68 '!be order ofthe cai!fts ndfe we fee in any man whatfoeuer,aRd onely to fpeake ofthe fame.Tir.3 .2. That th'Jtprok,f euillofnoman, that they be nofighters, but foft, fbcJlling ofll meekpts to ;~U men. Morc:ouc:r, wc:e mu£1 withall defire, rcceiuc:, and belc:c:ue re– ports ofour neighborsgood.At!.J6.J, Then c111me he to DerheandLyftr.:)andbehold 1 4certtn Jifciple WIU thcre~namedTimothem, 4 'WomatJs fon which"'"' a/ewejfipd brlttutd, but hi• f•· ther "'M 4 <]rtcilln, 2. • Of U1h1m the brethren which were at Lyftraand {r:oninm,rrp(Jrtcdwl'i. 3.Thmfore <' a11/ W•nld that hr jl"uldgotj<rth Witb him,11nd tG~~ fl,dcirc"mcijed him. Not– with!landing this mull be fo performed ofvs, that in no wife we prouc: and allow ofthe vi– ces and faults ofmen. Chro,25,2•.Andhe did vpright!J in the eirs·oftbe Lord, but nlJt 'ft'ithA ttrfdl hm.& •7·•..AmJ he did <~pri,rhiiJintht fight ofthe Lord, arcordiog to•B th•t hu f•ther Yu.Mh did,foue that he tntrtdiwt~ the utnplt•f theLord,&thepeqp/e didya e1rr11pt their w~titt. I II. To interpret a doubtfu11 cuill to the bettcrpart.J.Cor.t3·S·L<•e think!thoot e•il: 7./1 btletueth •llthingJ,it hopethaUthingJ,()en. · 37•31•.Andthry too~ l•ftphs cw,& kj_lletl• ~id ofthegD<tJ,& dipped th<Coat in the b/octl. p.So theyjintth<t f<Yti-colaredcw,& theybroughtit tD theirf•tther,& foid,thU haue wef6Ud.fte now, 'Whether it be thy fonJCo.t or no.33.Thtnhe f<!!e,. it,aoafoid, It u myfom cOAt,• l>ickfd~taft hath tkttQHrui him,lofipb isfor~!J t•rne ;,pieces. A I Aman ?ouldfuppofe,rhat bythisllleancs, we lhou!d be partal<ers ofother mens fiones. ·But we mull know,thatweought to concea!e . cur neigbours imperf(t\ions, l<ll he fi,ou!d be prouokcd to cffcncc:yct in the meane fca· fcn,hee mull be admenilhed, that hee maya. mend.Ga!.6.J.lam.5·19· Bmhrtn, if•ry•f J'" h1111terredftomthe trmb,,mdfi1nt ml!nhttth '"nuertedhim;J.o. Let him l:!o~,tbf!ft he which h4thc~mttrtt4thtj1mtrji·&mgsing t~Jlr•y•l(t of huTr!"], jl,allfaHeafoulefrom t/wh, andjhA/J hide 11 »tHititHdtoffi,mer. But ifthe tlnnc ~·hich isconccaleCI,cannOt thereby be taken away, then mull we in loue and charity, declare the fame to thofc, which B may remooue •"d ametd the fame. Gen. 37·• wl"n lo[tpb"'"'ftnummne Y'"'" old, he ~tpt fbeep ll';rh ku trtthno & rkechiidwtU ,.,htht '"""ofBilhah,•n4""h thefons •f Zf phah, ?.u "f~tthtrs Wiltts:and[oftph_to/dt vaothtirjftthtr, their tNilf"J"'gs.I.Cor.J.J t .Ffr tt h~tth hinJe. tlttrtd 1-nto~e,mybrethrc•lofJfilt, IJ tJumr~t •reofthe hcuje of[W~,thlll tlureare 'tllttrrtie~m ttr•ongJ""'·Math,t8.t6. But ifh: hucrt :I.,. eTillr, - t•~ 'With thetonr.