Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

I ' 'The 'Table. l pafsion~1.05.t 7 c,Excdlency ofit,ti7 1 I,d,beoefiu b'f · mediucing t~ercon, 6Jo, I,a. bow cGmtdiurc in it, liJt.. t.a P.1pdh rohChri!1: many waies, 101, :z.,c. They arc like rhehcatheninidolatry, 688, 1, b, whartoiwdgeof our fon:fJthcrs cbat huedvnder the p3pade, 270~1,a S!i:cR.ome. Pardons: Popu pardons ouenhrowen,<J86,r,d, P;;rents: chc1r dutie tO theirduldren,,x,c,4fSI•I,b how they prolong thcirchildrens liues, 49 1 :.,d · Whether p.rc:nts faith lauc their childre-n, U7, t,b 48). :z..c . How holyparentsbeg~n Gnfull children.~~ 163,1,a l'afch:JU l.ambeChrill, 2.11, J,I.J Grounds oftrue paricncc,J3, :z.,b, tJ-J,T,c, 7o+.,:.,d 7:z.:r.,z.,c Pre(cruatiucsofpatience, 90, c, b. :r.JJ· z.. d. 2.9:.. :z..d Ju,:.,b How patience isfaid to be in God,744,:.,a Gods patience~ f;~:~~~~~:}Jb1t~t VfeofGodspatience~ ibid.t,d Pea~ofGod in fixe branches~ 61.7, t,a Pe:~ce ofconfcicme,:t.68~:.,c,4791 ~,adiffcrence of it from lplritua1Jflumber,'J.68, 2,d Peace with men,:t.74,2,b,the practi(c ofit, ibid,d Penance with l'apdls,M, 1 ,d., a reprobate may performc their pcnancc,J96~J~ b~ tt uno workeof fatt$facti;:,a, 6J) '·' Pcnitenctc: in the reprobatc,Joto:,t,a l)crfctban two-fold, 103, I, b, 4S8, T ,a, ~741 r,a. wbat pcrfcel~nn wo gctin rhis hfe, H8, 1,a P:uts of(. hn!b:mpcrf'ctbou,so;9, z.,b Poptfh lht6 e>fpc1·t'cfrton confutcd,IOj, r, d P.:riury,:md the tinnes it conrainetb,4%,2,b,H3, 2,d CaLs touchmgperiury,r;::., x,c PJJ)Jfls mamuine pcriury, 619, :.,b Pctm1fsionofcuill mGod,how,16. 1( b Perfcc:mon,fcc Flight. l'erfcu~rancc in grace, 2fruite oiCh,ifi:es intercdtioa, 1.H.:.b, wh;tisrcquiredmperfeuetance,~.c, whe– ther a man m~y bccerw.wc oftr,f6l,t, b, ·Jti5 a pro– perty ofthe eleCt, il7, 1, b. foure caufes of pcrtcuc• raoc;:t,738.~,a Pcrfon Jnthc 0 odbead what it. fignifietb, 14 1 J 1 a, 131 ~.d. dillinltionof perfont, 14, 1;:/:, 13I. ~.d, vmon and communion,I<j.,J,c,13, t ,b, number ofpcrfons, J.f,t,d Peters three-fold prcro~atiu~, 6oS, r, b, llis !itprem~cie confutrd,::.4o,t 1 b,l'io8. 1.d PemiondrfcribrJ, 91 ,t .a PharJo,howGod hardened his hcart,7-J I 1 T, b Ph_il~~ophy approoucd, rS,!,c Phtltckeallowc:d. ,.~,1,b,sor,J,b, howtovfcphificke, 5~6.2-,:t.abufu inchc pr;atl.i!e ofphifick:e,Jo5)I,3 Phthctans lpectalJ duties,ro7.t.a Pictures lac1uious vnl:r.wtu!J, 60. 1 1 b. piC:turcs ofChri!l a"d crucifixes arc fond things,:.38, ''"a Pilatelipolicies to faue Chrift, z.ot,I)a P:lgrimageli confuted, 3Jl.,l. 1 d Plague: whether aman DlllY flic in rime ofplague, 58.2 a,nf.t.d Whetbcr we bebouod to viGt ou~ neighbour in time ofpbgue, ibid. , Pl.tyuandCom~diesdifa1Iowed,6o, 1 ,d,no, t ,d Pledges to be refiorc:d, otnd rc:deemC:d, 65 ,J ,d PJ~~b• Secuadus wrotefer ChrHbans to Traunus_, 359 Poligamieof the patriardu,f9,:t.,b I ; Poltcics belide the word prooue foclilh, ~o~, i,::a, th~y make3breach in the confcience,ibid. Pope ofRome ili Amicbtift,no.x, b, he iS made: a god, 679.r,d Popery iseontrary to it fcffe, 40~.1. a. ic .2greeth toour <orruption,popifh fupufhtions,J 8,1_,C.39:J·I•c Pouenieof~hrill. 2.3o,t.d. poucny in fpirit, 7or,z,b Pu7~r de(cnb~d. 8. J.qp9,t,c. pamofpraycr,9 '; 1,1 Ctrc\hatlances ofprayer,asvoicc:.gdlurc, &c,347· r.d r~;~leofprly~r,p9,2.,d.towbom,3t.9. 