'The 'Fah/e. thcdiudJ,34~d.+8J 1 b, confultin&withma.girians vnlawfuli, 44t c. 48} 1 b Magique dcli:ri.bcd, ot-91 d. foundation of it, J9 J. a. lcindsofit, 46 1 a Mlgiqucvfcd byPapiA:s, 6u s b Magifrratcs: neccfsnicofgood magitlrart,198 1d. why calledGods,49 :.a ul ~C.Theirmainedutic, 16+ ! d. they mapfc thefword forthe Gofpdl, 194 1 c. theirdutie when theydie, f07 t. a Maabisefi:atcby creation, 17 J.a, lfttd, howheei' corrupt with finne,s.o 1 b. 3R1 tc. hisduticto him· fdfe, f\ t c. hoW" he offends himfelfc, 5~ 1 b. H J. d. his rtaturall cnurfc in finne 38 1 J c Manna, \'f"ondcrs in that food, 768 s c Marriage:childrenspromifcherrofwithout parc:~u con· fcnt binds not, fH 1 b. m•rriage better tbcn fingle ~~}:s6d~:~;;.a~;~gJ,:~r;fa~~ ~i~~~~~~la~ll~: piA:svnlawfitH,p t b. 6;8 1 a. ,..,o 1 e Mary Chrilh mother a virgin till herdeath, s6 :. d. s84 ~ b, how fllt istobehoi\Ourc-d,I88 >.c, Papiihm:tkc– hcr aCiod, +OO 1 d. & 678 l b M.xtyrdomc,91 :.c MaflC acompen4imn of aUfupcrfi:ition, 6!111 'b. Sacri– fice ofthe M.1ffc ouerthrowcn, 119 .1. c, ofbcing prc– kntat Maffe, 37 1 c. 691 I b. 690 I c obie!l:ions for itanfivcrcd,t<~II b MaA:enof fami!i~sdutieint~achi~g~ ?IS I a._diffcr~ncc of it.frommm1ficn tcachmg, 1b1d. c thClr dum· lt theirdeath, T4S rd Mcancs ordinary mutl: be l'(cd, tS~ sc. we inuft Otcw i.ndu!lrythcrein, 7)1:11 d. S:nanicall meanes to doe: ftrangcthing~, )?Id . Mcau.uddrillkc muA: be fanlbficd, 4~ sd. J.j9 Id, of mirthat mcolt, 447 ~ d Mcdiarout dcfcribcd 1 177 s c. SecChrift-. 'fhree pro– pcrti~' in a mcdiatour, CbriQ the alone Mcliatour, 603,1bid. Meditation: rul>sofmcditatirm,5.(4 :r. a. mtditationon M~t~~~3:~dn:~/;~:~ife of it, t.7f ~ d, 441 s b. Chrills mcekene!Tc, 6!.91 c Mclancholikc pafsions, how they differ fromforrow for M~~~~~CJ!k:\~:~,I!~ :y~ofChrifi,r9f 'a MembcrsofChrifidiuerflydil\inguirlted, 78 I c Memory fanib6cd, 8-t r b MeritdefCfibc.d, 1'7~ 1 c. Chrifi:s meritsdcfcri.~e~, 627 " Merit o( { ~:~~~J>~ f74 1d Popit'h. doChincof merits, S74 t d their ground' of mcritalminet:l, 6} r J h' Meritofworkcs,to be colifurt<t,Joj! c 187 2.c.149 ta l4I 1d. 6~.; .:. h. 6-43 1 b. 650 u ·. Conditions ina mcritoriousworkc, lOll a. 511 t d ~Congruitic confuted, f76I h & IoO I b ~rit-of &. 56• t C· • - · ( ondigniti~,96 t d. 103 ~ c Minde orvndtrlbnding, how corrupted, lot a rem· n:mrsof Godsimagcthcrcin, 10 1 d. lncrl':tfcof 6..ri therein, w 1-c the rnindefanCh6cd, R; Id Mirtlncryofthe worddefended robe nodtlufion, d4r 2. c. ourdutictocJod for it~ 7461 b. ourminiA:ery de– fcn~dagainfi Brownills, 766 1 a. Minifttrsim-pletie dorh not nullifie Gods orriinancc to theworthy, 7 l lc 1 theirfiLUletiag~in.B rhcirt1oclce, Sf 1 a. 193 ra. they fl10uld h.mc: gifts tor thcminiA:cri.;o, l40 1 c. and gra.cc, 193 1 b. •ponwhatoccalton they may bccah– li:nt fi-om their flocke:. H :t.e. Their dutie auhcir de.ath, IH .t:t, f07l c 1 Mir:,er"c-siS:m,n cannotworkea miracle.