'The 'Table. rdlr:~.ining, 6JS,J,d. Z.?t,t,a ~fufficicnt~ • Diftinaion of grace intO and ifcuffc:d,H.I ,2. ,d dfcfutall Wherein lyeth theefficacieofgrace,73r ,t. ,d. GraucofChrifts abode therein, 37, t,c Guc:ft: we: are all Gods oudl:s,14t,z.,d Guiltoffinnc::.l~9,r,c. 5tr,t, c 63f 1 c H Hairec:mbrodcred reproouro,.~. fr, 1 ,b Hallow: what ttistohallow,)J4,1,d. howwc:hallow Gods name, 334,z.,a. L 1opifh hallowing of ac:amrcs rc:prooued,44,:z.,a Hammers: Gods'f.h:tmmers to bruife manshc::trt,?S,z.,d Hatred; wherhcrit be in .God toward hiscreatures, tor, .%)c.Io9,l,b.J4Z.,l 1 b,d. ham:dofGod in man,Jf,r,a. hatredofChrift and his tnembcrs ordinaric:, t<Jf, 2., d. hatred offiune,_;.n,t,b • Ht"aring of theword necdfaric, 708, r ,.a. obicfrions a– gainO: it anf\vcrcd,7o7, z., c. right mannc:rofhcaring~ . ;:;-;,.,d.?to,r,d, two l:indaol hearcrs,too,:;, c Heart;hardnesofheart~.~5, r, b. 3;4,t, d. what a fcarc:· full finnc iris,194,1,d. :.58,r,b. howGod hardens the heart, 741, J, a. how toget a gOodhcan, 440, r, b. figne:5ofag9odhcJ.rt, ibid. c. how tokctpeitpure, 4.J.O,J,d . H~athengods of two fo.rts, 677, l,d. their irn'lges, 678, _r,d .: Heauensthree·fcild~, I6,!.,c:, 14~, r, a, whetherthe third hcauc:nbea cre:uur~,t4,6,r,c.whc:rciris,r4t>,J,cl. why ~~-~~:;,~~~~~~~t·~·fi~~~r11 r~f:!~;~;~t:0r~~~.~~ ~~:~: thcr tht faithfi1!1 before Chrifr were in hc:aucn, 2.49, l,b . Hdl,whethc:rChrifrs foulc: went thither, 19,' .<:,131 :..b l{c:llfut",:t66 .z..a Hdlc:nifmc for multitudeof gods,34 1 d Herod5C:lltt"rtainingofChrin, J.o 1 1. b Hcrcfi.c dcfcibed 4~z., r c HierarchicofRome condemned 31,1,a HoffemaQ:er hisdeath.5tt,z. d Ho~~~f~d~~6~:~·~bcd, 15. J.a. Why is the third ~rfon fo His incommunicablc:p(O,r:rtie: ~ Jf• t.~c hec is very God. •6S 2. c,His proc~~li_ng, :.69 z..b Bencfitsgiuen by the f1olyGholl:, 170.1 b. HOw heisfa,i~to be fmt, 1.5o.,t. h. Why he iscbmp:;trcd to firej z.71. 2..d.and to watc:r,;zl..I a why.cilll~ che: Comfort~r;lJZ.,l,d Holy-daiesro Saimsarc\'nlawfu\1~ 47.t b. · H'olines olaward in reprobate, 10f . .:..a., partsofinherent J,.oJineffi·,S; 2..e ~or~fd:f.~~~::t!tis.r9_l!~'lo,ur, 49· 1,d :.nf.:t. c. it is two· Hbpcin God,3.).1,c 84 t :1. Hpufc,; thc;dcdic~tim)ofit;fj9 21 b H~IJ.P10Id,cr,s dutie in.thCir families, 71 r. I.a before:they ~iic, i~7 ~ d 1 Houfhold·feruicenecelfarH:, 7 r4 t.d.perts of it, 714oS.b Hnmiliriedcfcribcdand IJNl.dlc.i, 705 1.b 34' J·,b it isa Chrilh~ovcnuet<t~lghovs~t37,I,a '50 1 b 178.t.b, I"'JV1z '' how tt is wro~glu, 3'17 s b,'ltbotiue> to .a, - 705.1 d .' Humiliation ofChrill:, 2.* ('.c.t R5.1.a H);p,Q.Crifi..c~vitheACtlsdJcreof\38 2.a 481.., t d.examf-fs c:..F groffcl1ypoci)Gc.;,9.&.l, b. notes uf hypo}fites, H~,.t.,Q.,& z. d :HJ J...~ ~ ., • , I ' · I.a;qb'l~k"\tsl£¥Us.a P.ap~ll,ll\sdearh~tu·~r a.~.n idle bOdy Satans Jhop,748 1-,b.c.ldlc fpeechrondcmned, 44''rl.dl Uv-f1!- • • I~ollv.tl}i't it is,;). ~ • .c. ~1.n1' c~ -gencralJ prQpcrtic of I~ dols.67J. 2. c kindsofldols, ibid. d Anydruifcdi· ~· Toirc~~~~~~~i~:?e~~~3!::·J;o~~~~~:d~;~t ,dol,P.JS ~r ..:tChrift rqadean idol,6u.~I.f!.~reat,ures ::-<>n.;..bsSaints~6n,z..a., fZ9·:t..d.68 ~·'id. S;1._cramcms, :. 6Sp.I.l.wor,k~s,li$:'(,~1-·,Brt"ad)p,thc~J.l~h..ufft, $fRo. ~_.b_.hpif.to k~epaq.u:J~. \CS from idol3, 6~$.'7..• a. whe· therChriftians maygqe~i<!,ol·tcmple~U ~9J..J;.,,J'hc greatp#'e oft~e .fill9COfidQJi\_tfY169.f;4... ~u·.1·..; ~ .., ~ I 'ld§l~mr,.ofthePiip•!