crhe 'Tah/e. Crefcentius the: Popes Legate in theCouncillof Trent, 5UJb Crolfc, no infrrumcnt ofour rt:dcmption, 684:. a. Pa– pifl:s make ita God, 400 u 69S 2. d. \'(hctha the fig__neofit appeared toConfl:antinc, 36 • d Croii''t:sor :1ffl.idionsfhouldbrin,. vs to God, :.t; zc .. ofbcaiingcro£fes,i91d. 194 ~a •u zd. ourcon.– formiticwithChrifithcrei'nj f>19 1 b. Thcyccafc:to be cnrfcs through Chritl-,618 1d Crucifixes, when firft vied, 69~ 1 d CurGngonrfelutsorothersvnlo.wfuU, 43 I b. 444 z. .b CurfcofGodducto finnc, 41 d D Day narur:tl13ndartHiciall, zo6 1c Dai!y bread, 340 I b Oamn~tiondefcribcdand handled, S 2. d 107 z. a, ~19. re. 461 1 h. Godsdecree:ofd3mnation is not abfo– lut(',tor r d Dancing lafciuious forbidden, llo r d, p9 1 c D~ngcrs, how tocarry our fduc:s in greatdangers, 485 Dcadnetfeofhtart ina Chrifiian, 41 ~ 1d Dearhdtfcribcd,4a9 t c. Kindsofdeath, 490 a a. dif· ferenceofdearhin manand beaft, 490 t d. degr<ts offplrituall dcath,<j.90 ~b. how the roukcandicthe fccond death, 4.90 1 d Death ofrhc dell:, y:. 2. c 1:.8 1 d. from what mif.:rics it frees them, 493 t a. whetberGodscbi'd hatbalwaics comfort indeath, 46~ 1 a.why they die,haning finne pardoned, 317 1 b what to iudgcofthofethatdiera– uing and blafpheri1ing~ :.90 z. c. 4YZ 1 d. How a man may die well, 49S 2. b. Popi!h preparation fcanncd, J:d:a:h, r;~~ttd~~;d~!~~~:~f1 d~at~~9~TI~t~~; J b, howwemuftfcaredcath,andhownot,fU :d. prcfcruariues againfr thecuill ftatt:ofdcath, 92. ad zso 1 a. 3J7 1 b. so3 I d. How death may bedcfi· red, 164:. a. fl3 :r.a Suddcndc:arh,4?J 1 a.Dcathofrc:probatcs, JU 1 a. EremaU deat,.l,,ibid.z a. 46f 1 b. ftrangc .kathsofthe wicla:-d, p r •c OC'bt, our cndldfcdcbt to ChriA:, 6tl J<. whethera rnanisboundto forgiucalihisdcbts, 341. ad. why iinnrs arc called debts. J+l 1d Decaloguedefcribcd, 3z. 1d. Rules for tltG vnderftan· dingofir, h ~a DccrccofGoddcfcribed, IS' 1 d. 1401.3. it is the firA: c:mfcofall~ If :a.c.1411a.. ,54 Id. it is immutable, 97 1 d not conditiona!J, ~9S r c. notordered by the prcfcienccof.faithor vnbelcefc , s941d. Itim~ pofcth not necdsitieon the willoron contingcntfc· condcaufcs, tp c. 141 td. It implytth thevfeof meanes, 14r:. b. How Goddecrccthfinne, ortuill workes, 151 a. 141 rb. Theexecution of Godsdt"· crce, 15 z. d. degrees thereof, 76 1d Defence: iufi dcfcnceagainA: anaducrfarie, sS I d. how ChrifidefendshisChurch, 1f7 Id Oc.piall of our fdues~ U91c Deprecation,4~3 1 a Deputies, how Chrift hathdcputics, 1.19 I c Dcrifion, fee Mocking. Defcrtion dc(cribed, 4 J 51 :t, ltistwo·fold, ihid.e. and 742- re. dcfl..'ttidns of the wicked, 415 I d. of the righteous, 194 1 b.417 :a. a. dcfertion in punilhment, 419 t, finne, 4t1:. a~ three ends ofdefCnions, 4::.0 1 b. vfcs thereof, 410:. c Defirc: trucdefire acctptt'd for t'hedecde, IZ.f z d. 6~8 zd.1howthisditfcrsfromflectingmotions, 639 I b. kinds ofdcfirc,63Szd Dcfpcration defcribed, 531> z. b. it isa fe:trefull finnc, 378 r b. how itdiffers from the finncagainA:rheho· lv Ghoft,ibid. c Holy defpaire, 365 ta. 705J c. defpcrJ.tionofthc gcdly, 490 t a. Luthersdefpairc for three yccrcs, 417 :. b. linalldcfpaire, l.SS:. c Defpaire in rauing