OfqodJft.~cgrace. by reafon ofthe<urfc ofGod, it cannot fo be. 1\A way,when his wrath fhatlfuddmly ~;;:- Three hundrod and 30· yeares after the death Touching this dcfolarion there bee three of Chrif!, the Iewes bythe leaue aAd hclpe .i things done by Chrifl.Firll he determines it Rul!in. oflulian t~e Emperour, ~vent about to build \ faying, Your koufeJha/1 he /ef/ vntoyu difoldt:, bd\ 1. ro. agamethe~ttemple and ctty, but thetr worke H<nce I gather, that tl;cre .is a prouidcnce of J8. was ouenhrowne, & they hindred by thunGod,touchingthingstha~cometo palfe.That I d.er and hghtnmg, & earth 'luakcs, and m~ny ts o~e pomt. 1he fecond ~s,t)m the difpofiti6. ofthem flame thereby. Ag:une,tt may befatd, ofkmgdoms, for thebegummg ccntinuance th~tthcreisacitynow ll~n.dingthatis called andend,is~fGod.7he Godifh;•um(faithCy: Elfa,r.•. I Hteru&lem. Ianfwer , It IS etther Ierulillem nu} h.rhl>Htnme.OtheIQ_ngdom<s <{theworld. in her ruines,or the citie Bethara, fenced,and And D•nitl tQ 'l'(!huch•dntz:<Ar , The God 0 :"alledbyEiim ..ddriAnm. Secondly, by this henuewh•thgiumtheekfngtbme,pollltt,andgt.ry. Dan.>.J? 1 ttappeares,. thatthewarrestf.tatweremade And the hand·wmmgvpon the wall in the 'I here~ofore tor therecoue~yof the HolyIand, light<;>I 11eljha<Mr,wasto this clf<tt,Tlry~"Z' ~;,";i:'• and ';'f Ierufalem, wore 10 vame. Thu en- ·~nu 11 nu,bml, for •ontmuanceofyeares: it rerprtfc was the pohcy of the Pope, that hee u ll>tgbeJ, and found light in refpctt of the 1 mighttbe better feat bimfelfe in Europe.And B finnes of the people: and it u druided to the I rher! was l}ttle good eo be looked foe in the Medes and Perfians. This mull teach all good placethat<iiod had accurfcdwirh perpetual! fubiellsin England, to !iftvp theirhcansto defolation. Thirdly, by this itappearcs, that God,for the continuance ofpeace and proteI pilgrimages made to the Holy lasd,are fUperthonto this Church and land. fiirious. Andlafily, I gather hence, that AeSecolldly, !;hrill reueal<sthedcfolationof tichrifl ihal not reigne in the Temple at IcruIerufalem,& that cerrenly:yea,he determines falem. This is but a Popifh littion. For how ti-e very particular time, Thi<gener•ti•n (faith Mll.!4, is itpofsible for him to fit in a Temple that is he) fh•O r.ot p'.{fo tiN •U theft thing' befulfiUul. H· vrterly ddlroyed, in fuch IOr.t, that !lone And accmdmg to this reuclation and prcdidoth not lye vpon fione? Itisobietted, that ttion ofC::hriU, all thingscame eo palfc. For R Anticbrill: fhall de!lroy the two Prophets of withintbr wmpalfe of40. yearcs after it was ,..';. ;:s~ I God in thec~il.illl;l'hi<h Clmjl ""'". cr~ifoJ. I' dellroycd Hence, I garher,thatthis Gofpell anfwer,Chnllts as well cructped 10 hts memofM•ttht'lll; and the rcll, are the very werd . bers,as in his owne perfon: and thus he was ofGod;onthismanner. That which fomels ' and iS llill crucified in Rome: aod inrefp~ C particu!arthings to comecertenly and ttuely, o{his mem&ers more crucified in Rome then is ofGod: butthe Gofpels foretell particular iA Icrufalem. . tt.ingno come certcnly and tntdy, asin this Agaioe this defolationwasmollterrible.& place we fee: therefore they are ofGod. the tribulation thereoffo gre~t, .dlatthe like · Thirdly and lallly, Chrifi labours to bring was neuer Ctnce the beginning of the world. the Jewes to a fcrious confideration of their ~:'•'4' Hifieries written therofdeclare as much.For punifl,ment,when hefaith,7feh•ld.Forhe doth thecitie wautthe firfrbefieged by the armie' as it wae take them by the hand, andbring ofTitu. VefP•fi•nm, called the•bh•min.uim• them to a prefent view oftheir miferie. And defoi41i•n , and it was withall compaffed with .thus he harh alwaies flealt with hispeople fro . awall that had 13. ca!lle>init, to_command the beginning. Yea thus he d<altwirhAd.<m · thewholecitio. In the time of.the fiege, .the before hid•ll, .whc_n he faid, Jftk•" •.•t<t~t "'"•' 17 Iewe~wereopJlr~lf~s!:wtthagii~U9li.Sfamme: I forlnJdenfrH>II~ndying thouJh•lt d·~· Thts fer~- • . in which their food IV•• old fhooe;;.,,. old'lea- ;.\.ous confideratton ofdeferued pnmfhment;·u ther, old hay; and q,$' dung ofbe~lls. There \ ofgreat~fc, Itisano~cafionofrepentanceto AmoJo4. died,~artly ofthe (word,and partly.ofthefa- , ··.man. It.tsa meanes,!foot of~epentance, yet n . mine eleuen hundredrhoufaod oft~ poorer D ofre!lratnt ofopen vtces.Agame,the confide· • fort.' iwo thoufand in one night were imbo- ! 1 rationofeuerlallingpunifhmenrs, is a meanes ~elled: fixethoufand we~e liurnsd in a porch . t :tomake '!• pa.tie~tly b<are !Cifer crolfd·that ofth~ Temple:tlle whole cityWl\S fa~ked !i"d IbQ_fall V!!n thisbfe.Andth~:lforett we,..srobe bumt,and laid leuell,to the grout~cl! al)d mne. wdhed, that~ennow adates would fenoo!Jy tie feauen thouund taken captiucs:,andto be fpeake and tbmke Gf hell, and <~f t~.epamcs appli~d t.o bafe & tl)ifc.~able feruicc,T).Jis hor- ,thc!rof.For then therewOJJidbe~~r~amtndrible de(olation mull: teach vs to dJ.ad.:and mentthenrherus;JlutthiS gcod ts hindercq, feareGpd, anci toyeeid 'Vnfainecl,lilbietlion part!~, ~y·~lil:drieffe ofmind~, and partly oy , to Chrilt. And as tloe Pfalmifl: fatth, t• kifft falfe ttnogmauons; thattbr.tudgemenrs..and Ifa.>S.t8 .. Pfal.~.u •k•~"J!!~.kjJ lleh•~i..>:J• aiWI. w.c,~~~~.in the 1 ~'p~mlhmcnts ~~~~dm_~Y;,~~~1be cf~~~~~~ , T• •,; .i 1.VH ' (. "-' 'l_ ":t .S ·,, ~. 1~'.s;•:' ,.• n·:·:;"'~'-1,1 ~,._.;.r'J :', ,._ t; ('"{, :J ~.:.;( I ~ ' 1 '~ ,.._'I