Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1 :z..difi+:.f. Nafiper ftb~~=::r &adiu· vctur. , ?6 7J - 0 f ~odsfreegrace, morall perfivafion,which God knowes to be 'A is rdiored in par1!n reg~neration:l9. fa1'4"orth apt and fitte to mooue and allure the will ashbenytofinn~tsdtmt~dh~d. And·fiecaufe according to the condition thereof, euen thefe three alwates re!Jlamc mthewill t<lthe as a beaR is moooed by thofight ef a botd.eath,t~erfore ~omerimc it willeth wd,fomctle of hay. B.ut there is no eflicacie ia ~hefe ttmeeuill,fomeumc both, and in thebelfattiperfwafions pref~nted to the minde: beonswe.doe;rherc isamixrurc: becaufe;rhey caufe the will lies inthraldome and bondage are notperfeltly good for the .timeofthis life, vnder tinand Saihan. And the will mull: not but partly goodand partly.euiU• .)•. , ·, · onely ·bee helpt , but alfo bee deliuered fram That rhi$p_owe~·of the will may the better this bondage, before any perfwafion can appe_are, I will propound foorc queilions.The mooue·it. L•mbardin his time much dedifirlhs,whetherthe wilprcuentedo•renowed ned from the purity of the former dayes: haueanyllroke,acltion,oroperatlOninthefirft and yet bee is farre founder then the Iefuites regeneration of a linner. I anfwcr ·In the reofourdaies. Forhoefaithth•s: Frmvi/Jnm ; no~~arionor conuertionofafinner'Ioonfider u hmdred by thektw ofthe~efhfrom thinggoud, 1 twethings. Firll, the beginning or ground 11ndjlmedvp !"R'/1, fO AI >t c<nnot W>IJa»ddoe 1 B thereof, and that is tht letting orimprinting good, vnleffw beetkl>~ere~•nd h;lpe~ by l.'""'· j o~the new qualities & inclinatioslri themind, We leaumg the ~aptlls m th_etr diJTenttons, ~t!l, affe~bonsof thch<art. And this is the place tile efficac1e of grace 1n the grace tt mureor mecr~ worke ofGodinvs,andvpon felfc. ForfatthChr~ll, Eueryman thatbath vs; andweetnitarc memlyp•[/iHtnot•IJiU<, heard and learned ofthe Father, comes vnto The fecond is the euidence ot the former in me.Againe,we place in ir this, that G?da~des n~wandf~iriruallattio_ns, as namely in thinthefecond grace to the firll. For haumggtuen kmg, wtllmg and defirmg that that is good. the power,bee ll:aies not there, but proccedes Now thefe attions are workcs ofGod in and further and giuesthewil,and with the wil,thc bymans will: and mans will is not onel9 a deede. And thus i~ the grace ofGod eftttturubie_cltofrhem,b~t alfoan intl:rument. A fuba(l. Jett,m that <riod mhe firtl:and principal wo<- The confideration and v(eofthis & the forkcr of thefewerks inthe will,An inllrumenr • tnerdottrines, is ofgreat confeqneot. For if becaufe itpleafethCod tovfe the will, and t~ liberty of grace loclotl;,great isrhe nece1Sityof m<loue it by.hisgrace for the atling and effeour redemption by Chrill,and great is the extlingofthe things which heappointeth. And oel!ency thereof. Secondly, this dottrine cuts C thus the willis not mccre_ly pafsiue, butp•ffi•• off the excufeofall fin: for though we fin neand alhueboth: firll pafs1ue, and then attiue. cetfarily,becaufeliberty ofgrace is loll::yct we For beeingatted and mooued by <?iod, who finne freely, becaufe liqerry in euill remaines. works the will and tile deede, italfo aiteth& Thirdly,it appeareshe•\ce, thatman ofhimfelf mooue1h. And wee doe not vttcrly deny the can not haue orretaine~nygoodncs, butthat co-operation ofmans will with Gods grace. whichGod"iueth~preferueth in vs. This Jtisnoceffary indtede that God firll: regencthing mull moouevs to pray earnellly for the rata vs, and make vs hi• children aod now grace we want: and to giuehearty tbankes for creatures. And in this thing we doe noteothe graces wee haue. Fourthly,we are taught worke withG0 D ,but!landaspatieors, that deepely ro humble ourfelues for theloffe of God.may worke vpon vs, and refO<me vs, eour liberty, and for the bo~dage vnder fin~e: ~en mthe fam_eman.ner, as wheubee madevs & to pray inllantly for ochuerance by Chnll:. m the begmmng wttho~t any helpe of ours: Fiftly feeingofour felues we cannot preuaile yet, after ourregencrattOH, by f01th we are againfr theleatl: temptation, we mull pray to breag~tfrom death to life, andto will is prebce guided •nd afsiited continually by God. fent wtthvs, th?ugh mweake m~afure by reaLatl:1y, feeing our conuerlion depcndeth on D fon oft~ rem11nders ofcorruption: •od then ' Gods mercy,& not on ourwill, we·are tanght we begm to bee eo-workers wtth thegrace of todeny oarowne wils, wifedome,power,and God, fl!OO!:'ed towill,a?d fo indeede willing to ati:ribeouriullification and fa!Uation wholthat whteh ts good.Inthis fenfe hauc the lear· Pror,.,. ly and onely to God. · · ned faid,th~~twhich i< repairedinvs, is w•trepaicont. The third ellate ofman is the dlateofreredwithoRt vs: and, that G•din them whom h.- Collar. generation : In whicp the ~ill bath power to c•/ls,preparestbewiOthat it m".] be.~ rt<tU.trud ;;· will,partly ~hat which is go~d,aod partly th~t handm•iJ•fhisgifts,. G~;,:l~;. which is eu 1 ll, as dally expenence declarcth Jl! The fame anfwer,m cffdt,I propound a_no- '·'9· the liuesofiutl: me.And the reafon is, becaufe therway. In the w~rke of our re~~uerauon, the wilofman renewcd,hath in it a three-fold three gra~cs be reqmrecl, the grace, liberty. The firtl: is,the liberty if~Umre,towi1, the worktn~~;rate,a!'d the co-work.nggracc. or nill which is in all men. The fecond is /i. Theprenalll.,ggr..-ets, when God ofhiS mer• ~er~ ifftnne, whereby the will, whenit wilieth cy fe~s a~d imprints in the min~ a ne~ lishr, aVdl< an euill,willeth it freely. And this liberty is m the wdl a new~uahty or mchnatll)n, m t~e credere, diminithed accordingto the meafurc of grace heart new afttcbons. ~he working i'"" ~s, v~l!erefi which God belloweth• The third is,Jibmie if when God ginesto rh~ wdrhe aclt ofwel-wiJ- ~~~~~: grate, to will that whichplcafeth God, and it ling,namely,(•)the will to beleeue,the wtll to b<dire. repent