Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

.. crhe crab/e. Body : Ch.ifh body glorified rcmainet a uue body, 30 a.}?. mans_body by c;reation conGdcrcd, lJl t. c 151. 1cVfesthcre from.t f3 rcwhnrhc body reccitlcd by Ad.ams fall, 11 a. c1hc fiatc of the dead bodyof God,d!ilde)49l a.bmansbody glori6d, 32.01 a Boldncde mprayer,13 f 2. d-4:6 1 c Bonds and obligations aUowcdl f3f Id Bookudiuincand thcirauthority,tzzl b. BccldiaO:i~ call and their authority) ibid c. Gods three bookn 2.64 IC • Bowingroa chairc ofdl:m:altowtd. 71 I J a Bread, what ic tignifiu. 339 2. abread in the eu,haril! madean idoll. 6802. b. Breakingof brt2.d, apartof Cl:.urch~fctuicc.713 2. a Buggeric: condcmncd.tSzd Buriall ofthc dcaJadutic. f7lln8s\>of cofiatbu– riaUs.t.Jou.Chritlsburiall. :z81b the manncrof ir. J.:tgt.cvfcs ofit. a311 b Burniag intbt flclh. rs :t c BuGc. bodies rtprooued764 1a lluyiog and fellingofofl5.cet rtproo\lrd. 760.1 d. and of · Church liuings,ibld,:~. ahill: Qea}jng in buyingand fcl– ling.64l d. c Ch:.Ritie dtfcribrd. l'o 1 b hew it i1 pttluud, tbid.c . ~~d, 89:1.(. Cb\fiicitJn lintleL.fc •fnd l\•ttllccle. '1 Cbcrwhi•s,why l:'ainrtrl withwings.17 J b · thicken 3· d.ifpcGtiolls in achtcken which wc:tmllfi t~~t.743 I c E;:bildJc:n. The: m:.nifoldaccept:uicuofthe word, £)6 1~7-Hld Children\ a~king C'f ~ltfsi[lg ~prprcc.utd, 50 r a 4111 d. How the Alhtm~ns b';~dc triall cf tbcir children~ r~~:t/'"~Jc. N(llt-5 ofadti!dc fine fGr h:arnirg, How children of faichfull p:arcms bee within the couc– nant 73 1 c. Howtbcy btciuJli&-.!andf:.utd. 1:1.71( ~85 1 b. The childc of t3od: His C\lt)', 133 1 d and 1J4. His rruoF,atiUef.]JS" 1b ' Chnfi what this ~tame figmfic:s. J £81 c. ] tfus the fonnc of}l.:uyisthc Chri0,171 J b. He is theSon of God, 417 :a c. Ar.d tnte C,od .171 zd 17~ J a 142.1 b Ccd efhimftlfe,I-tt c 171 2 d, Why Cl11ifin:dll:t Gocl173 sa Chrifi incarnation. :a-. 1 b 1761 h his n•o n:uuru, 14. s b vnion of both Daturu. :1.5 J d 1811 d why her mufi bee Ood and n1an. -t1C 141 bd173~a 177 .. Whatm:mncrofm:m Chrifi wasm:de. t77td ho" !ft~~;c~f!::fi~~:o~~~~~o~: tj~~~f~~ ~thi~!~ uncs. t6 :. a· 181 a a. his m:mhood is not 'uc:y · 1Vhctt.~i6:a b Yntothc place where~~ is,roufi wc.UC:illihg to grace cffe8ua1ly. 771 d 36'1 rb 436 la re6.ourwor!hip,7oo:~.d the pans and meancs ofir, ibid. and 78 s b tempudChriOs conccptiOJ~. 21 ::. a 17.91 b his ba6iicadon onsabout it, widardifiance md remedies. 86 1 dvn· thcrciD.lf 2 b J8o 1 a , cffe'ct:~all ealltog, and rhe degreesof it. lOfi d Aow Cbri!ls na.riuhit andcircumf}ances thereof, 2', c. Du· itdiffers from c.ffc8Mall. Jf6 zb ties thence. S3 1 d. His infirmities. :z.r J b. H1s cir. A ~~ii!:-'d~~;;~~,7~~;~. a a calling nccdfary for ~~=~!~~~~~~:&t:~r:·~', ~ ~·7~~d~~c,c~!d~!~; cueryman.64 u Ht ta?H 1.d. God it the aathor hdnth no YicegcrtJ~t, 171 d to7 ~ b !et Mcdituour. ,of callingS. 717 J dhow God calleth mea. 7ftl a (hrills.Annoiming. '-1 1 c. Becc6u theme, HS9 2 generallrules for cueryca!Ung. 7fll a d out duticsthence,ibid.J. d.His officts ;s )tcdiatour, Pansandkindctofcalling. 7f' a c -4 1 c .171:1 1t.9 1 d. How F•p1flJ ilnnihil:ne thtm. GeMerall callir.g. ibid. dfoure na.tinc dmies thereof~ 6t8 ~a673 2.c . ibid.&7f3 1 a Chnfls pricflhood. 4 l-C 17 .:z. a .11S 1 a. P'pills rob Pc:rfcnlll or pmieular calling. 