1.c. wh~ihcrto auycrea~ure, ;u Saints, Angtls, &c, 39·1· b.3.3o t,c 68:t., r,a.m Whofename,)J.7 1 J.,b. nece(ij~ie df1prayer, 3~7.p.2g.r.z,b. obieaionsanfwcre<l,ibid,.2,b, 3B'ctli– ons i11 puytt,J2.7.t.b. motiues to caplcll: ptaycr,3•8 J .c. whether faith bee nc:ccffary,.p7, 1,d, reuerence jnprayer, 333, r.a, it is achrjfhan cxcrcife, 391· 1,d how a Chrilhan pr:aye1h, 374,1,c. preparation belore pr:~ytr. Jl.Sio,I)c, pra,er for the dead coofutc:d, 331 :J..d,6o7,~,c,. prot,c:rs for all men,3Jt,:,c. and, 347 2· d. prayer on a bookc allowed, Ji!S, a. a. pubhke prayer 1 714I Lords prayer our (ample~:, 318. 2, b, iris alawfull forme ofprayer and to be vfcd,1bid.c:. th~ right y(eof it,316, ::.,d Godhcarc:• our prayers two wales, 191, t,d 104• z.b 348' d, why Goddeferruto hear~ hiS children, 348 1.d, dilfe~·encc: of Gods hearing the godly ;aud the wickcd,3ss.u • Preaching and hearingnc•dfary,7oS,r,3, obieltions a• t fi~id~ :~~~~w;(~~;;d:r~~f6e~:~~,.~ib.¥~;~;~}k~~ cy ofchi~ ordiruncc,too,t,b,3l01~,c, whether m\,ni .. ftcrs may pre3Cb priu:ttely,t96.I,d Prc:dc:Rinatioa defcribed,I6.1.d,t8-t, z,c,orc!crofGods prc:dellin:uion, :So, t..d, it isofb•th c:let\: and npro– bate,9t.:..d,ir1s not offoretCefie ltOJks, 97,z, d,~Ho., ;~:':,9::i~,i~~;t~c:1 :r::~~~ea~':eflt::;~~h~n~: 1;~; 1, a, 435, I, ll, how mankinde is to bcecon6derc:d zhe obic:frofpredeftinatiolh IIJ,l,a How a man may difccrnc his owne prcdefiination J 13,z,a.vfcs ofpredefiinottion, 113,~.,b · ' MowChrift isfaid tobcpredeftinatc:,Ior. I. d8c ~Si 2.,~.,4Js,:,c PopilhdoCtrineofpredefiin:uion~95,r,c 1heir cnoursdeclared, 97.r.c I .Anbther crronious pbt-foune difplaycd 1 107 a. d. 2.93 Jd PrefcnccofGod inhis crcaturet,1SI 1a Ptcfumptuousfinning, 2.31 d. 35 Id · Prc(umpuonands;ood confcieac~how tb(yditfcr, fiS .. Pridedefcnbed and condemned. H I c. 334::.c. TOe l-leighr ofpride, H 1 d. pride in ;zpparell a vanitk, u O I d. 601 c How the Lord kits pride in his clUidrc:n, 410.I.a L'riefis.wbatpric:fts wee baue lA the newTcfiamcnr, ~19 '• b Pricfihood: fee Chrifi• pric:fihood. Princes duc:tic: to their fuhicll:s 51.1,c llrofefsionofGod: paruofit,3f,,., b, the continp~ll pmfefsion ofChrift:t9 i .:.d profefsion in tiBleot d~gcr,9t,t,d Promi(esof Gods wordd.iftioguill1ed. 417.I.3, bow to conhrmc:our faith thcrein 1 139•t,c Fromifes to men how thc:y fuould bee made, ii8,I,a; they muft Lle~ performcd,ibid. & ~f., r,b Propagationoflinne,llow, to 1 c. 162. 2.a Propbc6r,a com111on giftofthe fphit,:t.707.C Pro(pc:r'inc is amifc:ry ro chewicktd,464 Ia Prouidcnceprooued robe, 3 at!. JH ta.&HO 1a. a f 18~d• obiellions agaiRfi it :mfwercd~ IH 1a. what itis,pmsofir; tsJz.bibid. ' Kinds of it, {~~~t~~~\1a~. ~ 157 ! d Vfes Ofit, 157 1 b Prouilion for time tocomel:a.wfull,340~a p[,lmes ofimprecation how to bevfed,33z. 1 c: Punifhmemoffinnetbree-fold, ~3 2. a. t59 a a. itbatli God fortheauthor,48fl.3. & 156 all Threewarkc:s incuerypunilhmeor, 485 I d. it remaincs not after pardon, 6141 a ' Tlae holy inannerofpunifhing the guilti~, 51,1,a 'Purgatory,how f.arrc 3cknowledged.6o7·*.b. pop.ifh.dQ.– tl:rine thereofconfuted,l.J.of~l•b• !507,.1.d Pythonifme.4o,z,d ~ Q. ,, ~efiibnscuriouSreproou~<l, 143 i ~ ~ips and gir-~svnlawfull, '7 r a 11. R:.auing: fee Death. Readingthe ScriptureaChrifiiln exerci(e, 391 %d. it