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ofSaluation and'Damnation. 61 rtframeth hu lfppe;, Uu·1je. And it is anote ofa A hee tDs~e theji1't WAutJ anti two ftP,u, 11nd loo~d llrumpct to be< agiglot, and loud tongued, vpto he.uen,andgauerhanke. Aft.27·35·Whm Prou. ]•II. She u babblingand loud.!II. Jnaphe haJth,.f•id, hee(rhat is Paul)gaueth•nkt in parcll, wee mull: obfemc an holy comelineffe. the prefince •f teemall, ••d when huh•i brolzen Tit. 2 . 3 . Theelder women ,.fl {uoffuch behau~· br~ad, bee began to we. U. It is lawfull to fur- '"' 44 becommetb holintJ!i. Holy comehncffe, ts nifh a table with lloreofdilhes, not onely tor th;t which exprcffeth to the eie the fincerit~, necdlity, but alfo forthe.good entertainment rhatis,thc godlincffe,temperance, and grau~- ofafriend, and for delight.-Luk·5·29· Leui tie either of man or woman, This decenne m.Je him(that is, Iefus)agrtatfe•flinhu orone will more plaine!y appeare, ifweconfider the bo•fo' wherethmw.u agreat company ofpubliends ofapparell, which are in number fiue.1. cans,andofothers thatfot at ,.ble \lmh him. Pfal. Necc!firie, tothecndth.r our bodies maybe 104.15· Heegi•ethJPine that ma~erh$Md the defended againll: the extremirie of parching he.rt ofman, 4Rd oyle to ,..k_ th< f4Ct Jhme, •nd he.11e, & pinchingcold.2· Honcfl:ie,that that brt•d thAt jlrengtbntth ''""' heort. !oh. 12.2. detotmitie of our naked bodies might be co· There tht] made him afupper, a1td Marth• {<ruered, which immediatly followed therranf- ~ted, butLttz.4rus tJ'A.i qne of them that fate At,,. greflion ofour parents,3.Commodity, wher- B bit with him. 3• Then wk! M •riea poundofoJnt• by men, as rh:ir calling, worke, and trade of mmr ofSpi~tnArd '"'J cof/IJ, ••d •nointtd lefus life is different, fo doe thcyappltrcll themfeet e. III. Choofethe lower roomeat a ban· felues: and hence it is , that fome apparrcll is quet, and rather then bee rroublefome, fit as moredecent for cerraioe e!lates ofmen, then the mafl:er ofthe feJ!l alfigneth thee. Lukorher.4 Frugalitie,when amans attire ispro- '4·7· HuJP•fce• parablet• theguef/s, when he porrionab!e to his abilide and calling.5. Di, "'"'~ed how th<J cho(toue the chitft roome, and fiiAtlion ofpt:rfons, as of fexe} ages, offices, f•id,8. Wb6nthou jhalt he bidden of"9m.m to a time and aCl:ions. For' aman harh his let atweddint.,fet nor thyfelfe doron in thechtejtjl place, tire, awoman hers, ayoungmal}i.s appardled l~~ • more honpHrAbk 'fmmthen thou bidden on this f>lhion,an old man on that. And thero{him.9. Andbee th•t badde both him•nd thee, tOre it isunfCemdy foramantoput on awo· comt~tue{tt), GiHe this man roome. xo. B"t g"e mans appaJcll, or a woman the n.tans. Deut. ANd fit downe ;, the loweft roome, '""'~hen hee l2.)· TIJe \\•omanJbalnorwe•rethatwhich pertai.. .thAt S,4dthee, ct~mmrth, hee ma1fiiJ vnto thee, ruthto thtm4tl, rmtherJb4B Amt~~np•t~n \\?omAns Frtend,{it vphjgher. Prou.25 .6. Stand not in the rAynum: for •/J that doft~ > 4YI 4n Abomitutio" to pl4ct ofgrt11t metJ, & & .. IV. Man muft eate at the Lord thy God. C due times,not at vnfeafonablehoures. Ecclcf. To fer downe precifcly out of Gods word, 10 16. W~< bee tothtt, 0 land, Whr• thj princes whaL'tlppareH .is decent,is very hard : whereeatt JM the ,nt~rning. 