Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

'The order o/ the catfes (arre then Vfury,and in a fi1ort whilewill rr.ore inrich a m•n· ~V. To get money by vnlaw(ull Artes: fuch are Magique, ludiciai!Allrologie, Stage-piayes, and fuch like. Eph.4.28. Lrt him ~httt h11th flolneJjlude no more, hHt rt~thtr let him l>IboHr, \\1or.Qng "'ith his o\\mc httnds tbe thing thilt Ugood, t IMt he may!Jut vnto l3im h11tb ntede. Dcut,J8. 1I. Eph. i·3· t.Thcfi:s.»· .Abjlaim fom•ll<ppcar.nceof<~~ill. V. To filch<>rpilfer the le30: pinne or point from another, though it ~ocre tor the greatefl good. Mark.Jo. I9. Thou Jhdlt j/Mlr, 1houjhalt not hurt IZ'!Y '11llin. Rom.j.8. .And("'We•re bl•med,and 44 fome.f– firmethat I'll< [ay) Why do< 01< n•tt•i/1, thatgood 11J4] come ther~of? \\'hllfo dAmn~>tiin i4 iuft.Vl.To remooue ancient bounds. Prou. %!. z8. Thou fl,alt m1 tti»OiiJ.t the ancimr bo11nds Ulhich thy Fli– t hers l:xme m11d1. fioC.5.10. The l'rincrsrJfludah .<re b~e them whichremDoue the bounds. V II. To fie~ le othermens fcruanrs,or children, to com~ mic fa.criledgc,or robberie. t.Tim.t. 10. Tt~ wh~rc~mongers, 71'!ggertrs, ttrtd Men.fte~tlers. lolh.7.19· .Achanstheft. I·Cor.6.IO. Neither Thctues,mw couetDUJ pcrfons.nor R()bbers,&c.j1Jilll inhcrire the Kinrrdome of God. For Robberies, thele forts of 0 mt!'n eft>ccially are f;mot!S: Theet:cs by the high wayes, Pyrates vpon the S~as, Souldiors not content with :heir pay, and Si' hofoeuer they bee, that bymame force take that which is none oftheir owne.Luk.;.14.'rhe S••ldi:rs .uktdhirn,Jaying, WhM j11all"'edoe? he foid, TJce <r~iolence tonom•n~either4ccufo ""'I mAn faljity,••dbeCDntent wirhy•ur wages. V I I I.To coufpirewith aThiefc, ~·hether by giuing ad. uice how he may compalfe his enterprife, orby concealing his fat!, that h<e bee not punilhed. P;ou,19.24, Hcth.eiJ P"'"~er l'llith aThiefo, h11tetb himftlfe, nnd beethAt heM'tthcurjing, and difcourrethit not. The punifi1qJent of the(t may at the difcre– tion of chc Judge be fomettmes aggrauateJ, as he feeth the quality ofthe offence to be. There– fore theeu's fometirnes are punilhed with death. Now if any man obictl, that the Iudiciall lawo( God, doth ouely require tbe re!liturion thereof fourefoid f0r fuch an offe11Ce : I an– fwere,tbat the ciuill Magifirate, when he fccrh fome one ~ or many offeoces to iAcreafe, he mayby his authoritie encreafe the ciuil! punilh– ment due to that finne. Now it is manifcfr,that the finne qf theft is farre more grieuous in our Comrnon-we-ale, thee it was among the Iewes. For firfl,the iohabit>nts ofthis Common-weale , are generally,bymany degrees, poore.r then the Iew(S were : therefore to flea le: a thmg,but of fome fmall value, from one in this Countrey, cloth more end2mmage him, then a th'ing of •rrea[ Value would ham: dooe the !ewes. · "' Againe, the people of this Countrey are of 3 more !l:irring , aHd fierce d1fpofinon ; the which maketh Tbeeues to bee mote out– ragious, with their Robberies ioyning ~iolence , and the di!lurbance of the pubhcke tranquilitie of ti>e Countrcy : whereof more 11. regard ought to bee had, then of one priuato I mans life. The •ffir,Ati•t ;•rt. 7'touJl,a/tprefir•e and iff<rr•ft tf) n<igh~•ors g•ods. To this are required thefe 1har (ollow: I. ~ ccrraine <..