Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

I r~ce t3 o)ey ~nyccnMndelllOiltGfhis,hame· A ·h"'!, ~he fafhions,the Jlfpofition. and rendor. ! 7+l. · 1'· Of(jodtftee grace, Y ,tn the crcatton: but hencoc annDt bt gatheotfelhon ofthe hen tohcryong ones. 1 ed, rbat when God ~alle:d the Iew'e! by his That all this may the better beeconceiued;· · v.:ord,thattb:m, then I_ fa)'he_gaue the'!! fuffi.· thre~quoiHon.-.:re t'?, bee propounded. The l_entgrace. S~cond:J, ttiS ?ble~ed,·thatGod firlbs, whether there bee fuch auaff<aion:of l~ld at thatmtg •rbe <looe-to hts Vme, ro tnake loue mGod, as is in man andbeall!I anfwer:- !(a.r.4., lt brmg forth.gold_frult;and_ yet for ~ll'thts,>; that alfeCI:ionsof the creatures, are notpro-i ~roul!ht f~thnothmg bot wtld grapC'S :there· per!y mctdent vnto God, becaufe they make ~ f!J~e ltiS fatd, there <nt~lh_eeds be a grace fitf. many change•, and God is without change.' clent to fa~uauon1wh!ch!sfiot etfel'tuat.l•nA~d therefore all atfeCI:ions, and the loue that li'~!GQddtd that to hlsVlnyard,that was fuf,. IS m man and bea!t, is afcribed to God by fi. 1 1iclelltt.>makeago9~ _Yine,llrm~~rth, fruit, gut'e :_ a~dthatforrwocaufes. Firlt, becaufc i(aNdthat tsrhe mcalnog 0fth: plate )n Ifoy) there1s m Godanvnchangeable nature that lthou~h•:i>t lufficien\ to• ch,ange!~e.n:U:a~eof. IS.wdl plea~d with·~nerygood thing' 'and a' anetttl vme,& to makefPa•good vtne.Itts vr- . Will that fenou!ly wtlleth the preferuation of ged,rhatthe Lord f~.ith, he·w•ited for 'grapes; 8 cuory good thing: andofthis nature and will ~h1eh he wold not hauedone;vnles there had ofGod, . thebe!lloue in thecreature is but a b1o h<>pe, by reafon df_lllfficient grace-giuen. light lhadow.S<eondly,the atfelHonofloue is · 'f anfrrerag .•in: rha< rheLord waited for fruit, afcribed to God; becoufe hee dorhthe fame not becaufe.God ch.n gaue the fufficier grace things that loue makesthe cre&ture doe : be_' wheo he waited, b~r becaufe the Charc~ of cauf~ he be!towethbldsings and benefits vpthe!ewswasmfhe\\i&'preten•eagood vtne, onhtscreature, asthe louerdoth onrhe per- & :hereby gaue hope ofgood fmit.Thjrd£7 it is f<in loced. In this fort are all other atfeC!ions obteCI:ed,that .Adimrecciued fufficientgrace• afcribed to God,and nootherwife. and that he had not etfil'l:uall grace,becaufe he The f<eond que!tion is,whether there bee in fell. I ~nfwn:Ada.,had fafficienttothe perfeGod, an hatred ofhis creatureS! for God is ioofa creature,bm not fufficient rovnchancompared to the·heo which loucrh her young geable p'erfcnermoe,.fpecially, ifhe fhould be ones•.Anf. Ifhatred be taken for apafsion ia- ~flaulred bytemptation-Likewife he had grace cident to man,it is not iocidentto God: ifit be elf:Cl:uall,in refpeCl: ofrighreoufi1es & happitaken for a worke ofGods prouidenceand iu. nes,but nor in rofpe/1: ofperfeuerance in both. !tice,it is inGod:& that in thteerefpeC!s.Fir!t Grace in him fo far forth as it was fufficient to c ofall in Scripture,hatredfometimesfignifies a 1 happiaes,itwas alfo eff«'tual.Lofr!J