Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

750 ~~~~~~~~~~m~~~~~~~~t~~rP~ .- · ~(M'~~m~~~~mm~~t§~~~~~~ 1. Cm·. 7· verfe2o. Let eueryman abide in that calling~ Wpe~e,in . hee was called. · · • ,.. Rom the 17. verfe of this A tho5. there are two gueflions handled. Firll:, whether a man bce– ing called to Chriflianity vncircumcifed, mult bee ·1 circumcifed after hiscalling. The fecond is, whe– ther beeing abondman when he is called, bee mull: thenleaue his calling, Now the fum of the Apoll:les anfwer to the both,is laid downe in this 2o.verfc: as ifheelhould fay; let euery man continne in that calling, wherein hee was B called vntoChrifl:thatis,wh<;rein hee walked and liued when it pleafed God by the minifleryofhis Gofpel,to ea! himvnro the profefsion ofChrill:ian religion. The caufe why I haue chofen to fpeake ofthefe words, is, becaufc I meaneta inrreate ofthis pointof vocationor calling ; confidtring few men rightly know howto liue andgQe on in theircallings, fo as they may pleafe God. Thereforeto proeeedo in order,in fpeaking ofthis point; Firfi,I will lhewwhatVoc.uionor (allintis. Secondly, I will fct downe the p•m and kifzdes thereef. Thirdly,the holy &lawfull vft of e"ery mans C particular calling : all which are in f<>mc fort touched in the words of my text. For d~e firfi: A voc~ttion or c~t!iing,U a certain kjndoflife, ordAined•ndimpoftdon m<nby God, Jorthecommongood. Firll:ofall I fay;it is a cer. Mineconditionor k_indrflife: tlJat is, acertaine . manner ofleadingotir Iiues in this world. For example,the life ofa king is to fpend his time in the gouerningofhis fuoidh, and that is his calling: and thelife ofa fubiell is to liuein o– bedience torhe Magiflrate , and thatis hiscal– ling. The ll:ate and condition ofaMinill:er is, JD to kade his life in preaching of the Gofpell and word ofGod, and rhat is ~is calling. A mall:er ob family, is to leade his life in tllego– uemment ofhis famjly, and thatis his calling, In aword, that particular and honell: manner of conuerfation, whcreuntd euery man is cal– led and fct aparr,that is(I fay)his calling. Now in euery calling we muft confider two caufe;. Firfr, the efficient and author thereof. Secondly,rhe 6nall and proper end.The author ofeuery ca!ling,is God himfelfe:and therefore Paul faith;As Godh.rh calledeuery m<n,lethim w•ik!,vcrf.t7,And torrhis caufe, theordea& manner ofliuing in thiswClrld,is calkd aP'oc•-