Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

w.hich ismanifold~ -F1rft of.all;.by the fopui<r a in hi$ ri)O:m:. -.Qrhets fe!> fo.rth.rhe ,!~p<'fl'ling doc!hioe,we are brought to :rrightvnderlliuy, will this manner: God(.f0y~b(y);de-· ExoJ. 4 • cling ofmany phrcesof Scriptur.e•.:fhe Dord cr<e~iiothi"g inp3rsicui:IF,,ofthiqg•llilt arc Bdlar,li. faith of'l'h..,..,,I trill bardenlt#heArt· Apehhis eall1•11~oilCQnting<'ltilbqr_he foro-.1."!>~ \Vitb~ 4-'-' 5. de .he is faid to doej'hOt anoihf• iahim(r;Jfe;.what rh~will ofthe creature will 1l" & ci> prints haidnelfe in his heart s' but becaufeby l c!oc,-~llft"c)O'::, w~n things ar~ 1hu~P.t.thjJs :;~~·;:~: -fundry adions , bee orders ind .gocierri<S his qr.c!c~cl;>~llil vpoJJ r)usfore-iighr, hee confc!- P" • wicked will:and tl\ey arc>fouro. Firll,heper1 qu<;'.lleletm!uts what !hall bee don_q. Bull. -1 ' mits Ph•rao to his own wihfccpndly,hel'aues , !Jlis-optJl!Pl'; as i!,gJ,<\CS Ynto God •~ommon him to the malice of 1He di.,ell ; md the luGs ~ g<n'\rJ\ILpJ.QUcdenco,•fGjG takes al'[al!_thcc{rr ofhis owne heart: thirdly, he. vtgoshimwi<h1 taiqed.,rf:!IDjllitt){lOof!}Gd, rouchmgry.Upat" acommandement, to !ctthe people goe. Aml J tt~gla>J!ij~j:S,· ~n<IJtii•!lbft•rd to ;hm~, rhac 'P!JarAU the mo'rehee is vrged ,, the lhtfer and l God.lfPPiihl.ltj'>r<~fll$ t);\q futur~ -atl;s');;fjnaqs llubborner hee is, and the more he tebels afr!'e-wjll._~hen asystcl!e_ha~;h dcrerm11jednq- 'gainllGod; whereas heeoug_!it inileedto;hluJe t_iung:. fpr~hill§S th')t ilia!! be,ar~ th~reforeto l>eene the more obedient, L'!fl!y., God vfeth !> cpor.c t_!>·Jii!ll<>,~O<?ufc ypdby detrf,< thc ~ardne~t~of Pkara~s hc:art~ torhemanife· 1 tt:rmtned~t.hClt b~Jng.And thereforc;i~e,.fo•~- ftauou ofhiSowuc mftiCl'aod•Illdgcmcnt:and kno_wlejl_g~!Jftl)mgS{h~t-1\>al be,fo\!<!,wes the taerefore he opens him away , that hee may decree ofGa.<!.. ;';11dif ,y_Qcls ll<<r~'I.Pr<fup:; ruone head-lo11g to his owne defun<lion• .I11 J pofc m•ns.willing of this_Q< that,apd then;- this manner, andno otherwife, are the places ~- upon detc!mi~c, ho~¥ IQ!!il that fpe<~l10f.t_he to bee vndcrftood, when the Scripturetilirh, Lord !land; 1 wiNcall[e£P(!"f•walk!;iQ"W)Jifl- Em.J•· 1 ,rteg.n that qodpllta/ySngJPiritinto thtmoHthr.s,oft~ t'!,tes? For hereby isfigr.ified., !hatG~~mb 11. •J· prophet• •f .Aba>:t!Mt,ifaprop{ittb,d-.eiued,,he. not :mend on'thc wii)_c~l)p~n\ butb~in~s I'lll\OS Ezec. 14. Lardd~eiuedhim: that he~iunvp men to re.ptO- ~ ·W1llm fub.ied ion to h.imfcJfe. And tiler~fOr~ kom.r. b~tte minds:thathefonds.ftrong iOHjions tobde.ene .1 thisarrcndingwill alfriqe<lr:p God, is,impro- Shumd :r.S. ·liu.In the booke-of Sam~tel irisJfaid.,Thr~ond ued enen.oftheP;~pifts~ht'II}ft:lu~s. , ) 1 • , h 1 .Th0 ~. Thef,z c~m4ndcd Sb.emi r_o cf4r[c Dauid:be~au~e..about J J . Th!rdly, in that mans will fb.nds fi1bicet u thts curfing,there1s atwoSold~Chonm G6d~1 folurely tothcpl;;aftue o(God;-,ot.Jr..d@ty is,to f, ~.s~m.II"' One, that he refiraines the wicked heatt'of~. yec:ldvoluntary fitbiel..1icntohim ioal thmos 10 Sbemi, in refJJettofallotherfinne,andnooin r ~~ht:n his wit! is manifdl:vnrovs. . :, ' , refpec:'t ofthis finne of railing; to which God C _Lall)y,this