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andrnanr fee ~ill. 739 GGd bath begunneto regenerate tbem: fo bee A any firoke oraction,'there Gods will formerit this will in them to do the good they ought ly had his firoke and a<lion. todoe,be ingoodearnefi, vnfained, and they Furthermore, mans will dependsonGods withal! be carefull to chcrifh this little graine, will in refpect ofthree things, namely, SNjf<"- till itcome to a bigger qaantity. t11ti~n,_Dettrmin~ttion,Ordinatiqn, or gonc:rnc:- Thirdly,feeing tO cucry new .a that pleament. It depends on the will of God, in refethGod,newgracc isrequired,we arc taught fpectoffuflentation; becaufe manforhis nanot toprefume of our wifedome, will, and· ture,flrength and all his motions, depends·on firength; norto glory in any thing we d0e,but the will ofGod, and could not haue being for alwaies to acknowledge our own imputcncy, the fpace ofone moment, vnle!fe it were vpandin euery goodthing wee doe , to giue all holdenby God.It may beobielled,that ifGod the glory to God:andtobe watchful!inprayfuflaine the will which isfinfull, hee fufiaines er continually, becaule wee fiand by grace fo noconely the will, butalfo the finne thereof. long as we fiand:and hauing done one worke, .Anfw. God fuflaines nature,aod not the finne wee doenot the feeond, but by a continued B ofnamre:and therefore he onely fufiaincs will fupplyof newgrace. as will,and nor as it is corrupted or tinfulwil. La!Uy, feeing Gods preuenting and worThe like we fee in nature: when a man hairs in "': king grace turucsour wils,aod makes them,of walking, themoriouofche body is from the vnwilling,mofl willing wils,allour obedience foule, and is preferued by it: bur the halting ... u muft be voluntary, and come from fuch freewhich goeswith rhe motion,and diforders it, " ~, nc!feofwill, as ifthere were n<> bond in the isnot fro che foulc, neither harh it his preferlawofGod,toforceandcompell vs thereto. nationthence, but from adcfea in thclegge l.tiQ. The people ofGod, that are turned and guior foor.By this we aretaught toacknowledge ded by the free fpirit ofGod, mufl be avolunthe cndle!fe long-fuff<ring cif God, who futary people, and with all alacrity and cheare· fiaines the membt:rs ofour bodies and foules, fulne!fe, doe theduties that pertaincto them the faculties and actions thereof, euen iu the ofa ready minde,eucnasifthere were neicber workes, in.which men offend and difhonour ,heauen nor bell , Judge nor iudgemear after him. Secondly,wearctaught to acknowledge m.8.:. thislife.The fpirit oflifethat is in Chrifr muff the vileabomination ofeuery finnc: for wee be a la \11 vuto them. ·. · finne in the Vtry handsofGod, fuflaining and The lafr eflat\: is;tho efiate ofglorification C preferuing vs : and in the very actions, which after this lite. Inthis efiate the libertyofwill we could•notdo,vnle!fe we were fufiained by is a certcn freedome,onely to will chat which him,wc offend him and preuoke him to anger is good, and pleafing vntoGod. For it is the againflvs• . confinual voice(asit were)and cry ofthe gloSecondly, mans will derendsonGods will 'rified will ;I doe noeuii/,.,JI willnor datit:ldo in refpctl ofdetermiriatio:becaufe we neither th>t whichi&go•dpdr wiOddt ir; And this incanordoewillanything without rho will of dccde is the pcrfetl liberty, inwhich mans God.Afparrow,fai<s Chrifl,lights not on the 'will isconformcd eo the Free-wil of.God and ground, without the beauen!J FAther: that is, 'good ·Angels ·, who will onely that which is without his decreeor will. The maliciousand Mar.rO. good,anocannot will that which is euill. wicked will ofthe Iewes, could not fo murh :z.9. I By this which hath beene faid, it appcarrs, as wil, much Je{fe doany thing againfi Chrifi, that the words ofthetext in hand[&ye VPoMid but that which the h••d•ndciiunft/J of G• Mt. .f.ii 'no•Jare fpokenoftbewillofman, according Moteouer, Goddeter- ' 'to t!tc:-eli:ate ofcarruprion. For the voice of !"ines the'will two waies. In·good things,hee theregenerate wil is,[J. thAt whichi< mi!J,but mwardly moones and inclines the will'to the lwo•ldnattbeif:1doeth•t which"ugood, but 1 D willing,anddoing ofthe good it willeth. For '""""do it 111 I would. And the·voice ofthe corin~hatGods will is the firfr caufeof all good ruptedwill is,ldoe th•t which i& <~<ill, 411dI wi/J thmgs, manswilldcpcndsonit, inrefpetlof Joit,J J._,ot thatirhirbi&g..d.f11idlwillnot doe vcrtue, in refpe<l ofapplieation, & in refped Thom.i. it•. And this laO: voiceis plainely expre!fed in oforder ofworking. In refpctlofvcrroe;bc- pan.q. thcti; words,.Andye wouldnot. ·· .. caafc the verruesoffecond i:aufes, proceede I()f.,n.s. The rllirdpoi~r~esltow fci'bee confide: from the firO:' In rcfpctt ofappli~atio~, .pered,namely,theh•rmonJo.rconftliJaTbothwill. • caufe God vfeth rhe wlil ofman·,as an_m1huForthe wordes are, l wouU,ye~nor.Here ·mentofhis own will,and he applierh iftihBe it may ·iuflly bee demanded ,"wkemc~ there 'doing dfthings which he intends, euen'llS'the bee an harmonie or conf<nt betwecne Gods carpercr vlcih,moouerb;&a'pplies histooles. will,and mans will; & how it fiandswith this. Inrefpea 9forder ofwt'irking: becatifealtexc.; I anfwer: there is ane~cellent harmo- .waits clielirffcaulebeginsfhe worke,andtlie nie I •andgenerally it.fianos'in 'rhisl'matGods . ·fe~ond"moo?es not witboui'the1irfi. Vpon will bath afoueraigoe Lordfhipotier the will thts gro~~d It followes, that the goochhings of man, & mans will fiands fubict't to' it abfowhichmap.willeth,ne (q'willcth,becaqfeGod lutely, and"fimply"depends vpoh ir• And by filft willed'tHem. A':Id therfdre PaHI fai~h1c1lat EPh..~.:~· thts meanes,whe•e-man hath a Wiii,God hath good worl\e'! drt prtp•reddf.Gadfor vs to' \Valk an antecedent will; and where mad• will hatn imandthl~pi~aratioaism~dc; becaufc:God Rrr :z: dtcroes'