17. BleJJ~d11rt tho11, 0 lttnd fore in this canfe,the iudgement& pra8ifeof 'Whtnthy FnRCts e•te 111ttme. V. Man rnutl eate modefl:,graue,and liacere men,in euery partianddrinke n'oderately, lo thatthe body may cular efl:ate, is moll to befoUowed, and men receiue fl:rength thereby, and the fonl< bee mull rather keepe too much within the more frelh & liuely, to performe lh"aCl:ions bounds of meali~te, then to lleppe one foote ofGodlindfe. Luk.21·34· T•ke heede to )our without the precinCts.IV. In purging the ex· felues > ltAff at"-") thne yonr hearts bee opp.,.tj}ed crementsofnature, care mull: be hJd, that withfurfeting anddrunkfnefe. Prou.23 >9· To they mutt be cafl: foorrh into fome fep.trate & whomeUwae? &c. Euen t~ them th~t t.:~rrttl~ng clofe place,& there alfocouered.~Deu. 23·12· ,., wine,to thrm thtttgoe 11ndfoe~e m~xtwmejO. · Thou VMlt h4ut n plAce Without thehoft, 'Whtther Loo~tnot thou vponthe VtinefNhen 1 tU redde, aud thouJh•ltrefort, 13. A•d thou}halt hJIHta paddle when it}h<tl>tth hu colour inthecuppe' •ndgoerh •m••g t!Jy \l>,.pons, awd whtn tho• wouldeft fit' downeple.(•ntiJ, &<• Prou. 25. t6. lfthouhaft downe w1th1ut, thou fhalt d,gge thereWith, •ndrefosmd honie:>.rate th4t if fofficjent for rbee. Jefl thou turnmg, thoufl,:~lt couerthnlt excrementJ.J4· F~r D beeoNtr•(H/1 And v~mit. Prou.31 ·4· ll ;, not fw the Lord thr God wall(;rb m the "''..ddefl •[the Kingstodri•k Wm•,norfor'Prinmftrongdrm~e. campttodrhuer thee: therefore thin~ hoflJb41l he 5. Left hedritJ'<! andfort,tt the d("Cree, rnd ch:ttr~ge holy,that bee foe ns filthy thing in thee lind tllrne Atht i"dgement ofa/1 the cbildrtn ofa.ffoEiian. V r. "'"J/Tom rhee.r. Sam. 24-4- And hec•m• ro the We mull: then efpecially regard thefe things, Jhupe-coats by th~ way, where there was ACt4Ut wh~nwe eate at greatmens tables. Pro 23.1. and S;~,./ tl1ent in totouer l1i4 fec:tt, ' whentho,Jittt{Jtoe•tt'Witb ;t ruler, confider: diliSobricty is avcrtue which concemeth the gently whRt is befortthee. 2. P•• th, lz••fe,. &hy vfageof our diet inhoJindfe. For the better throAt, ifibonbt • mangiuento tlcJ appetite,. 3 • obferuationthercof, thefe rules may fcrue: I. Benjtdefirousof his dttimie mer:~tt~: for it is 4 ae. Thechiefefl:atthe banker, let him conferrate ceiN.-blt~,Jtate. VII. Godly mirthatmcate h the mcates to God, by faying grace.1. Sam. tolerable.Aft.2-46. The7did.e.tetheir me•t ro9·1 l· The ptopl• .'V1il not tate, <1/1 h• (that is, Sagither ro11h gl•dneJI•& ft•gl<n</Ji•fheart. V lJI. muel) com• 6eca11{e he r>i/1 bltjfe the focri{i<e : and Table talke(according as occafion of talke is then <aterheJ that be bidden to the[<afl. Mark.6. offered)mull be fuch as may edifie. Su;:h was 39: Htt ,,.,.,,,.nded them to mak< them aU fit Chrifl:s talke at the Pharifes table, Luke 14 down,bycompani<svponthe g~ff:_,&<,4l· And I from the 1.verfe,tothe 16 verfe.IX.Secthat F 4 afrer