Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

\ cr/Jeorder if theCaf1fes /4ii 'VnttJ him:lt is writti •gAin,ThoMJh~lt not tipt A 'piece •f2o.pence:th~Ct t~ake & f.iHe it "J11tothtmfor the Lord thJ G•d. Therefore for aman to bee m<&thee.3.Toappeafe anger kindled:which his owueexccutioner,though to efcape amo~ is done, I. By ouncommingeuill with goodlhameful euill, is Vtterlyvnlawful & vngodly. nes.Rom.a.OI. Be""Ohtrctm..f<•iU' ouro1 The affirmatiue part. oercom< <Nil withg10dner11. Byfollowing after Thou.fh•lt pr<firu<tl:e life •f•h]H<igh6our. Hipeace., .Pet 3·II .D«if.eP"'"uiU, & aogeod, therto may we referrt:"thefe duties. /«~<pt•«,•odfoUorufttr ir.:Ill. By courteous _Io Such as appertaine to the perfon ofour anl'wers. Prou.x5·1· A foft ••fwer pot"'h""'!J nerghbour,&concerne,firO: his wel-fare both wrorh:hutgrituom wordsfli•uvp ••gtr.'t.Sam. of body & mind;asto reioyce with them that I·Ii.Eiif•ld vnto her,Hof/1/ong ,.;lt •h•• hedriircioice. Rom.i>-15· Thmh•••- k<n?put•w•ythJdrHn~mnrs ftcm rhu.15. The• f,.<red &foid """him; •Ntheft rhings I h•~~t•hH•nn•h An{U7tred,&foid, N•J "'J Lord,bur ~- firurdfrom myJ""'h. Andlefos b<htld him,& /o. ..,om•il trouh/ed mfiirlt: I h•oe drun~tnqther HeJ him.II. Hismiferies, to bee grieued with f!linenor ftro•g dri•~, llorh•••poor<d••t myf••le himforrhe.Ro.u.15. Mournertiththof<th•t btfortt~eLord. Phii. V.IS·ltm<y bt •h•tbee m•urnc. Eta. •4.16. And Ifoid, My lt•.. •ffi "'1 rhmfore dtp4rttdfor• fe•f•n, th•trhou.fh•uldefl lettnnts, woe is me, the tnujgre_ffo•rl h•11t offendeJ, B r~&eiue hi111for tHtr. IV. Byouerpafsing fome Jt4<httriifgrt!JorshAM<gri<ooufly.jfikd.Pf.t f9· wants& infirmities in mens words& dcedes. 1-36. Mine eiesg*fb"" 'Withw•ttr, biCttHfo me• Prou.t9;•1t. It i.s•t~~fl1JJ h1no11rto p11J!e hy injir. obfiru.north] 14w. Agaih, we muft help him as mities.V .By couering themwith fi1ence. 2 . Pet. much as in vs Jyeth. lob 19.15. lw•uneytto 4.8. Aiooe•U thin,tJ h•.. ferH<ot loot •mong{l the bliod,•nd• foorttllht /4mt. •· Cor.8-3- To Jlo,for loo«oumth• m•ltitudeof jins. Prou. I 7 • their pow;r,Je•,bryidthtirpower,thry'f>J<refllilli'g. 9· He thAt coHtrethtr•n(grtjfioo fttkph ""': bot And that we do, wemuftdo fpeedily. Pro.5, he th4t repw11• m41ttr,ftp•rotmhe prince. VI. 18.S'!Jnotrorhyneighhor,go& mm•g•i• fo morBy taking euorything(ifit bepofsible) in rhe roU7,& I willgiuethtt,ifthounorth4Htit.Leu.xg. be!lpart,1.Cor.1 3·5.Lout thin~tth noou•iB. 17. Thou fb•lt pl<iniJ rebuke thy mighbo~r, &c. This lhowesthe Jawfulnes oftruces, coue. JII. Concerni•g f"'hiniuries, as he olfereth nants,& other agreements concerning peace vnto thee : I. Thou !halt not be ongry againO: being made to auoid iniuries, maintaine an~ him,vponafmal occafion. Num.u.3· V'lf ofis cient bounds,procure fecuriry intraffick,pof- "''"• meekm:fn~tbiMt AB tb•t UMtd vpO thettlrth. fef5ions,& iournics, fetpcnfions,commOs for Pro.t9.t1. Thedifcmwnof• man defers hil••- cattcl,liberties ofhunting, filhing,or fouling, ger,.rndhugi"J il top•J[< b; •n ojftott.1. Thou C & getting