fore the grace ofconuerlioo,it is nothing 1 for IA fometimeswee per~eiae tbe effett-beforethe caufe: as we fee the light ofthe,Sunnebefore the Suooe: and wdee.thc.lightofaoandle in a houfc before we fee the candle. Therefore to wil toberegenrrate may be the effectofrege• nerafion begun;. though it lir£1: of.all appear<· Forthe better cl•aring of th4our dodrine, I · will t)ropound two other que!l:ions. :·. gr.u.&:J. arb.l.6.c. JJ'. Stnt. 10. aRcade ' Caluins !~;:,ti.~ c.~.fec:.1o Phil.t.IJ Ezec.36. t6. The fir£1:, whetherthcwillofmanby his""' turall!lrength , be any caufe of his awne coo– uerfiog. The anfwerof·thc Papi£l:•js, that the will is acaufe with th"'grace ofGQ!l.and that both together worke ourconuerfion ;graceas the principall, will~the lelfe prio.cipall , and both 'IS <;aufe. formerly. B"t weteach& hold 'B (as truth is)tbat willintheatl of.working,ef– fetling, producing af Ollt conuerfioriorrege– neration,i• nocaufe at all,but in it fdfcconlt– dered, ameerepatientor fubieCl to receiuethe grace of conuerlton giuen and wrought by God. Iris abfurdto.thinke, ihat a creature fhouldbee acaufc of his creation,.or adead man ofhis quickening.Therefore(as I thinke) thedollrineofthemthat teach, that there are thrte efficient caufes ofmans c6uerfton,Gods fpirir,Gods word, mans will, hathhisdefect. The fpirit i.• the prinoipall caufe, tbe .word in his right vfe is themeans orin!l:rument,wherby the operationofthe fpirit is etfectuall. And for tile will o~~an, it!l:andsonely asa patient C Qr obtetl ofdmme operation. It IS alleadged, that !Jlen which repent, are worthy praife therefore: and this cannor well be, vnklfe re" pentan.ce proceede frpm freedomeof will. I 4n{tlt>tr: praifed bccaufe irisa ihing that plcafetb God, and in that refpect praife-worthy ; And the repentant perfon is praifed,notbecaufe he isrhe caufe ofhis owne r~pentance ,. but becalife bee repents beeing thereto inabled by the mercy of God· The fecond que!lion is, wl]ether the con– uerlton of a fi11oer p~ in the.po.yer-9f mans wilany way. The anfwer ofthe Papitli~;that our regeneration an4 ~onueffion is in pait in the powecof mauswill; fo as the willllirred vp.can either aPBl)l it felfe to the grace of God, or reiect the fame· ccinrrariwife (•)we ~ teach, chat regener~tio is no~ within the pow– eroft)lans will, but tha\ it whollydeped~th on thewillofGod: and, that when GOD will conuertandrcnewvs,thou~hwill.for his own nature be aptto reltft, yet m refpe<t ofGods vnchangeable will,andin refpe~oftheeflica.· cie ofhis inward operation, it G~nnot refill: & r~pell 1he worke ofGod.For wh~n<:;odhim– fclfe workes ~ny thing, his worke.caunot be rdi!l:ed. For his working ofathing is onely to will it to be; arid his will can not be r,efi!l:ed., Now in mans. conuedion,A~,w.rk!s the owi0:~4nd hr t1t>ork[s theJmle: Andhe <4Hjith men to WAI/i in hu coml11"'!denmiti.Rcltfraqce therefore can not be ma<le. Secqnd)y, th9 Sctiprur.e cucry where teache~, thatour conucrfion& faluatip wh<;>llydepends Pll God~Will; ~hq pot OQ th,e :~~~~~:~;.,~t~rt~f ~:l~~;f:~:' ~~::J:~fle~d~. ~:~;:: geththete!limony ofUWoje,s, 7tuncither ip , 7 • bimthatwi/Jcth, ner inhin; that r1mnuh,bm in qodth•tfiJCweth mercy. Our Sapiour ·Chri(l Vihom: I teacherh that the fccrets ofthe kingdame of ~~·~.