andmanifree n>i/1. 737 Aug.dc ~~~~r~c. repcot,the will toobey God in~b word. T.hc A and re!'entancc i$ fo farre forth pofsiblo,:o all ..,.wor~inggraceis,whenGod gmeth the deedc tbat ~ill a,o~.hane a deiire;that whofotuer do Faith & to the will that u,the exerctfc and pralHie.of but Wlllm earndlto belewc, and to bee con- ;~~:~·,,. faith and r;pcntance. The lirftgiues the powuertcd, do indeed beleeue, and areconucrted, p•l'i ole erofdoinggood;tbe fecod, the will;the third, and pleafe God~and !lull not perifheternally, to ,1 that the deede ; and all three together make the though the begmnmg offaith and conueriion • ill in ea. r;. worke ofregeneration. Now the will of m_an I beweake;fo i~ bcin trurh, a!>d nor counterfeit. earndl. inrefpe~of operation , co~curreth non~1th And y~t ft~eh" ~he naught~nes ofour nature, Gods preuenting grace, butlS meerely panent ' that falC~ and conoerfion 1s 1n1pofSlblc vnto as a fubkd: tor<eeiuegrace•.For !t isthe proi vs,vnleGeofthe 6ngular mercy of God,_ it be perworke ofGod, to fer or mrpnnra newfa- 1 lhrr~d_vp10 the hearts ofthe Eled: by hiS ho– cnltie orinclination ofthe wil, and that with- ~· ly fplrlt.ln thiS refpett Chrifl faith, M•· out any at'honofthe faid will. Ntucrthele£fe 30:e511JJ~knuafie,•ndmyburden light.And athewill bc:ingon'e renewed and preuented, game:" HucomTJUilldementsarenotgrieutJMs. lt 1.1ch. 5 . 3 concurrerh by his operatic with the working, maybeobielled; thacrhe will & deiire ofreandco-workinggraceofGod.Forti)ewilbt- 1B llouationand reconciliation with God, may ing mooued by grace,willeth and cloth indeed be where there i•amind and purpofe to fin, that whereto it is mooued. And the will to oand where is no truehatred and deteftationot bey God, orro performe any like duty, pro- ,iniquity• .An[. The ferious and inflant will or ceedes ioyntly from two caufes. From grace; deficc to belecuein Chrifl, and to repent, ininthatit moouerh and caufeth the will towill eludes in it the hatred of finne, and the purtoheleeuc. From the willofman; in that bepofe ofnot finniog. For he that trulydcfiresto ing preuented and mooued by Glild, it wils to belteue.doth fo, becaufe he detefis his vnbebcleeue, or todoe any like duty. And there-- lecfe:aod he thatddiresto reptnt,dothfo,beA r. fore the ancient faying hathhis truth: He that caufe he hares hisown euilt waies, and purpo15~~~ :C:: ,fUk t hte withuHt thee~doth "ot regenlrAte orfoHe . ftth to fione no more. t,is Apoll theewithout tbee.BtC'aufc: ourconuc:rftocisnot Thefecondquelhon is, whether the will without the motion and confentofwill, as_our after it is renewed, be abJe to cau!c:: and bring cre~rion was. And thatwe doe not miftake in forth goodworkesof it felfe, or no; I anfwcr thispoint, the Orderthatis betweenmans wil t~o things. The firtl, rhat,wi!l connot, vnlcfl(: and Gods gracc,mrift here againe bee remem- C God further giue a double grace. The one is bred. In rcfpeC\ of time they are both toge- .Affij/J,ggrACe; and it Hands in thrtc "Cl:ions, ther, and concurre in the very firftmomentof priferlltltitm,confirmation,proreElion. Preft"rnatiounegcneratio: in refpett ofthe order ofna1 on iS, whereby GOD cominocth the bceing cure, the will dothnot firll begin thatwhich is ' ofthewill' renewed. forthac which is goGd, good and thenafter borrowaide from grace, doth not continue geod the leafr moment)vn· but grace preuents, renewes, and mooucs the lcffe God.make it to continue. Cor1firmarion will,& thcR the will mooued orchanged,wi!s is,when God fi:teth the minde in thlt which is to be conuerred, and to be healed in the firft good, & caufc:th the willconflancly to follow inll:an~ ofconu~rlion. . . th~ g~odinclination, tl1ereof, it bci11gotherThis op<raN~nofthewtl,towdtobeleeuc, w1femutable and apt to decline. Protettion to wtllto repent and t<> obey, is theleaflgrace is,wbetby God defendshis grace in vs again!! ana figneof Gods fauour; (for nothingcan be the vielenceoftemptation. Ofthis he faithto lc!Tcthen tO will todo that which is good yet Peter, S41h«N _hathdefiredto Jifi JOH, hHt r haHe isitof great and excellent price- Forit hath prayedfortheethatthyfaitbfailenot, And<)od the promife ef God anAexed eo it, The Propromifeth, that he will n" foffer the f•ith{u!j to phet(alth to the rebelhous Ifraehtes,Wajh,..nd be temptedaboue that tbty •reableto be~re. ·The lfa,r. x6, mak!yoRc/eAne--:'.'ll(e to doe eu•IIJiearn~ t9 D fecond gra_;c may bee called, Excuinggraet, Joewe/1. Now they mtght peraduenrure fay, whereby God mooues and flirres vp rbe will, Alas,we cannot walhour fducs: ~e therefore that it may iodeede will and doe the good to v ..r, 19, addes, Ify•w•Nandobty, thatls, tfye doe but bedone. And this grace is ordinarily requiwil to be cleanfed.and teflilie this will byyour red to the etfetting ofeuery~ood worke.'Z>aLub.:1. Jl. r.C>Jr.Io !J. endoauourroobey,y•fo•l'""thegoodthingsof Nidi will was txceedingly rcfnewed by the hoj : Luk,u. thti,.nd. And Chrifl faith, thatthe heauenly ly Ghoft, yet he prayes llill , Incline mine heart C 1 '3• Jlather gtueth the holy Ghoft to them that vmothyttftmunies. The Chriftian f~ule, that / ~/-"9· defirc ~im. And to •them that are ·in Chrift is already duwne to Chrift prayeth flill ' , God accepts thi>a~of good wil forrhe deed 'Z>r..,.'mee, ..dweewillrunne /iftertbtt, Pa.i .. itfelfe. Markc the comfort that flowes fro111 faith they which are the children ofGod are Caoc.t.; th!s do~rine. The full obedience to the law guitl.'a, mooued, or ffirred by the Spirit ofi ~o.,.s, ?IG_od!S unpofs'lble't!b al n,JCn,cxcept Chrifl, God. Againe, he faithofthe PhihppiAns,a ftcr "~""· mthts hfc : yea to them w.uch arcconuer~ed they were renewed and wrought their owne I aml:fanthfied, ~Ad greatly d<llr<;the fulfilling laluation with·feare and trembling, that God . ofth~l~wmthomfelaesand!hercforenoman didftiiiworl:.einthem be6dc the power, the· Phti,,.,J c~rrbe m(hfiedby lt btfore God, ~ndobtame att of willing and of doing that which is I lliluafionther~bt·~~thele!Te faith mCl'!' ill _good.~nd ~works the will,by moouin~it to F~.; ---'----'----'==---;....;;.:___==---=·~- --"--~R!..!...~ _ wi!l_.~-