CJ"he 'Table. Churchmilitant dcfcrit~, Jcad, it may~rre, 30~ ab. 471 tc. her authoritie infcri<N,u to Scripmre, 303 z. a, parts ofthe Church militant., 1c3 z. d Stateofir{~~1~;~ ~03 ~a Godshidden Cli"urch is in the Romil11 chur.:::h,6t6 1: h. when:ourchu(chwas before LNth~rsdaics, 616:.{1, Vifiblcchurchdcfcrilxd,JoJ d membersoftt, ~04 ra. How to difccrnc particulat Viliblc churches to be !Oundmember~ofthe CatholikCi:hurch, 3041 c.·-our churchd<.!fcnded againtl:thc Brownifrs, 301 b. '.766 • 1 a.Eachone Olould further the church,7S3 ! b. ch\!tCi~t~:i;~~t~ ~;tt3~dc~:i~~~~~~a~~ ·:~~~;~;t0i~,,~:h~u~ grace, 4r8 t d. 48' :tc,f648 2. b . r . · Cogir.aionsofthc hc:mofJ. forts, 169 :t c, wh1ch arc finne~, 69 2. :t Combatesvnbwfull, f4l h. comhatcswithin a m:mof three forts, 1911 a. combatcof dtt fldh :md ~1irir, 374:.d.inthcmindc, 4701.d. inthewillllndaffe– flions,471 :.a. oufc of this combatc, 471:. b, in whom it is, '1-7~ t a _ • Comforts for afAict«l confcicnccs, f15 J c. 4~9:.d j'Oll.C Commandcmcntsof God of threefons, 775 J d. eom– mandcmcnrs impofsiblcto n arc not v;1ine, 731 t b God. may iufr ycommand t!Jatwecannotdoc, 7or. I c. 731 I C • How Papifrs rcuetfe Gods comm:t'l\dcmcms, 619:. b t .Commandcmcnt expounded,;"~ tc. OmitS rcpui– rcd, H 1. d. Sinncs forbidden, 34 1 c 4f91 c. how Papifh rcpca!c it,400 1d ,, ~~~~~~n~c;,~c~~9c:fh.u~:~~~s ~~~~~:a;~~tt:s!~r~i~~ how PapiA:s repc.1lc it,400:. a 3· Comm:'Lndemmrcxponndcd, <2 1c. Sinnesforbid– den,4:.:. b. 4001 a, Duticscommandtd. 1 4.J.: d. how PapiA:s rcpeale it, 400 Id 4 ,Commandcmcnt expounded, 46:. b,duticsrequircd • 4,<; 1d. Sinncs forbidden, 4S :.c 460 1d. P::~pifts rc– pcalc it,40 I b lhj I b f. Commandcmcnt cxpoundcd,.t9 r. Affirmatiuc part, 50 Ifc. Negatiuc, 5: :.d 46o l a. how Papifl:s rc– pcaleit, 4or t c6:~ 1b 6. Commarulement expounded, 53 1 c. Ncgariuep.art, 53 z. b 46o 2 c. Affirmatiuc, 56 1 a. haw Pap1fis rc– pc~lc it,401 1 d 7 Comm:'Lndcmentcxpoundcd, 58~ b Neogatiuc part, ibid., c 461 t c., .Affirmatiuc, 6o 1 b, how Papills re– pc~lcit,401 Ja 8, Commandcment expounded,~% I d. Negatiuep:'Lrt, ibid,c 63 t b. Affirmatiuc,64 2a. Pnpifts rcpe:'Lic it , 4012. d 9•Commnnderncntcxpounde<l,66 2. c. Negatiue~rt, ibid c46Ub Affinnatiue 7 z.d PapiA:srcpcalcir, 401 :td ro. Commandement t.9 1 b 4fi t d how Papifl:s re– pca1cit40I :o.-d6t3Id ' CommunionofpropcrticsinChrifr, withmlesthcrcof, I :.6 I :t tl:!t.t:t communion of Saints dcfcribcd 3oR :. b pans of it, ibid dhow we communic:uc Gods or.:tces tQ our bre– thren 3092.d communion in tem~ra!l thin~ 310 %dcommunion ofrhcliu.ing with thedead J u I a duties from rhccommuniO:nofSaints 311 rd Compa.nie of thegodly is hcne6ciall to the wicked 360 I ccompanieof thC wicked is gricuou.ito the godly 493 :.d Concealing ofthingsin 5~~·holc, ~4ro:z.a 2part, 1Co!'-cupifcence fOrbidden 69 a :t It is a finne :'Lftcr bap– tlfmc 474 t :t bc-wf.mc fonhit remaincrh ibid. Condemnation of reprobates Jb. z. c 2;65 :z. d fee O:tmn:ttion. Confefsion offaith tJ7 1 d Confcfsionoffinnc; to whorn itmull:bcmadc t.141e 462 :z. :'L whcnjt muC\: be made ro men 463 1 :'L 501. td abufcsabom c0nfcfsion 1>16 t awhen Auricular confcfsion was fi.rll: 1nioyncd 616 r c Sacramentall confcl!.ion confuted 5:.0 I a Confidence in God 704 ~din the crc:tture 34 ~ c Confirmation ofgrac~737 :c. . . ConAill:s of :,atan With !'