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Ezcc.+4. 'l· rSam.12. 3· 1Tim. .q.. 7,1t . .A'Treatife ofCallings. 777 that is, doe the office ofa Iudge, and Prince: A it fhall not fuffice:for atthelallday, two fhall and therefore refignes his officcHo I~fhuah, be in the field,in the works(no donbt)oftheir Mmh.•~ who iudged rhe people in his llead. callings;yet the one{hall bee taken, the other 40 , 4 r. .The fecond time of refignement is , when refufed: two women !hall be grinding at the any man is lawfully defpofed for a crime or ' mill, the one!hallbe taken, theother refufed. offence committed. Thus the Priells thatof· :Therefore, befidesthepradifeofalawfullcalfered facrifice before the Lord,ifrhey felaway .ling,care mnq be had to kecpe a good confci· toidolatry, weredefpofcd from the office of ence to the end, both before God and man. the Priellhood,& euer after were imployed in '1 And thus muchof refignements. fome fercicein the Temple. The fecond & bll point is, the .4cco•nttbat The third timeofrefignement, isthe timeof cnery man mull makeof the worksofhis caldeath: for whcnGodcals vsfrom this life,wc ,ling.Now,that fuch an account is to be made, then receiue adik:hargc from our particular it appeares in the parable ofrhe rich man. And Rom. , 4 . callings:forafterthislife,the ~hildren ofGod 'S.'P4UI(aith;Euerymanmuftgoetoi•dgement,& xo,u. ceafe from thetrlabours & in theirdeath be· gi•e an acco11ntfor himfelfe. And Salom•n tels gio their perpetual& ct;rnalSabbath. Fo~the theyon~ man, rouing in his O\~ne waies, that Ecdcf." time ofthis life,byGods eommandemenr,we B for althu,h1j!JalcometOJHdgemet, Few are truly :;. reil euery feuenth day, and labourin the fixe: perfwaded ofrhis lall and great account, be~ butafrer,wc !hal comioually without ceafing, Icaufe1tts deferred.- but we ought robeofbet· doe that, which now for fubllance, wedoeon 1 t<r refolurion, and prepare'our fe~ues for it. the Sabbath day: that is,honour,& pratfe,and Touchmg tht< Account, two thmgs mull be glorifie rhe name of God, ineuerlallingioy. 1 . confid<red. Firft,whatis the accounr.Secood· · The fourth time of refignation, is at rhe ly,how it ismade. Thegiuing ofan accoom , !aft day ofiudgement, to them that !hall bee IS nothing ds, but an a<lioriof the reafonable then aliue: that is,the generall time efall re- ,creature, efpecially ofman, wherein hee mull fignernents: for ass. 'Paul!airh; Chrill Jefus I be anfwerable and accountant to God for all mull then refign• his kingdome vp into his 1 his actions, both ofhis general,& ofhis parfathers hands, &putdawne all humane rule& ' 1 tlcularcalling. And by rhe law of nature,wee authority & power: for thenciuil,EcclefialliI are bound to this: yea, ifinferiour officers in call,and a:conomicalftaresand callings,in re· 1 the Common·wealth,become accountable to gardofgouernment, mull haue an end. Y<a, :the highell Magillrates for all their doings; Chri!t himfdfe,in regard ofrhe mannerofhis C then much more mull euerycrearure become regiment, mull giuevp his kingly office, and accountable to God his Creator, for thedu· the execution both ofhis priellhood,and protie• of his calling, wherein he doth him hopheticall 0ffice, mull then alfo haue an end, mage aud feruice. though the vertue and fruit thereof !hal abide There are fourc things required in this nefor ouer. Thco there !hall be no more prince, count. I. Theprcfcntmenr ofellery mans per, nor people;magillrare,norfubied;mafiet,and fon beforcGod.II.The manifellarion ofal rhe feruant;parents,and children; but God fhal be works that they haue done.III.The examinaall in all to the elect. Thus we fee the rime of nation ofthem al.IV.'l'flegiuing and rendring re!igncments1 themanner followes. to cuery manaccording,to his works. Forthe The mAnner is,m rtfi~ne them, in,and with firfl::the prefeotarion ofallperfons,beforcthc thetellimony ofa good confcitnce: which is; tribunall of Chri!l, fhall bee brought to pafic when our confcieMces beare wimelfe, char by the power of<:;od: for as in the beginning wehaue in the worksofourcallings,keptour euery creature had his beeingby the word of felues vnblameable and )laue indeauoored in f) God, fo ihall it beein the day ofiudgement: all things,to do the will ofGod.Examples we God !hall burfpeakethe word, and all reafohaue of this in the Scripture. When SAmoel nable creatures, liuing and dead though many was no longer ablo to iudge the people,hecal. thoufaud yeares before,lhal prefentthemfelucs led the whole congregation ofthe Ifi:aelites, before him, to giue account of all theactions protefting vntothem, that he had not taken doneinthis life. Secondly, whenallmenand any mans oxeor alfe, receiued any bribes, or Angtls ate fet before the prefene< ofChrift doneany man wrong, bur in allthings, kepta theafhalouery worke tharthey haue done,~ good confcience. Andanfwerable to thispromade manifell, euen the moll fecret works of tellation was the peoples tefiimony. And s. all,as Ecclefiallcsfaith; Gedwi/1bringeueryft- Ecdef.u 'P•ul, when bee drew neere torheend of his cm thing to light, And ifany thinke it ftrange ' 4 ' daies,faith;hehad nowfought agood fight,& wee mull know, that God bath bookes ofre: kept the faith; and rh~tno~ it remained ~ne. cord, wherein allmenSthoughts, and words, ly, that God tnould gtue hun acrown oft~gh. and deedes good or bad<le, fecrctor open, are teoufndfe, laid vp for all rkofe that loue the inrolled. And ofthefe fpeaketh 2)ani<l when . appearing ofthe Lordlcfus. Now in rho day be faith: thathe Jaw th1 .dun<ientofd.ries, ond D••·1· '' ofiudgemenr,itfhall notfuflice, thatmen and the.ookp l•idopm. We may not imagine rhat xo. 'Yomen are found t;t the workes of theircalthefebe matetiall bookes like to rh• regillers !mgs (tho.ugh that1sfarre better, _rhea to bee of men , or the bookes of Captaines io tne 1mployedm theworks.ofvn!ilodlmefl'e) I fay, field,wherin arefetdowncth~names oftheir Vuu 3 foul-