Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Th~7"able. - I_I________________ ~H~~~k~:,h;.c~m~to~~:,~,~"~hi~n;gfir.,~it~cs~,;.,~~~u~~,,;9r~•~.'~~- ~~ .. ~.nn~ expounder of Scripturc:,jO 1 c. ow to now Su~riours tluric to jnftriors, f 1 1 a.thc:idinn.~ aga 1 •. d. beGodsword,? td 4 9 1 a d 8 rheirinfc:riors,r• ad. ~upcriors mull: ~c. n;ucrcncc: Sccuritie or fpitiruall Ountbc:r' t.4'lll b 3 8 3 1 4 .z. 1 ro 1 cand obcyrd,so1 c . . ,.;· docc;t!ionsofir,t.64.t. 3 Supperof the Lord, what is.dpnethctcin,_ 8 ~ ~.Qc<C"UiU Se.& a f:llfc rule ofJifc,+&u c f. ofrccciuing, 1 q 1 ~ nghny.~ncrof1~.' {bi.d,cof.r~= Separation !TornourChurch' forthcw.:tnts thc:rco 'ROt cciuing priuatdy bemg Jickc, sco :.a fi9w the ~rdt bwfuH 196 Z • bTheir ccnfure againil: nupaper fupperis a facrifice, 593 3 b •. . . . · fllottc,~o7 1b, When a m<lnmay lawfully fcparate Su~rfiition in theworksofGods pi;Qutdcnce,.q.J ~d ·. S!m'00 '" 0, 30 Cfhtul>~d~;~:p'h~t~ and A~~nfilcs are abridged in Su_pn:snary in caufC's EC'dcfiafiicall handlcd,~07 a~ :. ~· ... rS•ti(hlphowtobc:vkd,..,5 a a . :· their bookcs ':z.t ::z. d fi · 1\: ju(pitions c;uill forbiddc:n,66 :z. ~ • - ·~: Sc:ruanu dutic to their m:tfias. 50 I c&c tn~cs agath. swcari1,1g:fce.oat!jCS: dmttry kij:ldi and form,~o fwea. thcrn.p. 1 b. ln whatcilfc:afcruantmay fltc: from 1 ~ rinnfor\,iddcn, 41. 2ed m~lkr,?;.t-1d h sword,vih0 m:ayvfc:thcl\vord,xg41C ' Scruingmtn fhonfddocr;to~e thc11 wait only. 733 I T Sauicc ofGodJ<.e worllup. Sh dcfi "b d n' t c · Tablc.t:dkcongf,t toedilie,6tr b . Si~~~ .. :;'d~tic, 5h Id ftrangc C\ICUt mfickc.ndfe Talc-boring, :md fortsofit,i-f?l b lr 2 d · d ITe:uhing in'familicsdtffcr.sfrompoblikc: miniitcry, "Jtt Sil~~;c:1hcc::rcdlcn andcxcreifeofit,4f~Jd 1 b . . Single life in whatref'pttt bct~r then marnagc, rS6 I a Temperance, and rhc praalfeofit,2.76 1 b Sinncde(crih«l, 4 I a 1H rd l f9 I b whether finn_c .Temporizing,4a8 J c , be a thing cxillenr. 18! d471 1d whence ithath hts i T~mptation, :~nd rhe p:art~ofit, !!2 a h86'J d J44 1 c beginning 7:.4 ;z. awhetherGod be the amhorofGn, the tcmpta,• 51 bJat.ans frlau.d in tcmpti!lg Et1e, J 59 16o. 1 d :z. 1 'au how God willcth and dccrctth Gn' · 2. d ISixcfpc"clall u:mptations ofaChriftianJ J74 1 d 1 + 1 1 a how hegouerneth it, f6 1 a parts offin, ' & . ',:",',n o.n'",,.~c_,din .. t 6e~J.pra 8t 7tb,",'.•rT','mPp',' 3fe 11 m 00 a,ri3 ~c~uin 1 .,t:rm,K". 2.akindsof!inne~41at9:z.dorigirutlfi?nc,:z.cta .. o ~ 4<b uo mr.. 1 the true forme of it, r~:. :. a the fcateof tt, 16 ' 1 d all calhng,86 I d. About f:aith,S17 r c. The faUhe~cin the propagation ofit,t6:z.s air is thcrcot~fall finnc, and rcmedu~,87 J c. Tl."mpt:nion abourf:mUihcttion 63 J. 3 howfarre i_t ~cmaincth after ba-puli.uc, ?8 Z ~ tl~ 1 b.Rdi!lnncc thcrcrowjrh prcfcruariucs, ~~1 ab 5 1i 1 1 bpopifhoptnton confuted, 561 z,.a. All are e Temptin;ofGod, 3-i-2. b. HOwGodisf:aid to tempt, quallycorrupt, 10 I b16; 1 h-HS 1 b ,aaualt finne '. 3: 4 . a 11 ul 1 t>~ :z. d klndsofaltuatl finne-, ~2. 1 a degrees Tdl:amcntold :lntl new: ice CoueOant.· inlinnco'r commifsion, 2.2. 2. a fourc things in e11ery Thankfgiuin~ ddCribcd and raughr,:90 1_d 1 :~Quail Cinne, 711 :z. :1 thc·cont:lgion of finnc, :z.fi1 1 c Th:tnkfUindf'c toourlitperiours, 51 I e diffcrerKe of the wicked in !Inning, 372. :.c fOntideTh<:cfeon the croffc conurncd. 2:.· I.b fruits of bi~ rations to kecpcvs from )inning, 1491 b71 I a 2.16 conucrfion,ibrd":. ~Theft and thepuni11Imcomthcre- :z.d1t7 1b . . of,641a 1 Sinnc againft the holy Ghoft handled,Iol> •c. ltdtffers Thcologie what it is-, 11 1 b fromdcfp:tirc 78 t c Thirfi fpirituall decl:lrcd, 639 2. 