~lling ~wherein euery man, accordmgtothat g1ft wluch God hat~ giuen htm,mu!\ beRow htmfelfe hone!Uy,to his owne and neighbours good. I.Cor.7. 24. Leteu•ry ,.an\llhtrem he WM callrdlhfrfinllbide wirh god. Eph. 4· 28. ':Pet, 4:10. .Amrd<Og 44 '""Y mffn bath recuutd A gift, fo ltt h•ma6fminiflir to ••other, thatyee "'") bee good difptnfirs of the manifold gram of q,d, Gal. 5·1;. In i<Hefir•e B one llr.other. · II. The true vfe ofRiches, andall the goods a man which btlongtwo Vertues,Cori. tentation,and Thrifrinc-fT~. Contentation is aVertuc~ where-by arrian is well pl<af~d witb that e!lar.,~herein be is pla– ced. x.Tt01.6,6. 9•d/mrJ!iugrMtg•iNe;rt~ith• contenttd minde. 7· Forwttbr~t',ghtnGtbingit:ttl the world,neith~rfh4/J weC4Y1J 411J rht'ng ollt oftht 't>Jorld:711tt~h4Hmg{oede andr~mtnt1let 'VS be ctm~ tent. Phil.4. I I. 1h11ue le~trntd in \:Vhaifouurjlatt I am,thercWi!h to be &onte1tlt. 1'1· 1 can be~b«ftd, A1fd1c~tnllbom~tl;eHery \\Jhere inaB things l~tmi.n~ flr•Eied, both to bef•R,•nd to bt h•ngrie; tmd ro•· boundl~tndt, hiiHeft1AWt. Matth.6.J I . GinevsthU d~1•ur~lybre•d. Heb·I3·5•Lety•ur<onuerf•- C t:on he "#Jm1t c~l4ttoll{rujfo, 11nd be conttnt with • 1 tj>t things,.hi<hy•u h••e:for hefoith,[l'll•lnotfor. Ifttkt tbte,nor le•ue thet. Tbriftinell'c,orfrugalitk,is aVcrtne,wheriby aman carefully keeperh his goods 1>hich bee bath gotten, and imployeth them to fuclt vfes as arc both oecclfarie and profitable. Prou. s: I· f. 'I1rinkt the ~•terof thy Cejhrne, agd ofthe Rilttrs,oHtcj'tht widdes ojthme o)fr~e We0.r6.Ltt thyF1unMines fluwforth,llnd the Ri11ers ofWflttrs in thejlruts. I 7.Ltt them be thine owne,yett 1 thine only,and nDt theflr'angers With tbce,Pro.z I. 5.The tho•ghts •ftht dilige•t doeforely bring •bnndance. 17. Hee that•f/im•, jhaO be • P"" man, •ndhet that IDueth ~ineand"Jfe foaO not bee rich. Prou. I 1.>7. ThedeceitfuH ""'" rsjitthn.r th•t D ~hich he barb ta~e•;,h••ting : kHttherichts of the dilig•nt .trepretillm. loh.6.I z. II I. To fpeake the truth from the heart , and to vfc an harmelcffe fimplicitie in all a(. fair<s. Pfai.I 5.2. He th.e,.al~ethvprightly,and 'R'Drk._tthrighttoufoeffi, he thAt .ffieA~tt/J tbt truth itr hi> heart, Gen. 2 3·I 5• Ephronfoid:• .Abrah4m, Tht l•ndiJ worth fo•re hmtdredjhtke/s ofJil•er, whttt Hth~tt hetWetfJernee Andthee?bury therifore thy dead. 18,So .AbYAh•mhM~tntdtoEphron,••d .Abr.ham J>tighed to Epfmn the fil•er, t>hich hee h~td n4med in tht JtuJience cf the Hittitts, tutn fo~re hundreth Jhtk.!ls 6f currttnt Money ttmsng t.JI111rghants,(j-c. I V. lull dealiog. x.Theff.'\·6· Ofthis there are many kindcs, I. In buying and fdling,in letting ond hiring of Farmes, Tenements, Lacds : in.Marchandizc,