andmansfree~~ill. wholly i11 Scripture afcribed to God. He that A the workeofgrace, and to open, the worke of itthe childof God, is borne &f God : "'' if free-will. I An[wer,thatthewords,(ifany man Ioh,r.JJ ~lctd,thar is,not ofnaturall generation: ,., •f open (are conditionall: and therefore deter.. the wiO iftltejlejll,that is,nor ofrho power and mine nothing of powerofwil either to orfro. inclinationofnarurall will:notoftbewil•fmAII, Againe,rhe words fer nordown what the Anthat is, the heroical! inclination ofexcellent gel is able to doe, but what his office is, and Bpb,z,Io men.We are the workemanfhip ofGodcrcawhat bee caA dot by grace. Furthermore the red in Chri(ho good workcs. Now the crcaplace ofDeuteronomie. isobiet!ed, The word rure conferresnothingto his creation, which whioh 1 <ommAnd ~he~, u nme thu, that thDH Dcur;Jo. i.! wholly from the Creator: bccaufe to create .,..yejfdoest. But m thefe words VUofts fets I~· is not to make fomething of fomething, but down,whatthe lfraelites can doe by the grace fomething ofnothi2g. ChriiHairh,without - ofaMediatour, who fulfilling thelaw for vs, "~·''·f· J~<Andsenothi#z. Andthereafon isthererenandgi•ing grace toobey thefame; makes the dored; Becaufe Chrift isthe vine , and they commandernenrs ofthe law(whichotherwifc which belecuearevine-branches:whichbranareimpofsiblc)to be eafie. ThusPANI hath exches, that they may bring forth good fruit, B poanded this text, where he fignimu!l firfr be fer into Chri!l,& then drawthdr fies, that fenrcces of the law muft nor legally, fap,that is,power to doe good from him. but euangelically be vnderftood ofthem that Patrons ofnarare agaioft thegrar~ of~od, arc in Chrifr, andfulfil! the law~yhin:. allcadge foure fpeciall reafons for hbemG of Thcfoomhob~eilson.When man IS conuerted, wil in moral at!s,that is, inthings and adions heisnotconuerred again!His will: for then good accordins to the moralllaw. Tht firfl il God fhould deale with a man after the maner this: God hath ginc fundry cbmandcments to ofa !lone or a beaft. Therefore bee which is manfince hisfall, fame pertainingto thelaw. conucrted , is conuerted with theconfent of fome to thcGofpel,as com>ndementstorumc his owne will. ..dnj. This confent is not ofour vnto God,to beleeue,to repot.And al comanfelues, but of God. For as the cooucrfion is demets aregiuen in vaine, vales there be free• ofGod,fo is the will to be conucrted. Ofthis dome ofwill to dothem,ornotto do the./ an· poinr, more afterward. fwtr fir !1: ,the[ecommandements fe't not down Vpon the ground former!y deliuered, funwhatwe cando,but what we fhould doe:they dryqucfrions ofgreat moment are refolued. lignifie,not our ability,butour office & duty. The firftis, whether a natural man oran infi• whereby we fhoold pleafe God and come to C dell,canby rhe frcedome ofhis will, without (.,luation. And iftheeommandcmenrs beimfaith, and wirhout the belpc ofGod, doeany pofsibk,it is not Gods fault,but ours,for they worke-morally good,thatis,a w.orke in which arc not impofsible to created but to corrupt there is no fin:thcy ofthe Church(4)ofRome _ naturc:fecondly,though we cannot will to doo for many hundred yeares hauc anfwered, yea: • Ales l• that which God ~ommonds , yet are ~or his f~r they confidenrly te~ch, th~t• "'""preffod §~.:;maccmmandcments tdle' For they are the mllruw.cbnottmpt•uon,mAyw~thoHt[Aithbythejpeci•l q ••· · ments and meanesof theSpirit ofGod,whcrhtlp~ifGad, &withoutit,by his •wneflrengthfo Tbo...;. by heeffeCls in vs the good hecommands. dcethat whichis moraNygoad, that nofin4t•N bt I• The.focond•hieilion. W<e are boundto gi•e com111itttdthmin. We anfwer,no:& that vpon _Bona T. voto_God an account ofall our doings in the fufficient warrant. For fuch as the beginnin• '";ssenr. day ofiudgement, and this were notequall, ofan aCiion is,fuch is the action it fclfc: no~ ~-.n; vnlc!fcweha~powcr towill both t;ood and themindeand.willofmanarc the~ginnings gro~.& I, eutl.I•n[wtr,Lt IUfficeth to bmd vs to a reckoofallthtlt adtons:& mthem there ts noabiliarbrtl, s. n!ng, that once we had libertyin4a'4notowill tyro think orto .will that which is truly good, '•l• etther ~:aod or cud. And all menunce the fall but aconttnualdtfpolition tf! the contrary,Ail haue fome meafure ofliberry of will:thc wic- D at!ions therefore proceeding thence are only ~~~h:~~ kc~ liberty in finnc: the righte9us liberty in and continually euill. Vpon this ground '1'.oHl I~. duttes ofnghteoufneffe. faith,th•tt• thevnckAnt, the vfe ofAIthinzs is Ro.,, 14, The third •bi<Clion from teftimonics of vnclt~rne: And ChriQ faith, thAt antHiB tree '3· Scripture. Iris alleadgedthatthe Samaritane, cann.t~ringf~rthgoodftuit. And, Wh•tfotH<T i~~~~;. 3.. which lay.wounded berwcene Iericho and leisnot lff•ith, without exception, isfinnt, To l!<.zo. rufalem, 1S afigure of mankinde halfcdead in this dot!rine alwaies fubfcribeci the Ortho- h Nulb linne. I ofwer. that in parables norhing may dox& ancient Church. The Ararfican Coun- bon• fa. bee gathered that isbefidc thefcope thereoft cill faith, ltisjromthegiftifGod,th•t we*tept <ithomo, and thefcope oft~!$ parablets nothtngels, osrfmefrom•mufli<" And,tb4tAI1fAII(A)doth ~;~.';, but to thew who IS our neighbour. Againe, nog..dthings, which God en<bks himnot tod••· Hicrom. we grauntthat liberty of wil isnot abolifhed, t.J?ri.m faith, ADW«Audce is Go4s. Hieromt G•l. 3; bot wounded:Becaufcthough hbcrty ofgrace faith, Withtut Chrifl t'HtTJ vtrtMe is ~~t <'llict Greg,l.~, towilwe~be lofr, yetliberty ofnature to will, Gretorie,Iff•ithb< notfir.ft 'tl>roHght in orir heArt; ~~'t; c. !l:dlremames. Agatne, theword•ofChri!l: ltbtr thingsc•mmbez..d, thrmghthtyfiemeto aupr.& to the Angel of L••dic<~ are obiet!ed; 11•. be{i, A•g•ft· faith cxprcfly that all the works c6<up,l z hoiJJfl••dattht darund kJ!ock£: if<ny m4n•· Gfvnbelecuersare linncs:becaufc whatfoeuer '·l• conr, l.ov. 3 ·'• pen,IwiOcon.,i•. Here(fay fome)toknockc,is is not offaith, is linne. And hee faith thus of 1" 1·'4·'·1 ~94 Pt£i~