Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Ofqodsfreegrace ~~r~~~~ 'Pelagim the hereticke: Someti•m h1 POJ~dthe.\.>1 . proceeded not of louc to God, but offeare of cu:fad poweroftht w>ll Withji<ch equaU "-~Iglus m~•ev tpomlhment; and it was made in hypocrifie, non p:o- ba!lance, th~t he mtght determm• how ~~~··•ltth cecaufeafterwardt.e hardened his heart. candum [ol?lewh;n·tBc•ufe vs not toftnne: wh>e}J iftt bufo; Further it is alleadged, that Neboch#btf:Ar Ez«h. valcre. thm uno plact referoedfor the helpe ofgract, !I heath<nman was rewarded ofGod for lack- ''· ,o, v;ithoutwhichwef"Y, fruwi/1 bath noforceat•IJ ingofTyrm: and that God would not haucremcaNft?gvs not toftnn•. In fpcech there are warded him, ifhis wotke had becne a linne. two things worthy obferaauon. One, that (m Anf.Thereward was temporall-andhe was reJ>fihil ad .Auguftines iudgoment) free will of it felfc warded for his labour onely, ;nd not for the ~:~~~~- bath no force at allto caufe fin. Of goodnelfe thereof. lm,vcl the fam~ mind is the maficrof the fentences, Lafiiy, itmaybe obielled, that ifwee can n;hd ad who faith, that maQ beforehee be repaired by ntn doegoodwork~sby freedome of corru t non pe<a- grace, cannot tut fin; though the Schooles afwdl,then all ourathons, oureating drinkin~ ~illm;:~·· terward, forthe moO: parr ditfent fron1 him. fieeping, baying, felling,and wharfocuer we~ P.non Thcf<eond , thatit was the herefieof'Pel.gim candoc,iafinne: and no finne may bedone and potfenon to teach • that free •will ('mewhot. •••iltth to B thereforenothi~g~u(\ be done. Anf. A61ions P"""' caufe vs nor to finn~. W1rh th1s 1Umpes the beforenamed, me~dcnt, to rhelife ofman ate ;ea:•."· determination ofthe Councell ofTren~, when not finnes of rhomfdues 1 for then they rn'ij:ht • 1t fa1rh,].<t b.,, beACc•rfed, thatflmh, aflworf<!s nor be donutall; butthey are finnes ondy ill d,ne before a>ry i•flificatioo , art finnrs indeede. refpell of the manner ofdoing : becaufe they Bellar. de grat.&L arb l. f. Fo, thus it inlinuates clofdy, that will, before are not done inobedience to God.; and referthe grace of iufiificarion, partly holpen, and red to him as to their right end, but by-ends partly ofit felfe, candorhat which is good, at are propounded. And thi•is thecodition ofethe leaft morally, as they fpeake. And this is uery man til he be conuerred, that he can doe the refolute fentence almofi of all Papifis. I nothing but fin and difplcafe God , euen then doubt 11ot therefore to auouch that the prewhen the a~ion is praife-worrhy bcfurc men. fent religion ofthe Church of Rome reuiues The confidcrarign of this dollrine ferueth in part, theherefieof7'el•gim,andinthefelafi to correlt the erronious opinion of many daies propounds it againe to the world with who thinke thcmfelues in good :cafe and 11ewvarni!h and frelh colours. To auoide this highly in the fauour of God, becaufe they are charge, they a11fwer the place ofAugMj/inebenothecues, murderers, blafphemers, adulteforcalleadged, thus. When'1'tlagi,... faith,the C rers, &c. Bu(alasrhey aredcceiued; there is will is afforce nor ro finne, his meaning (fay marterenoughof condemnationwithin them, •p· "· they) was, thatwillwasofforce rocaufevs though they be no outragious malefaaours. neuer ro finne through the courfe ofour liues. For all they doe is finne before God, till they I anfiver againq Aug•ifline, who knew the bee renewedbygrace.In eating,drinking,flcemc'aning ol 'l'tlagitH, fpeakes not ondy of ping buying, felling, in alltheydo~, they linne. · thelife ofman, but euenofparticular a~ions, Not that eating, drinking, fleeping, buying, Epift. 9 r. I as appeares by thefe words, Hee thllt prnies, felling, are finnes in themfelues, but becaofe ad Inno- Lcadevs not into tempi•rion, praiu th.t they faile in the right manner of doing thefe cen. not do~ An.J eui/J. Vincentim LyriJUnjis tookc aaions. this to be the herefie of Pelagi~s, that man by SecondlY; in that wee can doe nothingbut bi> owne free-will might do fome good things. fin till we be regenerate, we are taught to acFor thefe arc his words : Wh• before thatpro. knowledg~our bondage vnder finne and SaDe h~re( phane 'J>elagiHI, dideHer prt/Nme th•tthe vm•• ran: yea; we moftlabour to feele this bondage ,ap.. •+ offree-wiHw.ufogreat, that heiid•ot think! the and to groane Tnder the burden of it. This grace of God"'"' nece!fariefor the helping ofit in beingdo11e,welnnfi goe further yet, and with the J.ingofgoodthings accordingto esmy alt! D hungring a~d thirfiing hearts f'e :o t,he MeIc;, obieLled to tbecontrary, that Infidels dmour Chnfi, who preacheth dehueranceto can doe things ofthe la'V which are good: and captiu's, and withallgiuethdeliuerancc from that they hauc bin and are indued with many finne, Satan, hell,death, condemnation,to all vertues,which are the gifrs ofGod. .Anf. Infifuch a.s with touched and braifed h~ans flic dels may doe d·,ings good in their kind, but vntohim. they cannot doe th<m well: bccaufe they apThe ferond quelHon is. Whetheranarurall ply them to wrong ends, as honour, profit, manby the power ofhiswil maybeable ro re-~ pleatli<C• Aod a r•ood thing done to a wwng fi(\ & ouercome a temptation. The Papilf an• cnd,ceafethtobrgood, ?ndiseuillin the doer. fwers,that .he is ableto ouercomc lelfer&eafiAgain, tht vcrcues ofthe heathen, as they are er temptations ofh1mfelfe; yea,& gteatertoo, Bonau<n ot G 0 D>aregood; yet as they arevfcd,orra1fbe be helped by God: and thar fundry temp- ' ;n,.d;a. thcr abufc;d ofmen, rhoy arc turned to finncs. tationsdoe not exceedthe llrengthofmans na•>. lt is alleadged, that wicked Ph<ra• did a ture.Butweareto hold,& we teach thecontra- i&Thom good worl\e, wh<n l)e faid, I huefinned, the ry, thatthewdlof man fincetl!e fall of Adam~;~;:~~~- Lordurighteoos~l lindmypcople.rnftnners: pr"J ca':not ouercome fo much as the lea(\ temp.- gm:&I. forme, &c. Avjwer. Tl,e coni·ef>icn is good in tatlon. Becaufe the power wherby atcmptatl· aibii.l,;• Exod.9. ,hiS kind, but not good in Pharao: becaufi: it on!hould beouercome, tsloft and abohfhed, c. 1 , '1- 7 · ' that I I.