Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

- I 60The order of the caufes I I andt~e \to.m4nw,u ~er1 ~e.cltt,(uOto/oo~e ~pon.5. A ieflingswbich~trethings n~tcomely. 7• Vndecent l AnrJVau~dfont,& •~?u•r~d wb4t 'W3manlt rMI? and vgfeem!y pi&lres.I. Thelf.5.22· Ahfl•ine 411~onefoki, Is not. tiJ/4 Bethjbebs the da11ghter of ftomtJU 11ppe•r•nce ofeHiU. 8. Lafciuious d:lUn· £/,ham;wifero Yr~ah,the Hilttte? Th~ D4uidfint cingofman and woman together. Mark. 6. meJP,gers, and tookf her~~~") :. andJhecteme v~- 22. The daHghterof the fome Herodim c11me itz, "".d he I"J '!'"h her. 3· Riotous and lafc1andd~tunced,~t'lld pltlfjed Htr()d, &c. 9. Compautous atttr.e. 1.Ttm.2.9. The 'Woma,..fh4// arrt~y nywitheffeminate perfons. Prou. 7· 2 5. Lit tbemje/Htl"' Comel) ~tpp14rtl/, With j/JIImefolj/nefli IUJt thinehtlirl de&/int I'J her WAieJ: W~nder 1h011 andmqtJejZ..e, not "'itb6roidertd h4irt, orgold, or not in her paths. peArlts,ur c•JIIJ•pp•reO,but(.ube.commeth women . V. To appoint f~me light or fhecte-puthatprofeJfethefe•rt ofGod) Mthgood ~ork£s. mfhment for ,adultenc, fuch as that Romifh Ef.t.3.16. Brcau{<~hed•ughtm ofZiou•re ha•- Synagogue cloth. For it isnothi~ elfe,but to ue, ••d 'W•Ik! ,.;,hj/retched '"' neck<s, Andwith open a gappe for other lewd per ons to runne 'Wandringe7es, w•lkjng and minfing <Uthe7go,and headlong into the like impietie. m.-rking .c tinckling with theirjeete. 17. Thereft~re fh,.jl the Lord mak! the lirads of tht daughters of The affirmatiuepart. Zirm b,dd, andthe LordjhA/1 dift•uer theirftertt B pArts. r8.lnthat d•y {/taB the LordtA~UW"Jthe Thou Jh•lt prefer•• the ch•~ititof ti:J ntighorn4mentefthe jlipperJ, thec.tules,& the r1und bQur. tin-s. I 9. 'Jhefweet b4J~ ,andthe braclietJ, And tht Chall:itieisthepuritj of foule and bodie, bonetJ, zo. The ryersofthe hwi, andthefloppt~, as much as bdongerh to generation. The an.1 helld-biVJdet, ttmd the t•61ttsJ 11nd the eArings minde ischafre,whcn it is free,or at the leafr, 21. Therings•ndthtmujflm. n. Thecof/IJ•pfreed from flefhly cuncupifcence. The body pArelland the vt~iles And the 't'Pimpiet,andthecri(- is chafle, when it putteth not in execution the ping pinne1.2-3· And tht gl~!fos, and tblfine limun, concupifcencesofthe flefh.r.The!f.4-3- Thi& 4nd :heh9edett~ndthe /auNs. Ar.d nomaruaile Uthe wi/J ofG~d.euenJ8Hrj~tnClification, 111td that ifthe Propl)er bee fo fharpe againll: exccfsiue yejltould•bflaintftom fornication, 4· Th•t '""7 ' and wanton apparrell: for this is, I. a lauifh one ofy•• {huuld, ~n•'W h•'W to poJfeJJ• hit vtjfoO i• and prodigal waftingofthe benefits of God holmesMJd hln#IJ1'. 