~·;;~ God are reuealed-:to fome,. an4 ro <?thcr5con· Grc:g. de ~ cc, led, brc•1ifi the ple•foreof.Godufo: and be- v,J. ~aufe the gitt of. vnderfla11qing is giuen tq cD:Bon– fome, and,JJottoorhcrs. Our conuerfion is ~~smr. rearmed anewgenoration and a new ~rear~ . . a3:o;~i· on : for this caufc it cannot depend on 1hc q,<o. • will ofmanatal[, b~caufe acreature hath not d Th" llis c;rcation qrregcnerarjon in his ownc: will, ~h,e :t~cc: fo as he may eit{1er accep.t orrefufc it. A.nd it ~~~~:i~Y is 'a great ouerfh.adowiog 9f Gods grace, to mans make rAe hauing,orthe nor hauingofit, to be ;;n~e£en-. in the:: choice'ofmans wilLBut rtu: text in band Btllar. de is obieacd. Whtn Chrift wouldhauecon~er•. !:~.~:~,~,~:·1 red lqrufalem,theyrefi!l:ed& would n'!t.I an · ~"'"" fwcr,Th~re isa~~oublc workeofGod.~On~ is, ~~:n~::::i outwardly in the word & Sacrament tO offer in .atfrnfu gr~c~:and this indeed may berefined. O,fthis :~t~:!:;. Chn£1: fpcakeshere when he faith, thry rro11U mo'" t. not:andStephen when he faith., theyr1ji.ftedeh~ t1i~~:at!!;, hoiyC:hgji,AO,t 1 7·5•· The Lord f•ith, (jen.6, 2· ""'"'" My/firit}!1a~ ~CJ~ alwayjbi~t W~t~m•rn: & ~eur. ;~~c~~ be appJ1es l~ns frrfL>mgtv N~s rnmt!~f:ry faymg: {fft~u~u. that Chrifl went infpirit 4ndpr~~ched, I. ~Pci.S. ~a~'~;~::b· 1~. !hcfecond i~, wntn<?od mwa~dly by his g~~t~~~e fpmt,~Qrns, rcn( ws,!anChfies the whole man, againc ~ec and rhtswprk qmnot be refilledby the will Gf [:!;~·";;~~~ man; no mor.c tPen ,·H4Could refill the dition Jnd worke ofChrift, when he was raifed fromthe no c~uft" of. dead.Ifit be (aid, that this doctrine abolifhtth ~~,~~;;:Y liberty, bccaufe it cannot choofe apd refu1f the ~~~!~~~es grace of God : J••ft~t>er , the Angels of ~od h< S""'"h which wil good&annor wil euil,haueneuef- ~~::!~Iicth thcl~f(e perfect liberty ofwil.And it isgreater will •ho-. pcrrfe(\"i~n 9_fl~b~rty freely and onely to wi,ll N;;t c~ce that wbt>h ts good, .theJl to bee able ro will I ,o<a,u both good andeuill. Hee ipt more libmie, :;h~~· thatcamlOtbcafernant, then hee~hich may whengracc be either af!eemanor a. ferUanr. ft.ndaneteC. i~:gr~d~ ltty ofyeeldmgrathe wtlofGod IS no hurtto pm, will ourwill: Fpr it is.a _fpeciall_ iibcrtY, rO Will J~~~~i:u that whtch God w1ls & nothmgels. &Yall this <h<Po"" "'v:h!ch hath bccne faid, it appeares wR~t is ~he fu~~~~~ ~; dtB:ercncc b,ctwcenc ys, and the Church of nuner ~0~~ i~ the pOint offree-wil.They fay,liber- ~~D!~o~c; tycfgrace to will well i> only weakned, dimi· "F' •• nifhed,and held captiucby linne: we fay,it is ~\~~fk~~~f· quite loll:an<) abolifhedby tlie fall of:41i411'• God. Ag~in,~y ~~ fo~m:fr doLtrine~ thC commpn ;~ Cur~f· qudhontseaftly anfwered: namely wherein fa,/l...d, lyet~ the efficacy of Gods grace, (b) Seine. !;b~i.~.'~. Pap1£l:s :u)fwer that it lies ordinarily!n rpe free ::;!b~q· co_nfcnc andco~operanon Qffree-.wtll wyned \ Molina,ss wttb.gra~.e. Al)d tbis fcernesdiretllyro be rh~ I ;~'~''' opmtoqoftheCou~celof T<~nt. But 'this is '' ,.,,;' much derogatory to thFdiuh1~ ~race pf God, f,~~?:.~ EO P!a~e .rh~(d)eflicacyt.heroft~ m~ns wil wlil Amido~ tt mmt!l:crs much matter qf (e) boafiingvnti> ••Aih. 11'~!1·. 9 .thps pl~ce ~h; cflicaci~ of grace in lihF ,;oqi!!W'Y pf thf' Pbif<t, (f) rhir is; in --------------~----~------~~~~--~~~----~~~~~-o~ ' rn!____i,