andmans free rri/1. 7f5 therefore they make profef•ion of the faith A Kingdome. leconi.u or (oni.u WM childle/fo;and ~~;::J:. formally,nor feriou!ly, onely bccaufe they are yet he is laid tobegetS.U.thiel; becaufeS•whi. forced fo to doe by the good !awesof agood el was to fuccecd him in the kingdome of Iu· Prince. The la!< linne is Hypocrille, for all dea, in that be \iras the n'extof D•ui4s houfe. amongv_s come to the Lords table,-andthcr.S. LaJUy, men, in thatthey appertaine to any by enter into the highcfl: degree of Cbnlhanl· thing or place,as children do to theirparents, ty th>t can be vpon earth: for th'ereby they 1 are called children thereof. Thus men are catmake profefsio that they are vnited to Chnfl,. 1 ledchildrenoflight,o/d•rk<nes,offin"',olJI1r4th.' and haue fellow!hip with him, and grow V!>l :rhus·Jerufalem is calico the d4ughur of'Sion. therein', And yet the mofl: beeing departed I And 'in this text citizens, the inhabitants of from this whoJlySacramet,tike Ilbertytoliue• Hierufalem, are called thechildren thereof. as theylifl:,defpiling~l_otherHhatwill not f~y Thus much of the Rebellion of Ierufalem: and do as they doe..Thefe and many other,arc now followesthe puni!hment in thefe words: I thecommon our Englilb vineyard. Behold, JORr b.biwio•Jh•ll be left vmoyo•defo. It £lands vs all inhand topray vnto-God,that 14te:or thus, your houli:, th•t is,both cirie and he would blowvpori his vineyard;_ tlfa~wet B templr(asitisinthenextchapter)!ha!lbdeft 0 •·4·"' nia.y bring forth better fruit, ·~ndpreuentthe vnto you as a wildcrnelfe.· • iudgementsthatotherwifearc lil<e to fall. " • Here wee mull: obferue,.that >he puni!h. Secondly,intharGodisfu patientcowards men of Ierufalems rebellion is a decroed vs,we are taucht toexerdfourfelues in pari· defolation both of Citie and Temple. And encc in refpect of God when weare afflicted the right confideration of it is of great vfe. &corrcCled by h:m.For whC.til: laieshishand For this defolation it were a looking I vpon vs,we 111ay nqt be angry,frc!t, chafe,and, glalfe to this our Engli!h nation, in which wee ,rag~,- but qmet ou•hearts'" his w!ll, thoaghl may fee our future condition : except we re- 'the Crofii! be grien<>us for mtll!fqre, and long pent ofotir-vnthankfulnes toGodfor his,merfpr continuance: Th:spanenceto God- wardi cies,l {!< !liewbetter fruits ofthe Gofpel; then us!e.,mcd '" Scnpmrc by an exaellcnb namei commonly we doe.Theoldworld little regal'– ' Theftknmfthe b{•~,wher~by>heheart with-1 ~ rled Eht •mihiRery of 'JI{'d•h·the preacher of ' out repmmg fub:effs :ofelfecatllewil ofGodl I bghteouflles,& was de:ltroyed by\tnvniuerfal jn all tbmgs.Pfoi+4·Ex•mmey"""h'e4Yts vpo,/ · Rood.Itis ageneral! decree ofGod, Tht Gen. Ifa, 60 • 1;, ' )DHrbtd,& bej/JOlliud ~7·7JJ'jitenN•.'feh>u•. C tiles ~~~tdi(ingdonu) th4twill·notftruethu, Jh•R _ Thirdly; 1f.God be thus patient towarq~ .p.erifiJ,•tldbe-vtterlydtf/royed.JfGoafpartnbt ··mm, ·we againiiniu~. be patient one tolvord~ > the naturall' btanchcs' nee will ·much ·lelfe 1 •atro:her:as Pauilaith,.F~rbeiZJ'e ~nemfll~,a-:'4 fpare vs t!lat are ..but