3 Slandering foi-biddcn,6?J a. lmpudency of (!J.ndcrers • Thom:lshis vnbclecfc,:.4o' a 199 1 e Thoughts:mamcuill thl>uglns, 2.1 1 ~ Slothfulndfecondcrnncd, 7191 c . . Thriftindfc,64 :.c , Sobrietiei"ndict, \vith tbe rulcsthereof,~>t 2. b Sobneul." Tinae·fcmcrsreprooned, fl9 z c iniudgcmcnt,~71 b . TitlesofGodhowtoltc\•fod,441d Socictvwithinfidc!s: bl'3nchesoftt,;7 1 b How farre Tongt~<',whatthe ~bucrnementofthctongucis;4..q.O t a law"fuil,691l.a whcnvnlawfull,J7:. b 6;13 1 a Arulcfor'thl:orderingofit,1':1?z b, J.:msofthisgo~ Sodomiei:onclc~ned,r5 I b ucimC'nt,440:. d An exhortation to kccpe tl.lC'tonguc Sonncin the Trinitie defCribed, 14 1 b. Heeis God of 4 u J d flrange iucfgcmcnt' for tbe abufe of the himfclfc, T4 :1.~. 171 rd W~y ca!IC'd the Only S0nne.. rongut,ibid 1 c · r7 ' 1c why catl~d tbe WcJrd, 1_. 1d 1711 c, Hts Trade : whcthero~ernay h:tue two trad~aton«, 763 property,.,: I a 1 a Sooth(."lyin~condemned. 40 r :t Tradef.mC'n of forrein fafhionsreprooucd, ?6+ 2. 3 · Sorrowforfinnc, 1' t d. GOdlyforrow, 1a4.1 d J7~ 2. b Traditionsdefcribcd, 18o ra how fatteWCcallowtradi· hoW" itiswroug:br, 187 :z.c , . , tiOm,ibid t b wh:at traditions ihC C~urdi maypl"('o ~ouldicrscariageag~in0:1theirenemicts.~9f·rc fcribC',f81 r 3 fraditions vnwrittcnare v~cataiue, Souleofman, If' ad it is immort:l.ll: ·T5J 1d. How it 6<J91t, Popiflrrrad'ir1"0n~~lif:JIIowed,38 ad isfaid to die, lfl 1 d whence it bath it beginning, Ti-:iffickwithmfidds,howvnlawfull, .~, ., d ~ ~ IH t bwhetherthe fouleofrhechildc: comcfromrhc Tr:mfubll:tnti:uion c;onfutcd, 7~ ui & 179 2 b & parc:nts1 153 I a fbte.of the: fou}e (cperat"c from the 1 a &_ 4011 c & J90 1 d &, 6'4 :z.a of wlmt antf~ bOdy, 317 s e. Difference of ml-ns roule from quitie iris,f9?1 ehow itcHffcrs from confi,bllantia~ bcahs,t 13 t a, Diffcrcnc"e of mans foule from Antion,J~';I6 t d. Ancient F:ttbC'rs ag~inft: Tranfw.Dft~Q~ gds, ' f J t b · , ti:uion1f9~ r a Speach:the matterof our fpeadi ,.4+0 1 b the manner rrau'aiJc iritoPopi lh.cOuntric."s fe2tmcd, 6to a C. ofit,4+8r b, when to fpeakc :md Wliennot,t97 tb Treafuryofthe ChurchofRomcadorage, 17S"Icand graC'etobc:fhcwedomhcrcin,_44~tJJ .. 1'5f41d ' Spirit:(~ holy Ghot}.!p~il!JOUCinsof. the Tree of )ife,:. tl J a Jt:. t ;a thi:-·tr~!'ofknowlcdge of fpirit in theregenerar_.:=, ~71 2. b. Diners accq~tanons ~ood :and cui!!, t61 a. Triniti(:iJ! Vnirie,andVniticin , ~fthc fpirir~4t"9:. c.How t~efpiri~fuiucsaga,nftthc T~1 nitie,~ 1361 a 14! e W~j llrti~ft Bee hcfJ,, l-j11C Ac-fl1,;7f rh4702.c·w}le~!(.premJcSj1J~!;.t. &., 30 rh ~ ·· (. . St::trres:oftheirforcc \'pon iO.fc(iourth~~tgs,H I;l Trivmph ofChrift\•pon theCro!k,Ut2 d wharitisproperly,and gcner:l!ly,6l :t c T:mcC'Sforpe:lcelawfuiltS4l c Stcpf.nh::rs :i.nd mothers nmft bccol.icyhl, 49 1 C Trn~h in fpcach, 442. :. d · SteM~s wlcrmed by P.1pi£ls, 6r9 I b Trufi in God, fi~cconditionsthcrcofa477 1 c Strife forbiddcn,with the occaGonsofit,H:. d V Stt!dentsdlnics, 4t'=9 1 i 479'1d . . ,; ' S\ibicfrion to God cu;tng~lic~U; 4J:I4 1 b 103 t a. How Jt Vaileofthc Ttmple,whattherendring bfltnicant, UJ is pr::ttlifc:d,ibid.d or llibiefrion to magiftratcs, r:z.7 J c ~ b Sltggdhons of Satan: when dky become our finncs, Vanitieofmind, :.o·1.Q 69 I b . •VbiquitieofChri!lsm:anhood refutc~,%-(J a h & 1p Suite! inlawho\V to bevfeJ., H3 !...h: Del:tyes irtdif _ie. ltoycrturn~manyartid~soffaith,H:16~~r.l,:tion