-;9! d. ofiud~ ~ing doCtrine by mlracks,688:. d. 6oa l b 1 Mifc:ry of'"man, 463 •c - Mocking,.t kind ofperfecution, iS1b. tl1c danger of modcingGodschi1dren, li9J."C, UI sd. Our bcha– u~ourbeing mockro,sto t d Modcfly dekribcd with the cxerci(c: thereof, Co :r. d. 44f [ d MoTock wl\3t heathen God, 6772. d • Monalticall _lifc:difalloWed, sos ~d. s-8'6t d Monks in old rimenot like popifh Monks, r tE"1 d, MonumentsofIdolatry mw.O: bedcfi:roycd, 37:. a Mor:~.lllaw: fttLaw. Morti6cationdefcribcd, 831 b, meancsofitJ 84 t b. 188ta Mothersfhould nurcetheirchildren,s~ t 3 ' Murthcr maynot be pardoned, 14 2, b Muqc~llcon!Orr, allowedfor recreati•n, sS J h, nodn dmmc worfl1ip, 38 1 c N N~~~~s~ba .ingoing to the houfc ofRimmon, ~7 1 Nak~?dfc-hccomc:s llu.mcfull byfinn•, 114 1 b. wlty Chnfi fuffcred naked, ibid a NameofGod wh.1t idignific!l, 411 d. B4 J d le m:tv notbevfed c:~rcld1y, 43 1 11 "' How to ~etagood name, 6!\:. b.whethc:ra man may · __ :lsa.q.n 4~e;.d_AamC", 44S I b ofnamingchildren,l6S J Nature, in the Godhead whatitligni6e~ r3o 1 b \ N~cefiitic:kindsofncccfm.ie,?:.J 1 b ' , I Nccromancie forbidden,io 1 b N:~~ng: offayi~gelnijlhtlft~ tothcmthunecfc, Hf Ne1ghbo~r:who 1~ ourneighbour, 49 1c. Gnnes.tgainll our ne1galbourmhcan, f:; ac. in words.Howwe;rc tofpcakeo_f our_ n~ighbour good or cuill, i4t t c ~~ncsag:unfi: h1m1n coumcnan:cc:, f4 1 b. indeeds, 1b1~. finnes :tgainft his foulc, H 1c. duties to our r~:~;,b;;~rrf"n,S'I I a. to hisbody,p 1 a. Tohii Nob1cuhcir dmie.tlfl1 a Noll:urnallpollutions, t>o 1 a. Non-rdiden~ie deciphered and dif.allowcd, H 1 b 1 In whatcafes1_t may b,pcrmittcd. ibid. 1 c Newndfeofltfc, 479:. c. puts thereof, ibid. d'. motlues thereto, 187 1d 0 Oath:Th(' rmtttr,/Orm~:tlld endof"" (latfl, 4J' s d. Na– turcofanoath.H3 1 b.kirtdsofoatht~, •r 1 d. ru I b~,therakingof:tnoath, 41 1 b·. 449 1 b. Apriu.tte o;tth whmlawfull, 'ff J. a ofthe·pc-l:formanceof an oarh,4f J. c. Anoathby the (!reaturesvnlawfu\1, O-t8 se. Howanoathbindsandwhen,tJJlc &f341 d• . whether the oarh oflnfidcls bind thcireonfdenec, rrs • d Popifh dif.f*nf.'ltion from binding oatha difallowcd,s33 'd Whe:tbcranoathcMamaginD"bin'de rokecpillg, fJt I c. Whether :enO:tthgottc-n '&yfraudc binde, ibid. d whahergotten byfcaredoebinde, ibid. • Obedience toGods comm;lndcmenu fiom faith • 478 J b, itmuftbc: voluntary 1 710 1 b. New obcdirncc3 :b~ed 0~h~7K:i:~c:~~:n~~-G~~~i;~~~;,e';o0rb;~i.chi: attiueobcdicnre apartofhispafsion, lin 1d. both altiue and pafsiue required to our iulli6cation and faluation,!67 1< 15q1 6~~:~:c ~r86& b Offcnm to be auo1ded or ~ 1 :z. d pafsme, Of6ccsboughtand (old, a gre:nd1forder,7,<;e rd Oyle for annoynr1ng what 1t figmfi«< vndctthe La"', 169 ra. & ad. who wac annointcd.,ibid. 1 b. and 168. b Op;r:rion of <?od, Ifsd Operatiuepermifsiort.,. t6 Originall finnc: fc~ Sinae. p Palmifirie1-'nlawfuli,H :r. d · ' l'afsion ofChrill dcdarat :.1 s d. l1andled .ltlargcin.7. points: viz,cauf<', matter, &c. 186 J c. How could Chrift be-ing righteous fuffct for vs, t86 s d Howcouldhisibffcrings ccmporall freevs.fmm ttcr– nall, I871 a Vfc of Chrifi:s P:tfsic;>n,, 187 1 d. parts (lf Chrifi:~ ,Pa sion