wil~ bx:;a1;1cheS,if\.VC:Otg~ Eph 4-31~ 1 forgw.Jne an~th'»"' Godfer Ch~ijhf<k!for_g;:u,e lett a~hghtly efreemeti\e•Gofpelqf life,as Col, 3 ' cyOit;;'fhe fauli.ofthc merc:fullpaucnce ofli9~ nito eticry Where COnl'J!?nly doe. : Joalnti>• but breed aruLbu!1g forth m vs pall• Seaondly, the~kfolaUOI~ofHJerufakm m~y 'eobe and long.. llllfermg; mregard of' anger ' maghi'S'fo eliery '(n'eBfvs,whoin thefedaies -and reuenge. L! ·: · '- > ~Cl " ;· , ' ofoCSodsmcrcifull vifitation,fetthe minifl:cry , ,Lailly,in thatGo\l.cals vs to.fal~~t!On w:th ofthe Gofpehtnought, ·oi lightly refpett it; grea~P'mence, we:mull {ulf<r.oor feluesto l!e for 'vnlelfe fuch pcrfoas amend.' and that called, ,and rua the race ofriur;falnarion with .betime;vtrerdefolation\vil! befall batlj them -likc'Pallienci, Wed mbfl:1iear~·the wnrd ani:! and their f•milies, God hath palfed his fenLu~;i!:rr prj•g,forthf•.uit t\litb 'p<timce,;i, mu{\ ~lay : tence, They tbat wfthdralv, ;hemftiHes f.Qm God Pfa, 3 4.>7 1 ;.~uhour. famtmg.&-W!tbour:taktngrepulfeia~ , f/i•llp~rijh. Now they' \vithdraw themfelhes Mat. •r; 1 c.rM:woman of£anaan d:d:aud!heteforewtth .from God, thatcannt>t ~bide,to hauefellow- ~~m.,1. : P~lic:ncc.Our bap<m•Jiorby P•~nce&througb In -lhip with qim in his word,& tobring thefelue8 4, ' -•~fprt of tht Scr•pt.ur<.ht a ;yord,weecanrtot IT m fubiettibrithereto.Thirdly it appbr'shence obtain thepr•mifollll'itho!ttipoff<nce.. '" ,;,, ·by.rhe contrary, that tfie fl:ability ofall king. , ·•·;~!J'lte!filt aot!Jk(i,poin_t ro• .b~:cpn!idhed•il;, rdomt§,ll'a.~ih'thci'obclliciiceofthe <:.i'ofpelof 1 36. ~;~h;lt !S.tneannby.t'becll~ldre OOlH7ru,! 1 IChr:O::f<>r G"'!s kingd""IN's fllO~ fure & fia- {anl\wt:ttbus.Ghildren mSwptUreare rllkc:r~ bl~;agamtf'\VItich nothjntt,cllh preuaile. Artd 4<:wa:e~11'ufl:,i01TJ•areah•ldiotui~j>gcnefao:il:1 F<vbe~hMiibtl>el is:Obei~(in any·kipgl~m· it is , b6chell!>roade.!lld~1~.chapt!woore aleng €a-s!itiWfrt3'fbundC:d i'nt"e k1ngdom1 .' cloit. geoealogieiSn:t~awnfram.~t~ Chr:fl:J '"·:Mor&u~i.this'-de~liltionis-bothp,e p!:'t~:. ~Se,co:l&_Iy,,fo'llf!atecaUc.d:ohH_dildlj>y.adllptl~ all,~and t~~f.;l\leiids ;>~rp'etuall, thal;isl~t~e : - 1 QIJWJ!bontgenet:i•!OJl~Mwh.t:mipneoeclWd 1alli<ulgerneot. ·'l'orHierufalelri'mJlfft<:,lr~ •· 5 .,._ 6 1 chili)·t9 herdfatitli' foWl to&Jr1ftae to' Hdru{.i vhder foofitill t_h>timi,pj, t!feGd:il.?bi'foifi/. tuL~r~ '3 ! becaufe a,. d:dado?t hiS ch!ldren, and bnng ltd;and thiS "• t!ll therebefignes 10 the SUI10e! s cuom. s. 1, them vpas her myoo.Thirdly,Come are called and Moone, and the powers of heauen beei ' 4 ' 1 • . 'I ch!ldren mr.gara of legaii[H<ceffion, mmlettf! b :--fh~k,on, and rhatis immediatly before thelafl: '· K•og. thisor that thing. Thus Zedechi.u, w),l.'i\lYI?, :iidg'emen~.Hence I gather,that there is noci-1 ~~ci?r~.3 . deed was vn.cle to lehoakim,. .is faid tobee the · tie o!Hieru~alem, norTemplenowllanding.• / ••· . fo~neoflehokpn, becaufe he dtd fuccecd!ehoIt wlll be fa:d, thatfince thedefl:.ru11ion thcr-' I gl(j.,., (as beemg the next ofthe ~lood) mthe of,they m:ght haue bcene reedified.I anfwcr - . -· --.~ by