&r tt\1CJ,tb~tt lry ~ht mottthfi[IJl'f or three 'A•it»tj[es tHcry w~rd may becon(irmeJ4 V I. To get agood name and dlimation among men,and tokeepCthe fame when \l'c:c h3uc gottc:n it.Phil....S.F,.rtbcrmerebrtthrm, wh11t(eeutr things 4retrue,VPhatfo(118r thill.fJ ttre bowtjl, whatjotNtr thitttl ifrt iHjl, wb.ufoeNtr And here obferue t~e religion of tl>ar /o. ftpb,which was betrothed toM•ry,whowhen he raw that Mar}' was with child, was readier toc6clbde,that before her betrothing lhe was with chi!deby committing fornication, then after by committing adultery. .libth.t. IJ>. But for all this, menmufl not be too too cre– du!ou• or light ofbeliefe.loh.2.24. Butlefu JiJ not commit 1Jim(el[e1.1ntotbrm, ~e&aHjehe kz:;t'i'JthemaU. I V. Notto belceue aneuill report, run· ning abroad arnong!l the common peop!e,by the whifpering·of talc-bearers, as it were by condbit pipes.Pfal.t S· 3.He tbaiJlanJmth not With bU t9~~ut,nurdot hmill''.hU ~righborllfr receit,ethafalft rep~rt againft hu tmghbor. Ic:r. 40.14· .And ti''Jfoid ""''hi"!, Kno'WeflthoH D nDt,th4t B~talUtheK i.ng ofthe .Amm111irs,bAth {ent '/Jimwl, tbefon ofNethaniah, to flay thee? but Gulaliah thefonne of.Abi~am,beleeueJhim not. 1 '·B•t qedaliab the fonof .Aht~am, foid 'Vnto lt~thtmlln the(onnl Df KarMh,tb~JI.Jh.tlt lf#t C thingt are f""' Y!Ph•tfotutr things.reofg,.dn. port~ifthere be t~ny vtrtHt, if t hfrehe417 prttift, think_on thtfi things.Agood name isgotten. 1. Ifwe,feekingthe kingdome ofCodbefore al thin&s,do repent vs ofal ourfins,andwith an earne!l defire, embrace& follow afcerrightc– oufncs.Pro.J o.7.Tht 111tmoriaU if the iuflfoal be bieffitl,bHt the n<mufrhe"Prickfdfl,alrot.Mar '4·9·Ytrily'/foy """)'ON, 'WhtrtfotNtr thil G•· .ffeljl,.lbepre-.hedthroNghiHtthe ~>hole llmltl, thu •lfo ;h., {11t bath doneJluu hejpok!_nafinre. membr.nceofher.2.Wemullhaueacareboth · to iudge,& fpeakwe! ofothers.Mat.7.2.With what i•dgtmeotye iudge,yefoal bti•dgtd.Eccl. 7·13• GiHenot thine h~Fort ttljDto •lltbew~rJs that men .fPe.k!, left thoNd" he•re thy firunt &Hrjing thee. 24. For ofttntimu alfo thine he~trt ~nowtth,that thoH lik!Vvifi haflc•rftd .,her•..3· We mu!hbllaine from all kinde ofwicked– ncffe:for one onlyvice or finne doth obfcure •nd darken a mans good namt. licdef.to.x. DwJjli11 c••Jt tajlin~, & putriftetht•Jntmtnt ofthe .A;orhecary:fodothalitlefoHyhim that u i•ef/imati•ofor wifidome,andforgtrry. + We n:u!l in a! things earne!lly feeke for the glory of God only,and not our own.Mar.6. s. .And when thfiH prAitfllbt tJot IU the hJ-pocritsf6rdJ'-] foHI ffl jlandcJ prAJ intht S1nt~gogktJ,& int!Je 'orncrr oftheflrt~ttS1bttAufi thry woMkibeftene ofmm: Vtriiy,l foy vnto }'ou,th£) h~tNtthtir rt– \tll'lrd. 6. 'ENt \\!hmrlmJprttyrp, tntcrint,thy ,h.tmbtr)11ndwhm t h,,,, hnjlji1Nf t hy·doort, pr4_) vntothJ Ftttbtr whi6h is injccret,tendthyF11thtr whichfteth i•jicret,jiMRre,..,d thttoprnly. doe tbu thing,forthoujpeakfflfaljly oflfomael, But we cuohtalfoto be angry at filch whifpe– rin~s.Pro.~).23· As the NDrth ').Jinde drimth 4W1)' the raine,fo dothnn .cngry coHnttnAnce tht fliinderin[. tongue. V.To keepc fecret the offence ofour neigh– bour,except it mull ofnccersity bee reuealed. Prou.J o. 1 ~- Ht~tredjlirrtth vptrmtmtion: but foue couerethalltr~JPaffcs.Math.I·l 9• The? 1_~foph her hmb&rndbcintJ aiuft m11n,andnf't "Wzllmg I to m<1k_eher• p1tbl;k! ~xample,-n•as mindtd to pHt -~" aW"JJecrrr!J. Bot