiuc this gift ofGod becaufe our hearts arc ltony. God therefore giues·the lle01ie heart, and the aptnelfetore– ceiutthis giti:,by takingaway the ltony heart. Chrill: faith, that none can come vnto him, vnlefle the Father Jr4whi....Now ifthere were in vs by nature the lealt power or aptndfe to D come to Chri£1:, thendrawing were needleffe, (fgr that argues obfrinate rebellion)& it were lufficient tofuccour, helpe, andconfirmethe fore -faid power,withourany moreadoe.Saint 'P~•Ifaith, that thewiftd.m<<{theflejh, that is, the bell: inclinations and motions of the mind ofa naturall man, :1re not oncly cncm,ies.. but euenmmityto God. Now in enmity, thc:rcis nothing but hatred and contempt of God. And in the hatred ofGod, what inclination or aptnes can there be to loue and obey him t Againe PaN/faith, The naturall man is not ea: pabie<ftbe thingsofGod :for they •refooliflmejfe to him: ntithtrcllnhe IQtow :hcm,ftJrthry~Jre [pi· rit~•lly difterneJ:Inthe mind ofa naturallman there bC twothings tobe conGdeted, the aa, and the. power of knowing and approouing t~atwhtchlstruly good. And here Pt~nlgiues hlskntence ofboth ; ofthe aa, thatthemiod ea notknow the thingslofGod : ofthe power thatthe mind bath no capablenel\e or aptneff~ to acknowledgeor approoue them; as a little vell'el hath no aptncs toreceiue a great quan– tity ofliquor. Again,we are not•pt orfnfficitnt of4Mrft/Jm to thinke a good thought as ofoor felues,but our fuflicicncy is ofGod.Therefore nature corrupted wants ability fo much as to thmkea good thought: wuch ldfe towill that which is good. Againc 'Pt~HI tds the€phefi. ans 1 th'!-ttbeywere lit•dinf"'!'es «na trefpfljfis. And tlus deathordcadneffe 1s not onelyin re– fpefi of~heperforrnace ofthat whichis good, ~utalfomregardofpowertoperformeit.For 1fthe l<aft power to dogood remain Jincc the fall,man is not dead asyet,butdying ordraw– tng<>n, becaufeasyet fome portion of fpiritu• all life remaines.And ifthis be fa,how are we quickened togclhcrwith Chrilt? and how is it awonder,th•tt~t dlt~JbtiU't the'lloiceofChrifli lBI•+•S· Agairp P•Nifaith to the Ephefons, Eph. s .S.that tl\ey were""' t!Arl(neffr, but now ~re lightinthe ~ord. ~owin ~arkenelfe there 1s noaptnctJe at·all,elther to11ueorto receine light.But how wcr<: they madelight 1without any workeor co-operation oftheirs : cuenas in the creation lightwas taken, notfrom fome other precedent beginnings oflight, but out ofdarknc!li:, which conferrednothingat all to the being oflight. The third reafon :There isnotonely an im– potencyrogood , but fuch aforcible prone– nos&difpo1iti6 to euill,as that we can dono– thing but finne. ltremi< faith, that th<.b<•rt<{ m•ni&wick!d•bout 11/Jthings, who ••• 1(,111!1!1 it l Paulfaith,thattheRomans wereonceftrunts <{jilfRt, anJfm inr<Jp<lf ofrighmNfoes: and of himfelf,thatthelaw wa• fpiritual, he'"""''& fold'llnaer[11111e.Andofvnrepentant!inners hce faith,that they arc inthefoRreojthediMt!I~U<or. ding tohi&will. And thisdifpolitionofwhich I fpeake,i• notto fomc few finnes,but to all fins without cxceptio:becaufc, ascuery maR takes ofAt!Amthe whole oamrcofman; cueafohc takesthe whole corruptfon of mans nature. And where thi• huge and horrible malle of corruption takes place, there all inclination and power togoodnos mull needs giue place· It may be obieded, thatifthe will bee inbon– dage vnderfin, it bath loft his liberty quite. I anfwer; not fo: for both may lland together. The prifoner though he hauc loft agreat ~art ofliis liberty,yetbath he not loll: all: for with– in theprifonhemay(a• he wil)eitper,fit,lla~d, lie,or walke. And thoughhee which IS capttuc toJin can doe nothingbutfinne,yct may hecitt finningvfe his Uberty:& in the diuers k!nds.of cuils intended, fhew the freedomeofbu Wtll. The fourth reafon, All the goodi!C$ we bauc andall wcccaodoe thatisplealingtoC!iod, is whoIlli)J'fU. 6pb. •·•· nrrcs. s.Cor.t · 6. Icr.l1.9 Rom6. ... :md7.Tf. ~Tim,J, t6,