'The 'Table. i'hduldbe wltb prayer, o471Jr,b Jteall prefcncc in the Sacrament handled, t89.:. d,fcc tran[ubfbnd:ation. R.ebapti%ingnot tolc:able,?4, z,d Re:cciui.D~ the Sacramtllt: Cc:e Sacrament. R.ccidmation,withcafcs thtrcof,4o.<~~,d,4<"'7, ~ ,d Reconciliation with Godapprehended by fa1th,47M, t ,d Two p.rts ofit,6l.J.I ,c,tcurc bencfics from it,i.bid,t a R.econcili~tion with men,so7 '•'•' Rccoucryofmansright in the cre:aturcs,;oo,t,b Recreation approoued,sS, 1 ,a,5;9,1.,b.The right maner ofvlingthcm, 130 1 1,a& r39,:z.,b Redemption cxccUs the work<: of crcnion, 18;, :t, a 6p,t,b Reformation of hf~,how riglnly made, 7H,t,b Rcgcnerationdc(crtbed; :t.7r, r, d. hi an immcdi:arc workc ofthe ho!y Ghofl, 6otl, r. c, wherein it fbnds T?6,t,d. How the rcgcRcr:ue lirmc,i73 1 r, d. How th!y doegood,473,z,d Regimmc fptriluall,1n, '• d Reioydng at our neighbours goo~, C7,1.,d Rdiefe ofthe poorehandled,91, r 1 ~, 374, •, 2, 393, t ,d 711,1,b. The acellenc~ ofrhisWorkt',6I1,1.,b. Mo· tiuc:nnto it,J94·r.b,7U.)z.,a Rcligton, how to know rruerdigion, 7I6,r,c. who may maintaine it with thefword, 194,r ,c. why there are to many opinionsinreligion,417, I, a Rc:liqutli of idolsihouldbeotboltfhed,37,t,b. how they are madc:idolcs,6SJ,I 1 c. True rdiques,6l 1 .·,c Rcmiffionoffiones dt:f ribcd, 8r,z,d,61.7,t. c Remph:m,wharheathengod,677,z.,d R.mou:uion offaith and repentance, rcr,1,'1, Repentance defcri~ed anJ handled, sr, r, a,J71.,:l,~ 415,1,a , Caufes ofrepentance,4r6, r. J. Degrees whereby it is wrouglu,4;7, I ,a,Pattsof repcntancc,4f7,I,d Repemance.~~::~~ar1i~ary ~ .uS. r, b Whether it go beforeother graces, 4ff,J,d. Eow it fol– lowes fanfrilication,37:t,z.,c PraBifeofrepenrance, 4 8, t,b. motittestoit, 144,1,c, Legall motiues,-1-63, r,d.Eunngehc:~II,<Jilf,z.,b. Time ofrepenuncc,466, I ,d. Agai;;fi deferringof rereA– unce, u4, 1,d,J79,1,2,496, r,d. Signesofrc::pc:np tance, 7 1 t,b, 89, ~, b, 376, 1, c. it m3y bee without tearcs, 4S7,1,d. Sundry cafes of Reprnr:mce,-466, 1,d Errours concerning rc:pcnt:mce, 468, 1., c 1 614, :,d Coumerfeit repentanct',4tl8, t ,d. Repentance ina r. ~ probare,3f7,t,d Repetitions in Scripture ha.ue adouble vfc, 61?,z., d Repo· ts ofcuill mtdl not be~ bclceued. 