Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

~. ~.~~~~~~~~~m~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~a.~@~~~~~~ THE CONTENTS. I. WhatV.cationu,p•g. 7 5o,CDl.x.whereufet tkwne. I· Theca•JesojeHery caRing, Ejficient,I. and ftnaO,pag.75I•Io 2• Two genera/1' r11l1J be14ngillg to all callings. · I• WhatfeeHw""y"""'dtJth,m•ftheetlonebJ vm•eof hu calling, and within the com· P•ffiofit,p•g. 75I·•· •· EHerymAnm~~fttloethedlltiesofbucaOing with diligmce,pag.75 2-I• 1!. ThepartsandkjwdsofVocatim: whicbare IQ7o, 752.:. I. Gtn6Y4/J;whereoftherebefourl maine duties. I. /niiQCIItion,7S3 ·1• · •• Furtherance of the j/ate'of the ChHrcb, 753ol• 3• SeY.ning onetfn!Jtherin/oue, 7S4· I• 4· Wallzingworihyofthe c41/ing, 754·•· 1 I. 'l'erfona/1, 754· •· whereoftherH!eureftue. I. Eueryone in the ChHrch,mHjl ha11e ap•rfo· naBcallingtowalk! in, 75>··•• •· Eueryman m•ft iHdge hu partic"larcaOmg wherein bee U , t• b~e the beft for him~ 756·1· 3• Euerymanm•ftioynethepr<Bifeofhuper: fonallcal/ing, with thepra!Jife•fthegeoe. rail, 756·•· 4• S1u:h .ubear< p•bUktcaRings, mNj/ftrfl re. for111ethemfolHu in priMIIte, 7)7·2· 5. .AparticHt.r caOing ,.,.pgiueplace to a gener•l!, when thrycannot both jlandtoge. ther, 757·•· Sorts,tWQ, I, Tho(e that makt•focietie,758·I. •· Thofi that prefor•efocietiem•de, 758•I• I 1/, The right vfo of e11ery particular raNillg, 758. t.whichjlandsinfo•rethillgs. /, .Agoodchoic<Df• caUing: whereoftherebe~ thr.e RNles. I• r. ch•ofi Anhonejland.. """fuN •ailing. 758·•· :. Toch10Jell/•tca0illg, 758.':. . 3.Hethat ujitwlfor[Hndry,muftm~choit:• ofthe btjl, 759·•· ]/, .Agood entralfCeiotoit. 768. I· wh<reare .tnfweml s. q•eifiw. I· Wh.ucaUing theftrjl p!tmtersofourChur• ches had? 760. •· 2. WhatU tohedone~ when entrarrctis mde intoa /awfN/1ca//ing,with;~ReuiiZrnmtk,anJ by eui/1meanes! 762.I. · 3• Whethtra manm'!Jiawfn!Jy ojferbimfelfe, Md1n4k! me~nes to e11ter into 4 '•Uing or no? 672.2. 'I· Whttheraman may enterintuwocaBillgs tttonce,orno? 76~.2. 5• :whether itbeiawfdtomterintotwotratks Atonre,ornt~l 763·1· Ill, A gootlcontinHan<e ina calling, 764. J, .. whereu foewed: Firft, Wh<t bethe workts ofaca!Ung: viz. ~P'-P"•764·•· Th.fewhichpe profitable, 764·2• · • nec1fl4rie, 764.2• Here twoqHejJiom ttre ttnfwered. I• Whttherwork!sofac.Uing, d1ne byama11 fJnlawfully entred,benHIIitiesorno?765·I• 2. Whetherperfonsbapti~etlby Maj<.priejls, arttobere baptiudf 7 66·2· Serondiy, Whatu ~htrightlflanner the tiHtiesofa ra.Rtng: where ttre reqNired two things : F~rft, Ho/ineffi,ftanding inado•blefimal. Jic•tton. I· Ofthewsrkts,766.t. rth•_ word,~Efchtw. -{couttoufi,.Jfo, , lwhteh. ingofvi768,z. 7 6 9 • ,,Ofthe gsuesd.. •es, .u, {n111.f/ice, 770 . 2 wwk!J~<reChmfqr . . 771 • 1 • 1 J 'l'raBifeof5F•ith, 772 .I 1Jl~IHIS31U 2 L1Ht,772JJ,. cPrAJtr• 713·'· Serowdiy,C•»ftllncie in two things: I• RemooNingofimpediwmtts. ~Ambition•173·2• M EnNie, 774·I, (Nlp11tlt11CI,774•1• . ~Htlfts, 774•2 •• Y]ingof Vocation,774•2·77J~ Ch•nges,776·I• fr. Ag10d ending ofrher•Oing:whitbjlantls; 11 1. A goodRefilnation,776·•· ,., Ag.,dArcOIInt,777·•· · Sff I. Cor.