fewel,or other necelfories for pubmuO: beflow to wrath, & neuer beangry, hut like corr.odities, ifthere be no vnlawfullconfor am00: iuO: caufe.Mar.3.5.Thtdht loo~troii'd ditii>ns annexed vnto thefame. And we may ~gilto, them •ng~rlJ, mo~~rnir~g ttlf•for th~ hArdmake this couenantnot otdy with Chrillians~ nts oftheir he•rtt,Prou.14·29. H"th•t ilfi•U7 tf but for the maintenance ofpeace, with inti- '"'•rh,il•fgrt41 wi(dome:h•t he th., il of"" h•fiJ dels alfo.Forrhat whichisgodly to beperfor. mind exalmhf•IIJ·3. Thineanger muft be but med,is no letfe godly to be promifed.· Butitis forawhile.Eph.4.z6.B,.ngry,••dft•••t.lttnot a note oftruegodlinos, to be as much as may th•Snng•a',.""P•• thJf!IT4<h.4.Forgiue freely be, at peace with all men : Therefore to proan·iniury,& reuegc it not. Eph.•H •· BeJ«•r· miCe peace by couenar,is very godly.·We may tto/14 tM t..o •notber,(§- tider he;~rtedJ f•rgiNilfg jnt fee theexperienceofthis in the liues'of holy anothtr,tiJtn .uGodfor Chriftsfok!forgartt;o•. men.Gen.11•.,.,At thAtfome time Abimelcch I V, His.wants & infirmities: 1· Auoid oc· •nd 'Pichol hi1 cbiefo .-ptaine, J}•k.,mroAbra• cafions whereby they may befrirred and laid ham,('!}illg,Godiswith th<t in•llth•tthoudoejl. opeo.G~11.1 3•8· Thtnfoia·Abr•h•m to Lot,Ltt •3· No"' tberforefwt4't vnto ''"htrtb] God,rhat there b~>npftrif~ i pr111 thee betrrttnt thee •ndm~, thQu w;tt not hu'rt me,mr m;Ghildren,nor my cbilneirber bttt~"""hJ he•rd mm••dmine: for f!ltt D drenschildren,&c. 24. ThenAbt>hamf•id, lwiO are brtthrji,9Cl' not the 'f>Jhole i••dh•fo,ihuldt- /U7t4rt.1.i•ThtnAbraham tooktfh«! & bmm, p•rt,lpr•1 rhu,frommi: ifth•• U7llt ••ktrbe left •ndg••• thtwvn<l Abimdech:& th<yr,., made h•nd,l 'i'!/1/takt the right: or iftbo•g• ,.,beright Acou<ncnt. Gen.j1·4~· N•.,thmforecom~•nd hand, f wiO t-'<! theleft. Gcn.l7·44· ..AnJ tttrri1 Ut VJ m.ckt • ''HenaNt J t~ndthaH, which "'"J be~" withhim 4 'While v11tiU thy l!rathN"sfiercenes be11{- »JitlfesbetWtent me t~nd thet.45'. Thm L~l11tnfoid [waged.4;.Andti0th)6rothmf!lr•rhtumt4.,.AJ tol•coh, Btholdthisht4pt, •ndbeholdtht piU.,., from.rht~,anih: forger thtthi,;gs f!lhilhthoHh4j/ ,.hich I h•••fit vp bm.,<ntme4ndthee.53. The donttohim, •· Depart fometimes from thine GodofAbraham,..drhe GodofN•hor, •ndrbe own right.Math.17.15 .z6. What think,ef/th•• Godoftheirf.,htrbt indge bttU7ttn vs: B•t l4Cob Simon?.P[libome do rhe Kingufthe t4r<h r.l.! tri· f"'•r<b] thefo•re_ofhi~Jathtrhhak., bntt,orp•/Jtmr.yl ofthdrchildrt~t,orofjlrangtrs? I 1 I. Concermngh1s body, weare toregard Ptttr f•id vnro him,Off/rangers. Then foid le(ws italiue& dead. Being aliue,we oughtifneede vnto him)Thtn411 thHhildre., frtt•'J7,Nt~~erthebe : I. To minir.:er vnto it food and rayment. \ le!,ltft wejiJ6Uldolfindthem.go to thefe•, 11nd C4fl Mat.2S-41 ,41. Vtpe~rtfrommey~cHt'fod int11 e.. in an ••gl', & t<kt rh•firftfijhth•tcomu vp, ••d •erlaflingfire,whi<h it prep<redfortht.di•t & his when tho;~ h4fl opentdhi4 mouth, th~e, Jh:tlt fim~• 14ngels. Fer l'it!IU itnhungr~dJ 11ndyeg11ue "!!eno nu•tt,