68,t,c. ::,hame– lelfe rcporuagainfi Chrifii::aos, 191,1 1 c Reprobadondcfcribe~andh:tndled, lOf, r,a, 106. r, b 1.87.1,c. Ground or caufe ofreprob:uion, uo,1,d 187)1.,~. It implies nocruelty in God, (o_9,t,d,.t87. t,c. The foundationofthe executionofreprobJt1on, z.88.r,c. The ex('~Utiontfit,18~,t,c Kinds ofnp·obates, Iof, t,c. How f.1:re a RepH~bate maygocin CbryHianity,3p,~,a,416,t,d &c. Ofgi· uingperemptory fcntence of any ones rcbrnb.nion, Il3,:!.,b,7.S9, 1..c. Stateof 3uprobate inde:~th, ttJ, 1-,c, a(terdeotth, zu,T,,. A reprobate fenfe, ~a, J,c 107.2,c Reproofe :md the executionofit-JIO.J,b,44f 1 !,b Refiitucionhownecctlar>' in rcpencan'e,467,1.,b. Cafes ofrefiitutian, ro8.r.c Refmrcc9icn Df Chdll, JO, 2. b, 1.35, I,d. fiue points hanJiedtherein.ibid, bfi3 2,;1t He came not through the fionc,2.J6',t,d. Eight cffetbofChrifis rcfumCti– en,6CI4,,;:t· ThevenueofChriRs refurreftion, 6:8 :t,b,66;,1. 1 d. howtoanaint\'ntoit,2.4f.2..c, Vftsof Cbrifis refurre8:ion., 241. 1 r,b RefurrcCtionofmankind prooued, ~ •4, r, d· The caufe ofit,meanes, Q1.3her, &,, 31 f,"'• d. vfc~of it, 316,r,d Rcuenge in airedion mull beauoided,t05, 1.,a, perfcr~ u:uiues agaiotl it,SR,a,d a, Chrilliao'cariage in regard ofreuenge,394.t,d Reuere.t~ce to fwpcrioar,,ro,J,c Reuere~ceinfpeechto~~~:.'::.i•~:d -' ;. r·euolt: whether 3 reuoltcr in religion may rcpcnc' 466.l,d ' ( Rewardtwo·fo1d, t~~, 1• b. It implir,no metit innun, I04,2.,d,3 20, ~ ,a,a Kich: they may be Gods feruant~ t'"m1ioi•·g rich.. 2.1.9 '•' Riddles :tpprooued, • S,t ,b Robbery condemnecl, '!6, J, b. Tlu~e fo~mocs (orrs of robbm,•biJ. Rod 'of(. brifi, and l"fhis .Aponies differs, 517,1 ,d Rome no true church of<..hrifl,305 ,z, a.617. ·• a. The whoreofBnbyl<m:H,.,,I,r,tiy ., z.,c. Herf:llrc gods, 67S.1.h. ht:r m.ame Gnnrs,6I H, 1, a. her vtlc: •doramc, 6:S.1.d.6S4.2.c.6 X8.1.,:1,6 94 .2..c 1\o>l!ifhr~lt!)ion aboh!lmh UmU, 6z5. 1. a. 613.1,d. te~_cl::et!. wt,krdnelle,6f7.1 ,d,it racc_lh tbc ground, of reltg•on,3of,z.,:~..n rc:Ulues l)e/:Jgiam{me,73 :a., r.b.lts agree~b e-co our corruptn.1.ture,398 41 d, Their wc..r– fllip is Jcui!ed,618tr, d. t.99.1,b s Sabbuh comm::m~eJ, 18,1, h '16·'-· ~.how it is£.1ntli£i· ed,48,1, d.ho'olo pCl!ltlted.ibid,l~e.what wmks Ol:l)' be done thtreon, 47• J, b. rrcre;tions o\· fpons thcreon vnb'o\ful1,49,r,a. how it isce~emor.i:lll,<t7, !,c. how mora!J,4R,T,b. wJ yit W:lS cb:~.rged to the eight aay, l'i1.I,b.by\·.hom,48, t, b Sabtlhushis h~telie,34,1 ,1 Sacr.zment de(q-tbc:d.7.l d 71 .I.d,author ofir,ihid. parrs ofaSacr:nnenc,7,3,a,· ;.. J.d.tnd ofit.S3 J.a. holy vfe thereof,n,t,d,J7J 1 c,how thryconf.rmrf:uth, 390 I c 6Io.l~d and confcnc gr::tcc, tbtd.t. a d·frnen\e betwrencthe Sacr:~mrmsof the new 2nd old Tdh~ ment.7J. r. b.num~rr of Sa. raroects.7. :z..b.73. t.c. how they :~reneccfi~ry to faluat10n. 7l· J.b Sacramental! phrafn. 