Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

;8 'The order of the ca'!fes Neither btyee idolattrs,IU werefime•fthem, M it M~rirwr:Thc peoplefttt do~nt to tlltt atld drink, androfevp topt.y. Luk. 6. •5· Wotbeto y•• that laugh: foryee Jhall 'Wt.tile 11nd weepe,Deuteron. "· 7· Thrreyet foaYtAte before the urdyo•r Gtul, .tndyet JlutO reioyce in t1/l th~tJOU put '}•Hr banJs vnto, bothyttAnd'}oUr h8ujholds, becauft the Lord thy God bAth bleffid thee. To thisend hl th the word ef God permitted !hooting. 1. S>rn. t. 1 8. Htt bad them teach tht childrtn•f A llors, hauing cbargeof foules : yet free men, DOtbgundbycalling, may. ReQfon. I. Aman may prouidc for his 01vne f1fetie, ifir bee not to the hindcrance of another. I I. Amall may flic: warres, famine, flouds, fire, andorbcr fuch dangers: therefore the plague. I I J. Th<re is !cffedanger of ficknelfe, the more the multi– ~udc ofpeopleis dimini!hed. Ohcil. ], To fli<, tsa token of dt£lruft. Anf"· This diffidence is no fault of the falt, but ofrhe perfon. I I. It is offenfiue, .An f. '!he offence istaken, not giucn. III. To llte, ts to f?rfake our ncighour a– gatn£l the rule of cbantte. o.An[w. It is not if kinsfolkc and Magillrares bee prefent. I v. 1ud4h toJhoott, ll4 it U'"'ritten in the book!11[ /11~ fhur. And muGca!l confort. Nehem.7. 67. Be– fides their finrantJ andmAides Which werefoaHtn thQHfond. three hundred, ttNdfi",.t" andthittie: they had tll'o hrmdred AndftutAnd fortitJmging mm, andfingi"' ,.,,,.. And putting forth of B riddles. Jud.t.;'.t •.Sampfo•[•idvntothem,l wiU nvw putforth 4 riddle vnto yon,e;-i(yoH candtcl4rt 'it mt within{tuend4itl 1[thefenft, .melftndit tJHt, IWill giut ytJu thirtiejhettes, and thirtiech4ngt tJf garments. 'l· Andthey .nf,.md him, Purforth thyridd/e,th.r we m•Jhe•re it. ''I· And he[aid vnro them) 01'Jt ofthe e11ter CAtnt meate. andout f'/ thtjlrong camefwutnrffi: ttnd thry cs~sld n11t m . three daies exp11nnd the riddle. And hunting of wilde bea{\s. Cant. 2. 15. Tak.e_ vsrhefoxes, the little{11xes which dejlroy the viues: for tJur vines ha•eJm•llgrapes. Llfily, the fearching out, or the contemplation of the workes of God. x. King·'l·ll· AndheJPaf<toftrm ftomthe Cedar tret th11t iJ in LJbttnon, eue11 vm• the h.Jifo1ethttt fPringtlh out •f the ,..n: he];•k!.Alfo ofbtaj/s, 4nd C ofJoules, •nd •f cruping thintt, ""d•f fifoes, •· Phyficke, the vfe whereof is holy, if before the receipt of it, a man cra~e remifsion of his finnes, and repofe his confidence onely vpoo God, not vpon the meanes. Matthew 9· •· And'", tbt) broughr vnto him • man fic~t of the pa!fi.e, IJing OIJ • btdde. And Jefm Jieittg their faith , ]aide vnt• the fie'<! of the p•lfi• , So11ne, bee ofgood com{Drt, thyftnnes ttre forgiuen th,.6, Thenhefaidt~theficf«ofthepalfie, A– rift, ta~evpth) hed and ,..lke to thine h•ufi. Ioh. Men are to viGt the ficke by Gods appoint– ment. ~Hfw. ":ere cxc:pted among the !ewes: and ro ltkewtfc they tn thefedaie! which are infelted with a difeafe, anfwerable to tbc !cprofie, namely, if it bee da•gecoufly contagtous. CHAP. XXVI. Of theftutnth Comm•ndemt•t. THe fcuenth Commandement !heweth how that we !hould preferue the cha!litie ofour felucs, andof our nci;hbour. The wordsare thefe : ' Th111fo4/t not e~mmit ttdulttrie. ThrRe(•luti••· Ad./my·] To commit adultery, fignifiethu much , asto do.: any thing , what way focuer whereby the cha£litie of oer felues ot ou; neighboiJ(S n,ay be llaiocd,M•th.s.•S. The negatiueparr. Th••]halt no WAJ •ilhtr hurt, or binder thy neighho•rs ch•Jiitit. In this pl:~t:e are prohibited: ]. The lull of the heart, or the eoill concu– pifcenceofthell<lb. Math. 5,2g. Jfoyvnto]'H, ,.hifotHtr!.ok!tho••"'"'"""'•fl•fttrber, hee h11th •lre~tiie c•mmitrtd ttdulterie 'With her inhis hcart. ColoO: 3 .s. Mmifi•your memhm ..hich Art on ellrth: fornic4tion, vnclMflntjfe, the ;,w/J;. n~~re ttjfe£JWn, euiHt~rnpiftetice. I I. l!urning io the lle!h, which is an inward ;. ). A certttine m~tnWA4 thtrl which hAd bee11e difoafed eight •nd thirtie yeares. 8. /e[111 [aide vntohim, Tal(:vpthybed•ndw•lk!• 14. After th.e lefm f•••d him in the Temple, anJfoidvnt• him, Beh~lde,thouart m:ule WhtJle: ftnne nfl mare, Jefl aworfethingcome vntotiJtl. z.«hron. 1 6.rz. A•d .Afointhe Nine tend thirtieye~tte t1[hiJ r.c~~~~~ ,..., dif,.Jid in hi4[me, And hi4 difoafe ""'ex treame:Jtl hefoughtnot tothe_L•rdinhi4 di(, buttothe Phrfitians. l· Auo1dtng ofan mmne, offered by fome priu•te pctfon: this,ifit be a– gain{\ on vnruly and vn£layed aduerfary , aod D feruencie of lu{\, whereby the godly mctions cf the heart arc hindered, ouerwhelmed, and. as it werelwith contrade fire,butflt vp. x. Cor. 7·9·lfthtye<nn.r•~flaine, let thtm ,.rrie,furit is btttrr '' mMr;e then to bHrflt. the defence be faultleiTe,is very lawfull,and is ro farre from priuatercuenge, thac it is to bee ac. counted a iuH defence. The defence is then fault!eiTe, when a man doth f<>aiTault his ad– uerfarie, as that he neither purpofeth his owne reuenge,or his enemies hurt.but 0neJy his alone fafetio from that imminer.t danger. A d••bt. Whether may a man llie in tbe plague time ? Anji~. Such as bee hindered by their calling may nnt; as Magifirates, and PaI I I. Strange plcafurcs about generation, prohibited io the word of God: the which ar< many. I Withbeafis. Lenit. r8.2; . Tho•JI,•ltnot iyewithttnyhr•JI t1be Jefiled tl91rel'1Pirbj neither Jb•U any w•manfi•RJ before 4 be.jl to lie down' thtrttq: fir it is Rll ~tbfJrnilfiltion. I/. Witl1 the diucll, as witches doe by their owoe confefsion. For wby U10uld nnr a fpirit aswell haue focictic with a wir<h, as to eare meare? 1JJ. With one of thefame fexe. Lcuir. 1 & >2, ThouJl,.llltll lie with themalt , M one IJeth \