Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

.----- ~-------·-·-··--- 17340 f qodJfreegraci, 1 1 can a~d doth come forth ofthe dungeon. The A-;;-flelh=;:ly~h;-c-a-rt~,---:th_a_t:-is-p-:-li:-a:-bl:-c-a-n-:d-fl'""e-x-ib-le-to dotlnnw~ teach IS the plame contrary, Th•• obedtenc~. Now to will-tobe conuer~ed, is J wrR brforllt bee turnetl4ndwmertt~ c•nnot fo agoodthmg, & onepointoftrue obedience: I much.u w•Ohu.owneconH17fion. This followes and thereforeit proceedesnotfrom the heart vp·onthc_formerground:forthcpowertowil of man, rill and framed by I that that1s trucir good,tslofi;a power to ~vil · G~d to that whtch1sgood. What haft thou, '·Cor.,. .our conuerfion,tsapowerto will that whtch fatth P••l, thatthou hall not receiuedt and if 7 • I is good:therefore the powerto will our owne .thonhafi receiued it, why do<fi thcu boall f i couuerfion,is lofi.Befide preuenting and exci· Now, iftG will to be healed were of vs we 1 ring motions that fcrue to flirre vp and helpe haue matter ofboafiingin cur li:lues. Ag~inc the will,thereis further required,that the will he faith,we are not futficient or able to think~ he regenerate, before it can willthat which is a goadthought asofour fdues,butour fufficiC good: and withoot this giftofregeaeration eucyisofGod: mnchlefi'e thencanwcofour ;: or.J, (which is the true prcuenting grace) all exterfelues wil ordefirc to be rcgencrat.Thehealth nail moti~ms and excitations to that which is B and life ofthe foulc is of God , wbo raifeth good,areofno etfec.'!:. For the caufe mufl goc V£ from death tolife:now towiltobe healed beforethe etf•ll :N~w .that the wil may~tfca and to will to Ji~c vnto G?d, is the beginni~ and doe that wh1chlsgood, the caufc 1sthc ofheahhand!Jre.AcertameCounctlltaich if C . A regeneration thereof:in wh~his giuen to the any m•nd.e 4HoNch,that Goddoth rxpt£1cur wio ,:i":'~4 will, not onely a new ac.'!:ion, whereby it wils that i"'"'Y be purgulft•mfinne: • notcon: · Well,but al{o a new quality,whe~by it is able fefftthAt itu the opewio11iftht Spirit of Gldin and can willwell. And this abilkie.o.fwilling w,that doth "'•k! "''to ,.ilitobtpNrged,he rtjijis well, goes before the atl of good will, as the toeholy Ghojifoyingby s.t.,on,The ,.iluP"P"· caufe beforethe efti:c.'!:. When a man1s.dead, redby God, Augujlint faith, It isnot inhim th•t c~afchim and r~bbehim, pur •q•• vtta i_oto runntth,_ b•t~• Goti th•t Jhtwlthmercy, that 411 !'fl::t, h1m to warme h1m at the heart: when this IS m•y•• grum to God, ,.ho both prep•m the,.i/J done,take him by the hand, plucke him vp, & of man tobehtlped, 11ndhtlpt it beting bid him walke:forall this,he wilnot flirrethc whopre11mts himthatwiHerhth•t ht m•ywiB,& leaf! ioynt, neither can he. All chafing and foNotfes him ,.ithhelpt that willeth, th•tht wil rubbing , all fpeech a.nd pcrfwafian , and all C ••~in V4ine, They which are bodily ficke, can helps in the world br.mvamc, vnlesthe foulc wlllto be healed before they eegin to be heabe rcfiored to the body:Euen fo,no perfwafi· led, becaufe they be aliue: but they whichare onoffered ro the mindc, nor good defires to fpiritually fickc in Ctnne before thcirconuerfi. the will, are ofany moment, till the image of oA,arr dead intheir Ctnne: and therefore they God flandingin holines,which is a conformi· can neitherthinke, nor will, nordcfirc their tie with the will ofGod, and the very foule ef conuerfion. When Chri!l was abo111 to cure our foules,begin to be rdlorcd.Nay,the mind aficke man, he moues this quellion to liim, ,is Vtlcapableof any good thoushr,anllthewil Wiltthou be healed? and fowhenGodiu- lob 16 'ofa gooddefirc,til God once againe createin bout the workofregeneration in any man, ~e · · • them anew qualitie or property of holineffc, inwardly mooucs this quellion in the heart, that rhc minde in thinkmg may thinkc well, whether he will be regeRerate orno: and by and the will in willing may will well, or will this meansftirresvpa defiretobe regenerate. ·that which is good. For though it bee the, Ifany manthinkethatbythisdoB;rinc, men natttreofthe will,towillor nill,yimhepowcr are regenerate againfi their wils: I anfwer, and formal! beginning of wd-wil!ing is the when God beginstoregem:ratevs, hemakes integrity or goodnes ofthe will• .It is obievs the• willing,being othcrwife by naturevnttcd,thatthe will to accept and receiuo grace, D willing:and thus heregeneratesvs not againll is in vs before grace be receiued. I ••fwtr our wib:yer fo, as the willingne!fe toberegethus,the litfl a<'!: ofwill; whereby the will in nerate isnotofvs,butofGod. It may, be alhis regcntration begins toa!fent vnto God, & leadged furrher,that the~tlofthewilwhere· begins towill to be concerted, is indeede the by it wils to be cenuerted,goes ~fore the ac.'!: worke ofthe will , (becaufe it is the will that "fGod,whcrby he turncsvs to~Jmf<lf:&: that willerh) yctdoth it not arife of the naturall othcrwife, wearcconuertedw!thoutourconllrengthofthcwil,butfromrhegraceofGod fcnt, and that God worksvpon vs as vpona that renueth it. For to willro be regenerate,is block or flone•.A~fin refpra oft1me they arc theeffeCtand tcflim<>ny ofregeneratio begun. both done together; but iarefpca oforderof '1'••1handling the pointofthe predeflination nature, lirll the •Will begins to bee turned of & iuflilication ofafinner,compares God to a God,~eforeit ca.nw~l to~· tur~e~.For eue~y potter & vsto clay. Now the clay before it is caufe IS before hJSefi<Ct,lfnormumc, yet m framed to aveffell ofhvnour, and whilcit is in priority of uature.The wil conn~rtcd.fe foone I framing,is me<rely pafsiuc, and doth nothing as God bath begunnc to renew ~t, wils to bee l!mh. e at all. for the framing of it felfe. When a. renewed.: and it could ~ot Will the conuer- ><'. 3 man IS tob<e regenerate, God takes away fion of 1t felfe, vnldfe 1t had formerly tathe flony heart, that is by nature difobedicnt fled of the goodndfe thereof. And though and altogether vnapt to obey: and he giues we firfi feolethcdefire tobe~conuerrecl, be·