Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

. ' er be EpiftleVedicatory. duties annexedvnto ~tin faith >c~d obedience,and~{chewing thofe vices that vfually attend vpon It~Wtth all careand ctrcumfpe£hon. In tlu~manner,hath God difpofed the whole ellate ofmaq. kmd,f~rtheaccomphlhment ofthe forefatCI end,the honour All,d glory ,ofhisn't~Jle. . Agamfhhtsorder,do~ o~nd t, o f9rts ofmen. The fir,fr, .~refuch a,.ltue jn;t~e bofontt of the Church, ond are not ranged withidthe cempa{{eefanfcalhngohonditi<ln oflife whMtin they might gaine glory vnto God, or good vnto men. VJJder thcfi: are comprehend;d :ill p 0 • ~0"'"' pilh Votaries ;as Monkes,Friars,&c. wha.hat;=-heeneiullly,cond~mnedof auncienttimes for bifi.Ecd. thceues and robbers, becaufe liuing apart from th; cortunon fociieties ofmen, they are neyther J,,.c.t8, the members ofany body,nor maintainers ofany oftbe three fl:ates before named. And to them may be referred all wandring and fl:raggling pcrfons, who hauing no fctled place ofabode and op.~o. being neither memioersofany ciuil fociety,nor annexed to a1y parrjcular Church or do th~ Ieafl: ~:~."" j!OOd vnto mell. The liucsof t~efe,perfl!_ns are f<:> mu~hthe more odious, becaufo they are like thevnprofitable drone, that briqgethndthing irtrc>tl1e blue, and yet feedes ofthe bony, that is brought in by thclabours ofothers. Another fart ofmen arc they, who mdeed are called vnto fd.meccrtaineconditionand trade oflife,wherem theydo walkc,and ~celd fomc benefit vnto o– thers; and yetthey arc greatly to be blamed, in,refpeCl oftheir want in the right vfe aad exercifc: oft·heir callings. Forthough they may be skilfull andexpert in their kinde, yet they crrcin the maine point,in that they do not praClife their pcrfonall eallio1gs ia,and with the gencrall.Where· as on the contrary,the priticipall fcopc of'thcirliues, be thehonouring of God in the feruice ofmen:and the rule ofdirection for theattainementofthat end, isoothing elfe buta con– frant pcrform;wce ofthe duties ofthe moralllaw,i• that very callingwhereinthey beplaced. Aremedy for ;hcfoand timdry more corruptions, incident vnto the lines of men, as altO a warning to thofc: that offend inthis kind,the Author hereof,whofc memory is bkffi:d, bath prc– fented vntoour vicw,in the difcourfcfollowing:whcrin arehandled at large, out oftheword of God,the differences and right vie ofalcallings whatfocucr.In publifhing wherof,I haoe thought good to make choife of your Worfhip,ro whofc protection, I might eo":!mend the fame, and that vpon thefe confiderations. Firfl:,becaufe you arc, and haue btn an anctent fauourer and wet– wilier to learni~g,and learned ~11tn,whereofamcmgfl:thc refl:,our Colledge hath ~!ready had ve– ry fufficient tefl:tmony; for whtch tt doth acknowledge you,bythcn&me ofaloumg and hbcrall benefattour.Secondly,for that(in my kne>wledge) you were very louingly affcttcdvnto the Au– thorofthis Treatife whiHt he liued,hauiugalwaies a reucrent opinionof his gifts, aud wifhing him incouragement inal hisproceedings.Befide thcfc r~fP.elh,it ismy d~fire,IJY thisdcdi~ation to giue vnto you fome tefl:imony of a thankfull !1\i!Jd~ furyonr lfi.UC and kmdnelfc towardsmee. And rhuscraning your acceptation here .A', I raks in_y leaaci, and~tl,mcndyoo, with"aU your af– faires,tothegraccanllfauourofGod~ C~t,hridge, Fehr, 16• Ji'o:. .. _ ; .. , I "' ... ' . ·Your1Y orJhips inallk.jndnejfe to 'Co,;;ma11d, T. P• . ,, ..). l fl ,_j THE