71. r. '· change ofthe figne is re~ fpe8:iueondy.7t -1. d. vnion of thepans. 7Z.· Ioa. Sa– etJmem.tll commumon.5.?n 1.c Sacr:'ID'!ents made iJnls, t>8o. z.. b. whrn fit A: .'!dored,f97 I.e. Nine Popifll wonders in the S:~cr:"lmrnr, 5.?3ol.a How s~crlmcnt~nd crUCifixe d.ft(r. 73.z.,b :Sotcri6ce of Chr11l.1R,1 d.::. 17.:.d,rhe trun of it.l.lO.I a how roapplyit.HO.t.d.vfes ofir, uo,2,d, Sacnficet:~lcento w:ues 593,2.a Spiritua11Sacrifices.s70 J d,u.1. J,b & 619.1.2 Sacr16ce oftbe M~fie confuc·d, 1,,.,,.,c & 594.1.<: Saisns no interceOOrs for vs,l.Cf. •· •-"'OJ.l. c They k11ow notour t ea1tsby CC'mmunication.6(")1.J c,t82,2. c. how they :~ore to bc'bonoumJ, 39, 1,' 6co 2 d.worfl11pped. 'iO~,t,a How ?:~piftswodhip thtm. t'oi, J,fl. m:~ke th~m pa. trf)IU ofcouctl ics,689.1,a.makc them idols, 679, t d "'7f.t,d Salt int:uriET(es what it mear.r, 2.1: I t.b S:~\oation in hcauen d• fcrib,d, 9~, ~, b~ whcthn a m~n may l:ec~rtllM ofhi~ fnlu uon, 5'\0,t ,b ·541·'· c,f64 J,d.howth:sccrl:linryiswroug~u, ~65,1 b. Oblet.i· ona:.gainf! itanfwcred, r43 1 1,d Whether onem.1rs faidt may faue another 48;.. :~.,c S:~lu:nion :u1d the forrnesofit:445 z..c SanBilicationdtf(tlbrd,6, J,( ,~.:,1)!1,3701 1,h, p:ms of ir, 83 1b37" J cefficient cauf~", EJ 1.:1370 l c .. Ef· fedsofitdecbringclcfiion,t · 31 c. ltJsnotperfcCl inthisl:fc,J'i2.I c Sant"ti6cation ofthe mind, 3701 a. Memory anQwilt, ibid d, AII'ed:ions,37' 1 bof the body,47~ Id Sandilic:~tronof our works~ 7671 b:Uldof Godsctta· tutes and ordinances to vs,45,1,d ~~nau~ories P9pifh dTf:~.llowed,s41 c , Saran Gods Ape 9 1 c. His c0r.fhfts with a Chriflian 404 I J Satisf:~dion riu·ll :md Ecdcfilfiic;ll gt~l·ntell. p7 I d a tbrce-folde !atisfa~on in r~pcnt:mce allloweJ, 641 Id Popilh SupplementJ!I (atisfaBion confured,:t09t b 341. I b & 4t.9 t band f77 1c&. t:u> Jd. Their threefold workes offatiaf:~8:ion, 5So 1b Saturne,678 r c Sauiour; fee lc(us. · I Scripture: Tbe bodyofit dcfcribed,tt J a. T hercope of it,484 1 apc:tft8ionof it for direction in all aaions, 531 r a and ~or. falu:ltion, rh z b whetbtr any bookes of Scnpture bee Iofi, ibid :t b. ~~uer~~g~ 1