doctrine ofthe confcnc and conkaues him·' 1 l'he fccond>he vferhhim aS'aniri- ~ currct~ce ofmans w!l~&Gods \Vil mnfr be tf 1 e tlrument to corrcd and tohumbleD•uid.And ~ !lay& ground ofour patience & comfort.For thus likewifc.rnull·the places bee voderfl:ood, · there is no calamity or m1fery, that betides vs when it is L!id ' that fjod.d#iueredtbt WiHts if by,& fr<;m cc.e will ofman,without the wil <lf , s,S•mD•uidtu .Abfohn, And,that hej/irrtdvp 'D41tid God.Ths cre,ature can will nothing againtl vs, "· ll. ton•mbereh<people. Lailly,lofop/, laith,that the vnlcif" i~ befirll the wil ofGod: and ir cand~ ~~a~!f~; L~rdftnt him intoEgypt:& that for two caufesl nettht;r pJgr~ porJc a~,th€ God wil. Thediuel One, becaufe when his brrcbren wereabour , cpuld not touch lob ,;,jth9utleaue: &,he·~oul4 to make him away, God·by his prouidenccf, 1 r not enter imo the heard of fwine without eaufed Merdjants to palfe by in cheir .tight I •I lc;aue.Ypon thisgroundv.Nidfpeakesoothis .whereuponthey tooke occaftPn to fel himjoJ , eflecl!Let.~b<micutfe,forhecHrjith,ber•ufethe ..Sam.r• to Egypt. 'IIieftcond, becaufe God difpofed 1 Lords}i,?J him doe fo. !oft phcomforts himfelfe ro, this fad oftheirs, to the goodoflacobanil'his I apd ni~ ~re1breoin this, that notthey-fo much family, ·intime to come. And·thusa~e all likeJ as th<rJ.9r.~,fcm him into Egypt. · _ plaets.ofScripture to be vnderfrood. · ' 1 As there is an harmony between Gpds wi! & .Againe, fome fchoole-Djuines, following :.P mans wil;(o tl>ere is a diffet between mans wil D•,,.ftm,makeand afcribe to God, an app!i- I' & Gods 1yc;ml,9rhi~fignjfying wil,as;:jpp<ars ed or dependingwill, 6n this mannor i God / by tl:e Iext in hand. (-..)Schoolemen,vpon this , Ha'•• 3 for his part, would haue all men without.ex- ·I diffent, makfi?- diHinction ofGod3 graceJinte Summ.q. <eption to be faued: why then arc the)loot fuf'lident &efl, tluall. Sufficientthey.calthat ••-Thom I fauedt They themfe!ues will not;and becaofe whereby~man may be faued, ifhe wil(not b~ in '·'· q. theywill not ;·God thereforechooferh fame, wantingto himfelfc;. EffcduaU,wherbyamao ;~~;,~ and refufcth others. But according to the fo;. is indeed faued. Thi:.firll(they fay) is giuen tp Gemiles. ll')erdodrine,l cakethi&k:indeofapplied 1vil!, all m~n,.~t onetimc"¥._~other: the-fecond i• l.J.c.rr•. to bee an itmcmion of mans braine. FQr.<he not.~I·l<!.this dirlintlion of~racc, they gather Rolfenfis contrarieis the truth, namely'.'that mans wiH; , on thi3 !J1aner:Wbi C.h~ifr wogld l}aue garhe- ~ 1~r~n1J3t. wholly depends on the will ofGod,'fhat vrfi. red thc_Jew<s,chey would net: therefore they ~ ~ • & fds be fomeofhoJiour, fame o(difhonour; it had no; ~ffeC\ual grace, &bccapfc_fhel' wowld ' J.~;b;;~iisnot in the powerofthe clay., but in the will not, ,they,-ar~ blamed-and rebuked py<Cl)tiil,: >,q, ofthepotter-The tirllcaufeorders thef<·cond, thcrfore{fairh thePapill) Godgaue them tufandnotthefecond the firll, To make GQds licientgracctoboconuened,ifchey.would:els will dependonmans.will,isro put:God out of could he nothaue blamed them;. I •nfwir: this his throneo(mlidlie, and to fee the creargr:e prooues, thatonce God gaue them fi•flicierit Rrr 3 .~race'