\st~ft'l,~·tl 'n. ~-g:-,!;i" , i) ..,,;l 'Pellowfhip with idolat~rsvnlawfull, 690 1c.what fo– cic:tic wemay vfe wtth them, 692. 1 a. Societieof 1\– nlitie with them is mlawfull 693 1 a Iealous: how God is icalous,63 t c . Iehovah,whatitfignifics,Jlo ad Ierufalem, her priuile:dges, ?t!S 1 c;. Nor Citic:,norTcm– plc there now ftanding, 71 S t. d. tc:rribledcfirudJonof it,7t6tc Idling,how :dlowc:d, 4~8 ~c. ·iefrs of Scripture vnb.w– ful[,44 • b. "144 1a. tclhng tofhew wit byquipsvn· lswfutl,~''l z. b44& zc , Idi1sa Sauiour perfcdandalone, 1661 c &d howt>a– pifis abufe this n:une,ibid , dwhom doth Chrill:fauc, 1 167 1 bhow, ibid. cd vfcsofthistidc IcfilS ibid.1 a Icfusi~thcChrifl:. SceChrifi-. ' • ignatiushi~ patience: incruc\1 death, 170 1 a Ignorancl" ~atur~\1, :z.o 1 a ignorance of the true God, ~41 cwtlfnU •gnorance,· 497 t.·b ignorance ofGo:is worddangerous, 5~7 ad admonitions to the iano1 rant and impenitent,1.47 Id J~8 1 c 168 1 d 273 •. d J89t3. ft91.C Illumination from the Spirit 8r 2.d 170 ·a kinds and l ~dl-sthe:reof, !:!61 a ditferenceofitinthegodlyand W1cked,,3 2.a · Imageof Godwhat iris, t6I hJY.I'rtSofit, If11 a. Rem.– nantsofitin tbeminde, 10 1 d. Inthccon(cicncc. 20 2 d. In thewill~ 21 1 d. why m:m is called Gods i~ magc.lsr t c. why Chrift is called Gods imagt",ibid. Images, forwhatvfe~ allowed, .5871 c 68f ~bJ'or em– blc:mes,697 t d linagcsofthe trueGod arc idols, 7t> 1 b 67:1.- 1 d 695. 'lll 1~cy ~r<'notto be-111adc, 5~7 ad 611 1 b nor-wor– flupped, 589 I a 6 ;t. z. d images of God ii1 thofc fhapeswherc:inheappeared, vnlawfitll, 5N8ac 675 2c liudrandlaw(uJlimagesofUod,371b f871C Image-ofChrifl how lawfull:arl.d whmanidol, 675 a c (j7Jld . Imageof Groffi:: and cruci6xc vnlawfull in Churches, 362.c !rpageswhen erc::l:l.'d in Churcht"s :~.nd adored, 675 1d and 1 a.Toworf11ipimages altogethervnlawfu\1, 31 J a deceits in defence of images difcoucrcd 1 rl8 l 68s- 2. d 685 a d. what Papifts afcribe to images, 685 r a · Image a':~~ idol not rightlydifiinguilhcdt588 rc.image:s madctaols;683 tc . ImitationofGod, IH ~d imitation of Saints circum– fcribed, 702. I b fmpatienceinamansca!!ingwith rcmedies,773 z.d & 77" 1 a Impcnitcncic, 4S8 1c. The mifed~of the impenitent; 46J Jd Imprecations vnlawful1,104 2 a fee curfmg:whethcr im. prccation may be madeagainll: ourenemies. 33:t.l h ~~;nputationofmans finne to Chrift, 28 z b Imputation of rightcoufnelfc taudht and defended, 81 raibid~cdJotlb~oo,1d4o~01d ·• Incarnation ofChrill:,fee Chrifi. Incell: forbidden, fY 1a Inconfiancieofour people in religion;J99 1 a Indiffcrcntthings;howlawfull to all l.hrifii<tnS;539 I a ·how •·ightly vfi:d;ib a b reClraincrsofthis vfe; )40 1 a how they arc:made nccdfarie; and how farce; pj 1 a • 699 1<1 ~;.[~~~ih~,!~~~Z~i~n~ 1f~e~Jhiklrcn. lnferioursdutieto fitpcriours; 10 1c howd1cy finnea~ • ·~inftthc:m;~a.td l•Jfidcls how theydoegood workes;,n l 1d Tnfirmitieinfinning;:.~ 1c Infinnirics inChrill-;..I1i' 1c Infirmities in others mull. beconce:t!e:d; 671 d whendeclared;66 2. b 1ngratitudt-toGod;H5 I b -! Iniufiice f'hewedin praChfes; 7701d &771 rea('onsa- .,,gainftit; 66o 1 d , Jnne-keepcrsdntic forthe Sabbath; 47 &c lnordinateliuingcondemne:d; 612 a JnJl:ruttionoughttobeinfamilies; 7I4!b "_,,, .lrn:egmit ofn;tatiS,n.ltUl'C; 17 .t a · {-ttteotJon:gQOdjJttCJlJion.m.akesllotworfi!ip; 699 J a · 'mcrc!dSiqnqf(~.}irill:handlcd; ' l'6 ~ ,b 2.53 J lllrJJ~a-