.,votedo no(lhn– pc:Jire. l 'Vohm. tas per– miffi.ua efficu non quoad , produtfi– unc:m.fed quoad ilbcionC. tSthUiter indinan– do. , . Of(jod~fr-e~grace. I decrees and determines wi<h himfelfe, the .6.1a man giuesthe rein to awild horfe.The fedid doing ofall workesto bedone. .. ! ; . ~·is, Ill dtli~ttryofrhe~iltoSathAn)& thatis,whC Iu:euill things, the determinatio ofGod is, I God gioes rhediutllliberty tP tempt, alfault, T' () · I' d . I .m.J, 4 t{> W:tlnorto un er them as he may. Ypon .and vexe the w!llofm_an,being left toit{elfe. •o. thiSlwill in God, followes flnne inthe will of And this thmg Js.modet to obilinate Goners; ICoq, man,as acoofequent,notas an dfect.As aeon.. & we pray againi't jr io.thefe,words Le,uJvs r. feqt~<'ilt, becaufo when God fufpends or with- .,notinto t<mpJatiii:Thethird a~Hon is,;ceajingto drawesfuO:eotationand gouernmentfrom the rejraonrcorrupnon ofwdl,tlllier in whole or will,it cannotofit felfe;but will amHfe; as the in part; as when he refltaines all fins faue one !laffo in my hand prefenrly fals, when I doe or hauing refiraincd for a tiroe,for the pu•ilh: bur pull back my hand.To auoideuill is good; m~ntofformer 6nn<, he omits refirainr, per- &therfore we cannot auoid the!call cuill,vnmJttmg man to the lullsofhts own heart'.The leffe God inable.vsto auoid,it. And(b) euill is f~urth atlion is, thc~ending,~>~••liing, oriwc/i. not theeff,dofGods will; becaafe God puts nmg ofthe wtckcd wd.And this God dothnot' PQthing into mans will,.. to caufe it to will aby inward infpiratiii(for then h< lhould bethe mis:buthe·only ceafoth to confer voto it h<lpe B caufe oflinne)butby prefen.tingto the minQe: &diredion, which he is not bound tocoufet. and will,obietls good,or at the ]call, indiffeHere long and tedious difputes are made by renr in thefelues:cpon which obie<ls, th~ will many touching rhe concord of Gods decree, t~kes occa6on to be wilfull;ob!linate,and re• and the liberty of mans will. And it isallead· bellious, not lfloued theret'lbyGod,but free· ged;that mans willlofeth his liberty, and cea. ly moouing irfclfe.The heat< ofthe tlomacke feth indeedto be will, ifit !land fubkCl:to the (n the winterfeafon, is increafod, notby the ne~effary and vnchangeable decree of God. heat ofthingsraken in.wardly, but by the cold· l anfwer. Fir!l,lhat when rhe w.illofman deoftheayre,eue.ry,way.copalslng the body.Aa termines in it felfe to one thing, it cloth nor v~broken horfe beeing fpurd becaufehe goes lo(e hi~liberty: much-!Wlre .then may the Ji. outoforder,IJee·flingj our, aJ1.P cafishisrider. berrie ofwillO:and with thedetermination of And thusthefinfullwilofman,vrged by cornGod. Secondly,Gods decreedoth notabo!ifh mandemets,thr,qaJnings, iudgemoms; allured' liberrie, but "nely moderate and order it : : bypromife~~blefsiugs, gr()We~morcftnfull by(<) inclining the will in mild and ealie man· and wrcked.PAul faith, rh~r.jinne tu•k! a<<iifi•l' Rom.7.s· nerwith fit and conucnient obieds, and that ' 'liJ!O"th<goot/comm•ntkwunfSofGRd,ro r<mue& IJ. according torhe.C91Jdition of the will. That C to be6ntull oet ofmeafure.,pauid faith, that pf,I.Iof. Chrifi lhonlddiewhen