andmans free VPilf. 743 word :&receiues allourwardly into the couc· AI ThuJ much ofthe loue of Chrifl : now:I aant- ~By this which hath beene faid, wee are ~ome to his patienceinthefcwords:· Hoor. tlj. taught,aHenhe exampleofGod, ro hare.and tenwo•id(? The meanmg whereof JSthis;yo~ dccefi iniquity,and yetahva1cs ro make dllfehauecontmually from ume m ume prouoked rcnce.betweene the p<rfon asd the finne. me by your linnes:yet d1d I nor withdrawmy The third que!lion is, in whatthing is Chci!l l<;>ue fro'!' ¥Ou, but fent my Prophets from asanhento his Church? ARf. In temporal! ume toumevnto you,tocallyou and gath(r blefsirigs and deliuer<h1ces : in afflictions and you vnto me.And thispatie~ceofG'od is here manifold corrctlions': but efpecially A:princi· expre£fed to aggraulte the rebellian ofH:rufa•. pally in his word publifhcd in the mini!leryof lcm.I wdl thertorefpeakalittle-ot'it:&nd-lir!l the prophets.For it is thewing which he fpred lt ~aybee demanded, whether the vertue ot ouer his people: and it is the voicewherb~he patience thar is_1n:men, beealfo in God. I• ancalled,and(as it were)clockcdthemvn~oh1m. fw~r,properly>lt ~~nor._Forwh, re this ki.dof Th•s wee fee the meaningof the limliltudc, patience1s,ther_e 1s pafswl! & IUtferance: now that Chri!l would haue gathered Iecufalem as God IS no.t fub1ed: t? any _pafsion <>r futfmice, the hengathcreth her chickens:now followes becaufe _hiS_nature IS vochangeable. !t.t;aine, the vfe. By this we fee the tender loueofGod B that whlcllls Ill God propedy, is in him eter· to this Church and land. For it hath pleafed nally:this patience isno.t'it! bim eternally, but him topropound vnto v• the Gofpel of faluaforthe time ofthecontlnuan~eofthis world. tion,and that now m<>re then4"· yeares. And Neuerrhdeffe, Scripture afcribesthis patience in fo doing hee hath otrered long_ro imbr~ce to God for two caufcs: Thclir!l is, becaufe vs in the armes ofhis mercy: and 10 fprtadlflg there IS m God an tnfimtc goodnesofwill and hit wing ouer vs eobecome our God andour n~r.are,whereby ~enc:uer fimply wils the per· Sauiour: for this tender loue, our hearts mull: dmonor dellrulhou.ofany creature. E%.""echiel Ezcch · befilldwiihlouctoChri!l, andourmoutltes laith,Godwilmot, that is, takesnoddight in ''-;'- ~-~![j~~-ft~:~~~~~~~~:~~ttf:~~~·E~~ ~~::~7i:~:~~~:~G~~~:~:;;~jJ:h~~~~ ~m·''· unto vs, as the henne to her young ones. The abtOiutely intend to de!lroy, but onely to exekingdome of God brings all things elfe with cure iufrice in the punifhmcntoffinne. It may it, that may ferue for the good of ma!' : and beobied:ed, that God is~id, t• m~~eveffi!ls o/ Rom.9. where the Gofpel is embraced, there IS Gods C Wr4tb prep•redto dejlrHllJO.'I anfWer this place kingdome. The peace and protection of this mu!lcirculnfped:ly and warily be v~der!lood, Churchand land, whorby we hauebin prefer- & I take the meaning ofitto berhi>, that God ued from being a prey t<> our e11emics, comes makes ve£fels'of wrarh,orvenels for wrath by by mcane• of rhe Gofpcll of life. Therefore his will and decree,wherby he decreesro pa£fe foolif11 and falfe i;checonceitoffundry popifh by fome and to forfake them,-in refpea ofhis per!Dns,that fay, there wasneuer fuch plentie loue and mercy. And this atlof God in pafinthe world,as when the old learning(as they ling by, and in forfaking ot men, is as it were fay) orold religion was. Secondly,by this we tofctthem apart to become ·ve£fels ofwrath: are aduertifed, _ifwe would hsue all necelfuie And theugh God in fecrct and iu!l iudgcment blefs10gsfor thiS hfe,fit!l efall to embrace the doe th1s, yet he ncuer lils any ofthefe v'e£fds Gofpelof.Chri!l, Thirdly,ifChr!fl take vnto with his wrath,votill they haue beene tainted hin1 the difpofition ofthe hen_: wee likewife with iniqu~tie: and thoagh theybee prepared 10u!l take vncovs the d1fpofit1onof the ch1cto de!lrulhon, yet they are neuer indeed de· ken in refpea of Chri!l, and that 'in three !lroyed but for their fins. Thus then by reathing<.Firft,w• mu!\ fufl'orour feluesto begafon of •his excellent and incompr;henfible - thered to Chrift,that is, to be t~rned Vnto him Q goodnetre ofGod,whereby the; vertue ofpatifro:n all o:u fins,to beleeue 1h lum,to be ofthe once IS but a fhadow,God is fa~d'to bepJtient. fame min~ and difpofiti~a with hi<n, to futf<r .The (econd caufe,why God is faid to be pahlm to q"'ckenvs WithhiS heauenly an~ fp1nue~t, IS becaufeh~_doth the fame thiljgs that tuall hfe , as the hen chenfhtth 1Jer<:h1ckens patl:nt meA doe. F~t!l, hee moltes men to reby Ctttingontlrem. ~econdl~,wee mulhttend 1 pe_ntance : fecoadly,.hee promifeth pardon: 'llpoa the word& w!l ofChn!l, as the ch•cken thudty,he defers ru01fl1meat: fourthly <~~:the vp0n the call ofthe henne : a11d fuffor him to fir!l he onely inllills le£fe punifhment 'when· rulevs both in heart and life for all thing<. theydoe nagood,he inflitts greater: a~d la!lThethird thing is, th:rt w:e atJ!l depen~oa ly, when thereis no hope ofamcndtll£nt hee the fweet a~d merciful proo1ifesofChrifr,an.d inAiCls euerlalling death and deflruelion: ' fhrowd our fdues '!laderhis wing ag'ain!l hell, The end ofGotis patience is two.fold:one Sathan,1eJth,dam'n~tion. Aod verily all fuc~ that the elellof God may !Jee g.rhered and Ro... o: amongvs, who ar~ not carefull to perform~ called; theother, that allexeufc might bee ta.- " •'l· thefe three tbingno Chri!l,ue nobetter then ken from the vngodly. moaltrou> reinls, eon!idering hte hath in hi~ The patience ofGod iseithervniucrfall or m_ercifuU and teaderlou.e, fought fO 1vinvs tQ particullir. Voiuerfal,which pertainstoal ~e. h1mfc:lfe forthefe forty yeares. · The decree of diuineiu!lice was fct downe to 1- . • ttrr 4 Att.n