!. Chn{b •n 404 t d \Yith a ~~n3 c~rifl:ian 406. r !1. wiih a \n'<lkc chrillian407 Conformity '':ith Clwifl: iu fpiritu:tllthings •H9 1 a itl mor:t\1 dutics·,<;19 :. a i-11 his fi1ffcrings 66~ 1 :t confcicncedtfcribcd 517 I~ The_!c:'Lteof<:on(cicntc, ibid ob ThercafonofrhcnameptJ 1b :'md :oa . Wh.u it' is to bindc tonfcience 5!9 t Cwh:~t birdes 1 it properly 519 2 a how,· mcn5 !awes bindc confc1~ encc 5z.sr d r 8 :. d confcience not bound where mdcrtbnding difcerncs not 534 t a "the Curie of confcicnce in £~:inin<> teftimonie p8 I b in giuing I iudgcm(!nt f 1~ 1 i' how conf.:'icnce giucth iudgc– mcnr 53 5 r chow it accufcrh :1nd condcmncth 5l 5 :.dhow irdoth c:w& :tnd abfoluc 5if. ac what O:roke confcicnce hath in mens ad·ions f37 1 :t the f.1ncliuc of confclcncc ti4 1 c kit;dcs of confcicnce 1 53~ 1 c Remnants of L.ods image in theconfcience \ aftt"r the f:tll ;o 1 d impur~ti~ ot co~(cicncc ~y fin I Ill :t rhe increafe thereof Jbtd c Ewll confctencca hell 379 zd 549 t. b Oe.1d con!(icn.:e with the eau· fcs of it f49 1 d confcicnce bcnummcd •50 1 b fc:t~ red ibidd confi:icnce llirring ibid t b confcit.'nce regc- l ner:m: nx 1b rhc dmics or it H3 , c confcicnce I afAill:ed, how comforted J.f7 :. c 409 t d 664 t c popifh religion cannot doe it ~:~6:.c how to gcr:t :!,OO..i C011r..·icnce Hr 1b how to kec-pc :'L good con– fcicnce sn I od itn}Kdimcnu of a. good con!Ci~ Cll~C 553 1 d Conftmwithfinners ~ waicsu t d Confi·cr:nion ofcr"c:tttlrcsby i'apifis 44 .1. a Cotlfi•b{b.ntiation confmo:d 70 1 a Confbncyinomcallin~ 7"7~ J d (ontentrttion dcfcril,cd GA :t b76S t c grcl!l"!~~ of it, 147 :1. bis7adifl3 ta768 t d Conrrition,whcrcinidhiadcth 171 b Uistwo-foldc, 614 1a ::tbufesabcutcomririon46'1 2. d 615 t d Com1crl.uion of a chriC!:ian 8~ · t c >:tt t c a ocneral mleforit oJJ 1 C AdiJfo~utc conucrfatio:-1 ~r.dcmlll-d44 .tC Conucttion of a finntr containes ~ tl1ings 1.14 2. c~ginin~ of con'tlerf.uion of two fcm ~'3 81b how God.:tccc 1 ts thcrcof6 71 cconuerfion p:tGtue and atl:iue '1 . 1 d conuerts differ in hurr.i!ianon ;3 ~ J b true conucrts draw on others ~ :.~ I chow mln wils his owne cofl.uerfion H9 t a moriues to CoAuerfion 744 2 a. Cook" mull: keepcthcSabbatht7 J d Corrol>:mn'ion f7!1 1 d (. orruptmn of nlturc, how mortified 138 1 a 2.09 1 c 11..; 1 b why Cod willhaue thctcmnant~of it in his children 41: 1 c Conenantof God dcfcribed ?1: 1 :t Tt is rwo-foid. ;z I acoucnant of Workcs ll. 1 b of grace ,-o :. a r 6-J. I h why c:tlled :t 'fHbmC:nt 70 z b parties eouenan– ting •64t.c whethcr;tl!bc within this couen::~nt'3 ;t..:'L lf'f:tcGrounJofthis couenam: I6fZC Coucn:tnt with Satan 9 t. a (onctoufiidfc h:1ndled t>:. 1 b <-1-r 1 a 767 1 a Remc· dies again I\: it S9 J b ")68 1 c to couct what it is69 td Counccls :\nd Pope ma\·erre :o: ~ d :o·. t c (ouncclsofptrfel\-ion 'bc!ongto the law 6112. b CtmnccllofGod 14~ : a 1he properties and p:mscf itibidcd Cr:lnrners f:1H and death 4102a • Crc.uion defcnbcd :tnd handled tt ta 142. t eircum– tbncc of time and matter 1 } ~ 1c '•~ :~.b why ::~fcribcd to the Father I<fO 1t propertie<!! of a faithfull crcatour t+< 1 a Crc:iturCs ought not to be ::thnfed , 4 1:1 how rightly yfcd -4}la z. d ~tpc fpirituall ~fc of the cr~aturcs ~i9 2 1. rccouery ofour right 1n the creatures 6.18:1a vfc of the creation 116 2 c l :A 1 b the goodncs of thecreature t; 1 b' 1 ,1 ac{ Creation of m.in t~·o z.d. Crce<lc of the Apo(tles dcfcribcd 121 1 c why ca.llcd. Symbolum 111 td by Whom penn~d 11i 1 :t Autho~ rity of it u.l s a how popetie is againll: it 6t l1 a X x x z Ctd€cri~