Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

74+ O.Jqads free grace .A.Um,and in him to allmankind : When thou A faid of '/PJia~. ;\nd tl!atthis duty may.inde~d fhalt cate ofthe forbidden fruit~, in dyingthou be praClifed, ,I will.yfe cerraine reafol)s, that Gen.:.. ~ftD lE, thatis, prefentlydye rhe fir!l.and, may~eruecolhrrev~ out dead mind$. ·liirlt,. I7· fecond death. D~•hanand Abir,..Jt~J,prefently the ume ?f rhe contitlua~e of the .patience Numb. t6.2J. vpon their rebellion, went downe into the ofGod ts htdden and vnkoowcn V~tio vs. aReg. I. earth quicke. 'l:he captaines with their fifcies, And hereupon, whcn111en abufing the patito.u. were' prefently•vp.on their comming to eli.u enceofGo<l:fhallfay,peace,peace, then then deJ~royed with·.firefror,n h~31len. And fa '* !hallcom:e (udait)e de!~ruCtion,as trauaiie vpr Thef. a~any man .(i!\t~~., be deferues pref<nt.ddhi!· on a woman. At\d there(qre thc·time is to bee {lion,and fo lJ!iny,l.ia. as we baue committed, redeemecl,and as S.Peter f.Lith; Wetmkjl watch ~·r. fa many d•m"ll!icns h1ue we deferued. Hero 1 andmaf<!h.Jifor the co..rning ofthe Lord. Se. 1- Pct.J iqn~ybedem'l.\lJe<l, why Goddothnotexecondly, t~e greater the patience of Gcd is "· cu,te hisdecree•OI'~ordingly. I anfwer,God in and hathbm, the greater fhallhis angerbe. A iultic~ reme!'flbers mercy, yeahlS iu'!licegiue~ ?I?w,the l.ongericisin comming, the greater place to m<Fcy._Fotthere is a~otherdecreeof It!~. Yea the very wrathofGod initli:!fe is mercy,which he wil haue:ts weU eo beaccom. moll h6rrible.Tbe wrath ofa lion,of a prince, pl\fhed as the decroeofiullice,and thatis,The B yea the wrath ofall creatures to the wrath of Mi eh Gen.j.If [eideofth• "''"'"" fl••U bruife tbe Str,tnts head. God, isbutasa drop of water to the whole P!ul.•.8. Againc. Ask! of m.• and I wiOgiue t ee the h-a. r... At his iHdignatioo the very moumaincs tbenforthSnt inherit4ttct, andtheend~ the tarth mel.c;the heauens and the elements !hall melt f?rthy poffiffion.That mercy then may be !hewathiscomming;much fuorefhall our rocky & ed vpon mankind, iu!tice is executed in great llony hearts melt. Thirdly,God hath his trcapaticn<e by certen degrees. Aod thlspatiene<: fury,and ftorehonfes fodudgemeot ;land they penainesw all"men~wirhout exception, that which goe on in their fit~1es from day to day come of.A.kmby genoration. fill thts treafury ofGod withwrath and iudg Special! patieoce is tim which concernes meAtS againlt the day of wrath. And when particnlat men or coumries. Thus God fpared menturne heartily from their euill waycs this theold world t zo, yoarcs bef9re hec l<:nt the trcafury is emptied, as appeares by rhe C:~amflood:he fparcd the.Amorites til\their iniquipleofthe Nioiuites.Wherefore letvs all from / ·ties were full: .htc fparcd the Egyptians -tO)• the highell to the lowdl bethinke our fdues yeres. He dcferred.the punifhment ofthe ido· what euill we haue clone, and how we haacahtry of ICrael 3$o.ycar~s,aud th•n llC punifh· bufed the merciful! patience ofGod,and make E'l:tC.4·S" ed itwith fc~enty ycarcs. captiuitic. Ho winfpecd to turne vmo God atKI Chrilt our mer· ked at the ignorance of thq Gemil<is 4000. C cifull S"'ui~~r. Some will fay, wee abufe not yeares. Anticlttilt.lhall not vtterly bee rleGods p•tience; we haue repented long agoe. !l:roiedriltheoo.nmingofChrilt. When men I anfw~t,the number ofthem that truely turne blafpheme·God and Chtifl,fwcaring wounds, vnto God in their hearts, isbut very fmall,iii blood,heart,!ides,nailes,lifc;ifthey,had their comparifoo, euen as the gleaning is to the defert,thcy fhoul~defcind to h~ll.quicke, aod whole hat)1cft.Jtwill befaidagaln, we arenot that prefcntly \~God forbearcs t:m, and as the Iewes,that deny Jefus Chrilt tobethe fundry fuch pc'<fotlsate vouchfat~ the grace Mcfsias. I anfwer:wcconfdfe Chrifl in word oftrue repentance. ,The very lea otf<ndo~r but there is a great multitude among vs, tha~ vpon earth is partll<_er ofthegreat patience of deny hill\ in their deedes and naughty liues. God.Forhe fulhin~sthememp~~~ ofour bo- ·For to omjt the finh_es of the focond table, dies, the pow~rs and mouons,of the foule in I ther~he fiue notorious, fins that are commoo fuchachons mwhich weotfmd .him. And no among vs. Wilful! ignorance ; in that men creamre<an (c,ffietetrly confider the greatnes .baue litclcotnocare toknowGod,&toknow ofthh long fuffcring. ' the way ofl.ife. The fecond is, the prophane The vfc to be tmdeofthe patience of God --' contept ofr)!CGofpel. Fornow the obedience followes. Fir[\, itJc•uethto teaeh all men to D .tothis.l?IJO:ed dochine oflife, y_ea, the v~ry rurne to God l>y true repentance, Rom. •· 4• I !hew oftr;ts m common reputation, PrecrfeDofpifij/ tho• th• patiice & fongfofftriogof God, nes._!>nd nol'(adaies vnder this name thepro- ;not ~1'?'ing th•t thtgoodnejfeof Gpd leades thle , cfe!s109 pf.the.Gbfpel comesothcrwhtles vpon :..Ptt.j.9 to r~pent•ucelqod.i< patiw row.rds 'IJJ,•ndwo!•Yl I t~; ftage,to he!pe eo make vptheplay, and to ht~ue noM.•fJ toper'.ft1' but would IMHeAil mtn to . !Dmifl:er tl;)attcr ofmirt?· v_pon this wema.y come to rtp<Rt<n<•: To c~me m~>re neere .vnto I m~ly feare.the Gofl?d ts gom~fro~ vs. The our felues and tln.s BRghfh natt?•· Now ts ttle ,tht~d finqe ".worldhnclfc, Whtch rergnesand day ofour viGtation,and hath b1n forthe fpace beares f1yay mal!places,as chough there were ofchtfeforty yeares and more, in which God no othe~ world, and as though heauen w~re io great patience h>th continually called vp- ..ypon e~rlh· . The fourth finne of our dates on vs,knockingatt,he doore ofour heartS,aod ts luke·v:armenclfe. For commonly ·!"en are llretched outthc armes ofhis mercy vnto vs. ·not lolbn themfelues, that they ml_ght bee ' wherefore thnatAiilpnliuly ·ofall Englilh\ found<?(Chnrt, they fce!e ~ot thctr owne people is, to turne vnt9 God wi1hall their pouem:, they know not m wh~t neede : hearcsaccordi~gtoallchelawofOod, asitis. they ftand of tbe bloQd of Chnlh and .. rhere- '· I - 'I