it is obiedenial! ofloue & mcrcy:as when it is faid;that tled,that God forfakes no man,til he firll for• he which wil follow Chri!l,m•ft h•ref•ther& fake God:an<l therfore,that God for his part, ""''btr:that is,negleCI: them, or not loue them, gluesgrace fufficient to faluation• .Arl[. There inrefpeCI:ofCt.rift,lnthisfcnce,hatred agrees ;~:- 14' is a double kind <~fforf,kingin God:one is for vntoGod. For he is faid to louelacob, and to. triall,cheother forpuntili!"ent. The(<>rfaking hate Ef""; thatis, not to loueEf<N with that Com.o. which is for trials fake, goes before mans fin, loue wherewith he lolled?.cob. Againe,there 'l.• inwhichheforfakesGod. In thisreg1ud,.A. is in God a nature that abhorreth and dere-' dAmwas for order ofnature, firll forla)<en of !teth iniquity:thus faith the Pfahni!t, that G•d Goo,belore he forfooke God. The forfaking /oHetb r;_gbreo•foes,••dh•mh;n;qu;ty. And r:hus Pr•l.41·7· which_is for punifhm,nt,a!woicsfGilows after God hates man, nor fimply, becaufe he is the fin,& ilftbis mu!t the role be vndcr!tood;that handy-workofGod,burbecaufi:he isafinnor, they .;,hich areforfaken'ofGod, did lir!t forand by ri:ofo11 cf the worke of the diuell in fake God.Now the truth ~hich we are to hold man,nallldy fin,which is,fimply hated.ofGod. in this point, is thus lfluch : There is a grace Thirdly,God plagaeth &ptmifheth'otf:nders, which is-fufficietto the conuilhon of a finoer, 0 a':d i? this regard hds faid ~hatethcm.Thu~, which is not e~Cl:uall to faluatton: and agam· fatth '])••Ui;TI>At Godh•usthewor__,k._emfinl<fMJthere isagracewhich is fufficiet t<>thdeading ty,&dejiroymheth•t fp•~k.! /ies.By tbis-which PCd.r-•- <>fa ciuilllife,whicb is not efF:tluall to faluatihathbeene fa1d, tr appeares thattherc be two on: yet the grace which is indeed fufficientto degreesofhatredinGod:one is N•g"!"'e,whe faluatio,isalfoetfe£lual; namely,thcgift ofre· I GOdll5 an abfolutc Lor~,be!towes hts fpec1all geoeratii'i,in whichGod giuesnot onlytlie poj l~ueon fom~,& dentes tt vntoothe~s, bec~ufc wer to bec6uerted,buta1fothe wil &: the deed I htspleafure ts fo:t~e fecond ts Pofits•~:w~,e he Thus muchofthe H.irmo~ie : now comes hates and dcre!ts hts creature: and thts fecond 1 the fourth point to be conndered, nainely, in alwaies followes fin, and itis euerfor fin :_but I what manner Chri!t willed the c011uerfion of the othergoes before ftnne. And whereas tt ul Ierufalem.He willedit fir!t,in lout,fecQndly,ilr faid inthis rex~, that Godis as the hen that lo~ pAtim<t. His loue is fet·forth by two things. uethall her chtckcns,&gathers them all t~geThe firn, albeit haw., God,:full of maie!ty, thcr! it mull bevnderll~, t~at our Sa_UIOUr l ~nd we vile wretches, his enemies by nature, Chn!t here feu do1~n his deal~g,notWith all yet was hecontent to take vpenhim , a vile his crcarures,and wt:hall mankmd: '!"ton~I~ and bafe condition! to&ec vnto the Iewes as 'his dealing towardhts-own Church, m wh1c.h as hen~ _ T~efeco11d was, thatheetak~svnco he calleth allourwardl_y, by the fottndof hu word,