he died,it was nccella-· ~Sod , ..utdthe heart Qfrh" Egyptianst•hate ' 5 • ry inrefpea of Gods decree: yet ifwe refped· ~u p<opk. But how I He blef.l'edthelfraelites the coAfiitutionofhis'n)lture·, bee might·ftill i exceedingly more·rben the Egyptians. And . haue prolonged his dayes : aad if\1'< coA!ider · 'llpoA this workc ofGod, theytookeocca6on the will ofChritl-,he diedmofi freely and wilto enuie and to hate the Ifraolites. Jingly. Qthctwife, his death had beene nofa• , Thelifth atlionis, ordi~4tion,whereby God tisfachon for 6nne. God himfelfe doth fome· vfcrhwell.the wickedneffeofthe willqfman, rhing.of~n alifolutC> Qecefsitie, and yet with 1 ~Qd cjireaerh it~.Jlainft the naturethereof to 1 p\=rfell freedomc .ofwill: now then ifabfolute ; good ends,euen as the learned Phy6tian fomnecefsitie doe not aboli01 freedome of will; I ti.me• ofroyfon make• a remedy.In thisfenfe •mu.eh lel!i: lhall conditionall necefsity, depen-: Af!ur jscallodtberod•f huin;/.gn.rion: and the dit)g.on yods decr<e,dJ>e i;.L~Jlly.the.d<.crec' Medes & \'<r6ans,hi.<fon£1ifie4,•nes: The Ie'ws· gj,God eflablilh<th tht,lib~ttyo,fwilh For,his in.the crucifyingof Chri!l, ..;tied "nd:rnilided. IC•.ro.f, qrif-liil\narion i~; that the.Ager:c~.Qffecond lipthing bur hisdeath & deftrullion 1yet God •nd IJ· J· fagfes,lhall be acc<lld)ngto thcltconditiOn;foJ11 \I'!!Jed; and Q¥ them wrought theredemptton asg~rura,IJ caufe~, lhall workc narurally,·;.fr<tjD ofmaMkmd. He works hts'ownegoodwJJrke ~i~f9,frl'dy\nf~elfarrcauf,s,ne~effarily;con,., j l<Y. m_ans will,a$ by an atliu~inllrument,and ;tiiJ&<Jit cau(e~,\jl~9!11J,Agenranlit'la1Iable fort.j 1 wnhal,h~ le3nes the Will tonfelf,to work ~~s. I Auil F/JHyf<(r~ tll;:tn~~ellarydcg_ce of S?~ IS, 1 ow~e eulil ~'1rke. Th~ l~ll ~~hon~fQnd IS,> · tb~l-_m,.n!hall will~~~sor that,pP_tncceilmlyl w~.ea man.IS gomgonm·~••.ownWickedo,es.; inrefpell of.himf~lfe,but frc~lY:"·,, . . . , 1 he tHrn<< hm< 11•1•. h•mftlfi~ of lu• <tc<OOing · J~.i.t<l!Y,man~ ,y;ijl depends on1~P.d$wiU,lJlJ 1 !l)<;rff; and,toll!-•••mes.aga.'nt, heopenNt•"f_b,J• ".!P.J:"! pfgpuernmf1li:Jhisgoljj!f!J~<nt is o¥ . !h~! th~P.Hfop,.whoofhunfclferu~~~lltQ .tll!oforrs. Firl'!. he _gpuernes..t~<; ·w1ls-of1hel WJckedpo)fe,,may rulh hea.dlgng to b¥ I>W"" j1g\1_i~pJls: by w,q~~iog his owo&g.ond. worJte' !Jel\.~udiS>Jl;·:fqr the furthGl<~ec~i~n at. di· ill, r_h~P'· and oy <~>m; In rhnn,,beClufe h.ce, 1 ume m!lice • as wlten an,ho!lf• JS fal.hng !'the !']jl<!.CS and inclmest.h~by.hts fP".•~·~Y ,r!•~.y,;1 _owuerthpre~f~dl notvnder-prop It,neiti1ct !iec'l"fe they, are fOifc m!lruments .qf Ius ~~J!.. ! will be pqlh 11 downe: J?nt,]Je takes~way111l ' Se~ondly)ie gq~F~]<S. the w./Jlol1f (he wic·' impediments,,and d!gs •':-'•Y the ea.rti'!~P~II~ ·kF<J andy\1god!,Y,by, n:s«~(\iot)~• .The firft is 1_ about Jt, noyopchmg t)Jc fou~d~IJO~)L~hat. per.J~>iffi•11,wh~9,Yod.wit\idra,\~S Pl.:'£1'~'5'f!!'l when It f~Js,n ma¥ falldo)V•crJghr: . ._L I 1 he\jfill,pl't m,hg~~n!?g,t}_l• I'!J.'!9c 1 "or Inch- .l'bv~_ ":"feebr;efly, ~he harmomeofo~Mns ningthe 1JVdl,butlta.'!ID/<,II(o!-f}J:Ite.;as wr~l .WJ!I ~GQ4S WI(!.now,l~tvscometo tbJ:,Vfe, _ , which