fickeadft' notprcWdiciaU to faluati– on,49Z.: d Oiud, theprinceofrhe kingdomcofdarkerrc!fc, 3r r d. his fraud andmJ.licc, I f9 ~ d,ltc:ca.n \'Vorke rm.ruds, 3.91 d. diucl$.h:l-l}1!fotith, 11ndhow,uytc I D~c_ing di~allowcd;539 1 d . J 1 D~frgcuc~ m amaAs ~piling re<a_uircd,57& 1 c • 1 DJfolx:dtencc to fitpcnourscondcmnc:d 1 fl l a Di~;~~~: ;; 4 ~~uinitie ought to'btt grounded on D!ll:rclfe_: God is prefcnt therein thrce;waid, fcf t b Dtfuuft mGod with thefruiuof itj 34 z. h. 11' 1 b. 341 ](, 48~ r c Diuorcc for J.dult~ ondy, 693 ad Don~tionofChrifi: to hisChurch, J-41 c. donation of a.linnerto .Chrift, and of C}uifttohim, 771. a , Douht!ull thrngs ~l.uft b'etak'cn iri.thcbell part, 63 1 Q Doubt.t~goffal~.atron, taughtinPopery,397' c.itmuft ~ ftnucn agamft , 114 1 a. Rc:mc.d.ics· ~gainfi doub– tmS,87 2.a. .of-It a D~uhaand L:ltri~ vaindy diftinguiihc:d, 687 a d. whcd ttwas 6rft rc:cctu~, 696.1. d Dr;~::a:;~~~~foru, ao3 t.d. 1-'"'?wwccarc: tongartt E l i::i"nh creat~, 147: d ' E-ar~y nfingon the Sabb:uh,-48 1 d Echpsofthe Sunneat Chrifts dc:atb 125za EceboliusaPhilofopher3•71b , - Edi6cation ofour l:ircthrc-n, 93 I c Eiacularions,347 1-c Elct\ion eternalldefcribcd, 24 1 b. :.81 r d. it isnot of ;~11 vniuerfally, 1081 a, zSa 2 c. it isVnchangc:ab!e, 2.81 1 d. ThcimpuJ.fiue caufctherrof, z8r 2 b. foun~ d:ui~n ofe!clbon Chrifi,z4 I d. 2.81 • a.c:xccutionof delt:ton,z4 I c. J.83 J a. The outward rneancstherc· nf, 311 d Elefrdefcribc.:l, 36t I b. 1hc:irnumbcr, t&zz. c. they cannot pc:rifh, :~3 1 a. Ofthe knowlcdgeofc:lc:lt:i· on,l,041C. IJJ Ja, .a841a. 4191a, TheSchoolc– rne~s opi.niorl,419 J d. How theSpirit of Godgiucs tdlunomehc:rcof, 2.841 b,4t91c. Howtodifttrne that~eftimonic from naturall preflUWiption and Sa– tans 11Iufion, z.S4 J d. 433 zd. how mansfpiritgiuc:s tcftimonieofelc:lt:ion,,9o' a HowrhcGofpclgiues tdlimouy hereof, 430 t a Effcfrs ofclcl\icn giue tellimonieof it 431 aa, Thir– teen( fpeciall effects, 433 1a Ho~ to fupport our wcakc faith herein, -1-H 1 b. The end of dcllion double, 431 u . Enchantmentcondmmcd,<t6 t a. fceCharming. Endeauour accepted for thedeed, 641 2 a. True cndc:a– uour a figneof gr.1ce, 411 s c. 42.3 1d England : Gods mercic to it, 7431 b. Euenotorious fin~es of England, 7.(42c Encmt.cs : ho~to comttoloueourc:ntmics, HP 2 b. Chnfts dcahng toward the enemiesof his Church, . :.sBr a Enuiedc:fcribcdandforbiddcn, 66rd. u8Ic 751 aa. E.phialusa difeafe, 285 I c EpicurifmcddCribcd, 481. 1b Equals: ourdutic to them,5 1 1d.offencCs againft them, rud ErrourscotKercing God, HId Err_oursagainftfaith {~~~';J 3041. c Eut!Jhathf~merefped~faood with (';od, 16 Ie, 156 I a. howGod goucrncth 0 it, 1f6 1 d. r6 1h Examinationoftheconfciencc: for finne, 458 lb. a di– rctlion rhc:reto,4h' I b ExampleofChril!:forvs, 6:8: d. it cxcdsothercxaJn· plcs,6%9 1d ExpoundingScripture,fee Scripnue. F Facebf God,what it iignihc:s, H t d FairCs on the Sabbath vnlawfu!J,48 t. d Faith in general! dcfcribed~ 123 l c, fortsoffaith, ibid. 1 b. Hiftoricall, ibid. Tc:mporarie, 2nd the kinds thereof, Jo61 c J 1~ I d FaithofMiudes,t~ i b. ofreprobate, 3181 b. Julli· fying orfauingfaith, f J d.79 1 b. J'1 td. 661 J d. I :· l&f% C How