5. Andnot in the luft sfccncn.. which might well be imployed vpon bette~ pifcenet,euenAJ the Gentilu,'Which k._n1\11 n1t God. vfes. II. Itjsarell:imonie,and as it were the I.Cor.7•34• The t.mmar,itd wom.tncareth for cognizanceo~e':!:fene ofpride, wherby a man <llt th•n.guf tht Lor.l,tb4t Vt• may be holybothin would haue hi elfe in greater reputation c bod1~ndJPirit. then another. HI. Iris a note ofgreat idleThere are two fpeciall verrues which pre4·; ne£fe and fiothfulne!fe. For commonly fuch ferue Chall:ity, ModeO:y,andSobrietie. Moas befrow muchtime in tricking & trimming dell:ie is a verrue,which keepeth in each work themfelues vp: doe quite negleCl: other bufian holydecor11m,or come-lines: and it is feene, I nei1Cs,& ofall things cannot away with pains. 1. in thecountenance: and eyes, namely, when I V. Itarguethleuity, indeuifiugeuery day they nei[her exprdfe , nor exci[e [ht: concufame new fafhion, or imitating thatwhich oplfcenceofthe heart. Iob 31 .J. I m•de •coue· thers deuife. V. It rnaketh a confufion of H4nt with mi,ee;t', "'h1 thelf fh~sld 1thinkeona fuch degrees and callings as God hath ordaim•ide? Gen.24.64.Reb•~•hli(< vp her qesand ned,when as men of inferiour degree and ea!- \I> hen{he f•'l» hb•~, Jhee lsghteddow.eft>m she ling,cannot be by theirattire, difcerned trom C<fmeH. 6~. SoJltetoo/zeA vfile, And couered her men of higher ell:ate.4. FLilneffe ofbread and f•ce. Prou.7.IJ•Shec•ught him,and k.!ffedhim, meate,Wllich prouoke lull:.Ezech.r6.49·7hu 11nd 'Nitb an 1mpudmr f•c~faidvnto him,&c. I I. 'Wd4 tloe iniqt<ityofthJfifter Sodonre, prsde 1 fulnrffi In words. When a mans talke is decent, in t~Jbrt.fd,4nd idlent/Je WIU in her,11n-i tn her daugh· fpeakin!l offuchthings, as by reafon of our urs. Luk.t6.I9• There lVM t~cerlaineri'h man D ftnne arebecome fhamefui!.Gen 4·'·Thrn A- "hich Wad c/o:ttbtd inP"rplellndfine lmnen, & f•·•e.. Hettahhu'~ife:who,&c. Pfalm.5I-I. redweli and deiJCflteiJ eueryda]e Rom. 13· 13 tA PfolmeofDt~uid, wheN the Prophet Nath•,. W:tlkt hrmeftiJ,44 J'nthed4J rimt,lfiti1f gl:mony & '"me 7J>JIO him •fler he h:~dgone in to Btthfheba. dr:mkfnnes, neither in ch~tmbering ttnri wantonnes. Efa.7-20. In thatd•yflt<Othe Lordfoauewieha 5. Corrupt,difhoncfl,and vnfeemely talke 1. ""~er th.1t i1 hired,t~ttn 6y them beyond ehe riuer, Cor.l5·3 3· Erre JJQt,eHiOt~t!~e corrupteth go1d 6; the K'"gofA{Jtur,thf heAd, •nd the haire ofiht manners.Such arcv:1ine loue.fongs,ballads,infem,•nd 11 Jh•U con(umethe beard. Iudg. 3. 24. teriudes, and amorous bookes. This is the Whenhewmgone~ut,hiJftrultntt c•me: Who feething we are carefully to lbun in the reading iRg that the dGores~f rhe p•rlrr were Jhutte, they ofJ?oet.!~ yetfo,asmarriners do in nauigatif•id,Surtl] he couertth hU fiete, that is, he doth on, who forf.1ke notthe 1l:a, bLit decline and his cafement) in his(ummer-chamber. Againe, I flit: from the rockcs. 6. Lafciuious reprefena manstalke mufl be little and fubmifie. Mat. tationseflouc-mattcrs, in PlJyes :tnd Come12. 19. Behold my (eru11nt whtn» I h'ut chofen. . dies.Eph.).3A·Formcation and all vncJMnnn, be fh4!1 notjlriue, nor crie, ntithtrjht~Ot~ny man Jn it not oncebe namedamongym, m it becommuh heart hi! voice in thejlreetes. Prou.1 o 19./nm~.. Silintt:neitherJi!thiRct, norjoohjh talltJng, neither ny WQrds there caP~not wllnt iniqttitit : but bee thM rcfr•ineth