118 2: d it is neceffary l;im ofit fioc w;~iu. 673 1 c · forcucry one, :s;r:. I a7H 1 d tbc pr;fti(c: oficmuft Cl.rilh fatisfafhon. l7 1 b. lt is ptrfdl. 24:1 Id it i~ be ioyncd with our generall calling. 716 ~c. Ap;r, or.cly fonhc du'·~ lf 1 d ticularcalling giucs placcrothegcner:1tJ. 757 ~d. AChrifls zrnigncmtnt aud -vfc thereof. Jili 1 b p2ruof comfort to them that liUc in bare callings. 7f7 J ~ it,1fi5 1 b..ApprC'hcnfion, tcfmt Cai ibid. :z. :l forts of prrfon.:tll caUinga:. nil 1 bhow to 1 ph:;s. J95 1 c,f.xaminati:m. ~~ 1 il. His ir.ditnrcm choofe ourcalliilg. ibid, 1.b cofcboiccofcallings for before Pilare.1981bacc .. faticn, ibid. ex:~mjr.:uion, children, 759 I ti hew' toUnow a b.wfuUcalling. 758 ~- !9~ 2. c, Condtmnation. 1.(13 J c. Exrcution.1o5 1 c se bowtolmow ourfclues, called ofGod. 4h J b l Crucifiing,:;nd \111)',10? HYfcsofit.t08 1 d 76o I b how to .make good rnuance into a calling, Chrifis facrificr:fC't S:~cr\ficr. H:ib.I :1 whethera man m1yoffer hl111fdfe into acalquiOs death. 1111 d prcptrtir~.<lf it, ibid ~a rc.wnof ling, whether a m:~n iriay enter into two callings at it.6181 b.Howfauc Cfuifi ft~ffued tl:cfecQilddrarh, once. 763 ~a whJt they 1 mufi doe that enter corrupt- :1.151 d & ~a . Jy.7~1 1 b \\ hetht:r their a~ion• Cce nullitieJ, 76f I Comfons thener, J 11 2c. Duciel_.·ll' 1 dour comb whatcall.ngthc rtfiorers of rcli~i_oh had. ;7c61 c munion with Cbifiinhisdtatb, 665 1b how God cJ)s euraordinanly into !us <.hurch. 761 1 ( hrifts bunall:!crBariaJI. a how to difccme of fuch. ibid. 1d tbe prefent cal· Defcenr into bell. 19 1c lJI 1 b. Rcfurrctlion, fee liogofourmigdlers, 7631 de of good continuance ' RefurrcBion, &c~ Exaltnion.Joi d ar.d. 2342.b. His iD acaUing.' 763 1. d how to doe the workes of our kingly cffK:c. 5 t c30 1 d 6ci! 1 a p.:ms of it• Jo I b caltings in agood 481 1 d 766 1 c l-ow to adminifuation ofit. ;!.56 1a• Vfeufir. 19.9 2 d hew fanftihe the workcs of our calling. 1f 1 d 7661d PapiftsdtF,r2de,him ofit.674 J c. Hil prcrot,atiuu vices to be clchtwcd thct·dn. 7t.7 1 a Ycnue5 to bee Royal!. 31 I b pr38.ifcd.17:Z. I b ·· His ptophericatl offi,c.,- re 30 r:a Whether one may goc from one c:~lling to another~ Hisful6ll.U:Ig tl:lelaw. S91a whnhcr he: fulfil]( d. it 77 s 1 d ' for himfelfe, 81 Id 599 I b The good"rndingofourolling.776:. a How Chrift1s to be adored. ;oi Id l;owheis m;Mie Care!de 4$1 a.aa care for.thi~ hfe 2nidoll.6731d taught,134 1 a 13t; 1 b . . Ch[ill:ians, whcnccfo callcd,l69td.Howonc isma~c Catechizmg m:1y be without handling a ten of Stnp~ a true Chrifti:u~.381 I b. State ofaCbri~ian.~7.f I a tun·. 1111b "pcrfw:~Gonst~Chrifii:~nity. 378 a. b. Satan collB.:~s Cenfurersrep~ooued; 66:. b with aCbriftian. 1041- 1 d 1 &c. TYro fous of Cluilh· Ccremonks,whither thel belone."Bl r c . . ._ ·· 2ns'4711 d - · V s,·,·.·,cbn''rio' Jhtr' •h•m' 'lrm•, 6·,,.• d Certcnty,ditlers k.indcst _erCof..479 f c 54b u: u p l" ., .CdtentfOffa!tfation, rceSAiu:.tiOD. Church: CathoiJke Cht~rcb d~f(~Jbtd. 2.77 t t) tl!C Mafter ChambcrsofLciceficrhi$dcatb.4181 d Wicked arc ilblr~c p (mbC!s of it, s.c8 1 b. why: it.i~.~ CliaitDes condemn~d-4-14 1 h-+83 1 b so6'.f'b'J calledCacholike.JoS 1 c. Chriftthr;tlonelle:ld ofn, eh:~fiifemtDtcfGodschildrtJ341 c J ' t 301] d. NOt:~lll2tionoutofit.30Ul? W)ly they remainc af;c:rpudon.166 t b ' · ' Church rriumph~tdc(cribed. 3e>t 2. d ~,&